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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. Beartooth Hwy can easily be done from Cody. That highway can have snow anytime in the summer so don't plan around specific dates. Likewise, we've been in Yellowstone and Grand Tetons mid-May with good weather..... warm days; bring an extra blanket for nights..... lots of baby animals, less crowds.
  2. Class A's without propane have been around for many years.
  3. Welcome to the forum. Where is your final destination for Yellowstone? That makes a difference. Are you staying in the park itself or an outlying town? We always seek out secondary highways to avoid big cities and to see more of this country. If you want to take interstates here is a possible route that I would do: I-49 north to Texarkana then 82 west to 287 near Wichita Falls. This avoids Dallas. Then 385/87 to I-25 north through Denver (again, good secondary hwys to avoid I-25). Pick up 287 at Ft. Collins, CO to Riverton, WY then 26/20/14 to Cody. If taking I-25 to Buffalo then 16 to Worland and on to Cody you'll have a steep pass on 16 which is very doable but with 5-7% grades downhill for approx 18 miles. It Powder River Pass. We've done it a few times but then we love driving mountains. We've been to Yellowstone many, many times and have used all roads leading into it. We like them all! Each national park has a great website and here is Yellowstone's. Check back to it when it gets closer to your trip for any updated information on roads, special alerts, etc. https://www.nps.gov/yell/index.htm Here are the planned opening dates for campgrounds in Yellowstone. Note that Fishing Bridge is the only one with hookups and they plan to open in May. https://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/hours.htm Also, here is a good description for all roads leading into Yellowstone: http://www.rvtechmag.com/travel/4_yellowstonebyrv.php
  4. We had the privilege to be able to sit down to meals with Joe & Kay Peterson a couple times at Escapades. Interesting and fun couple who did a big service to the RV world.
  5. Brownsville is full of crime, drugs and poverty. Stay in another town and go for a quick drive-through.
  6. This is an excellent group to park with at Quartzsite - the Escapees Boomers. Lots of fun and activities during 2 weeks of Quartzsite including seminars on many topics, and they'd definitely be able to help you with AT&T/Moberly. You don't have to pre-register. Just come and park your RV and you're warmly welcomed. From their recent newsletter: Boomerville in Quartzite AZ – January 16 - 30, 2022 Park your RV at the Plomosa Road Boomerville Camp (33°46’00.6”N 114°10’35.4”W) and enjoy the Quartzite RV Show (January 22-30) as well as the Rock and Gem Show (January 1 – February 28). 2022 co-hosts are Rebecca Crofton, Walter Harmon, Ron Stuebing and Dee Stuebing. For more info, check out the Newbies Guide to Boomerville in the Escapees Boomer Facebook group Files section.
  7. I just tried the reservation link given here and it worked. https://balloonfiesta.com/RV-Information
  8. CO13 from Rifle to Craig is an easy drive. Rifle Gap State Park is very nice.
  9. I think you're overthinking this. All you're doing is moving to another state. and it seems, dropping the LLC. Contact Florida DMV for more information but here's a site giving you some..... don't know how current it is. First..... establish Florida residency. Then 'move' there. Millions do it all the time. https://www.mymove.com/moving/guides/dmv-change-of-address/
  10. If you're only spending 2 weeks why not use the free areas rather than the long-term. We love Scaddan Wash area. There are always RV pumpout trucks roaming through these areas. Once you're there talk to others or go to the CofC/Visitor's Center to ask for some phone numbers. http://thedyrt.com/magazine/local/rv-campers-guide-quartzsite-az/
  11. .... and even more backlog is created during the 5 yr. The money is spread over all the parks in the country; not just a few. Backlog just keeps building. The parks are hurting. Visitors don't see it. It's behind the scene need .... water pipes, buildings, road repair, etc. There would never be enough campgrounds to satisfy the public. The more they'd build people would want more. Eyesores. Also, 5 million + deaths isn't just 'panic' or 'theater'!!
  12. Escapees parks usually have a bulletin board that you could perhaps post on..... after asking the office if allowed.
  13. The Xscapers subgroup of the Escapees RV Club is the place you want to hang out. They meet up in various places and are very helpful with any issues you may have - working, traveling, etc. https://www.escapees.com/community/xscapers/
  14. We set 'tracks' with the GPS so that when you backtrack you can easily follow it out. Great for hiking or 4-wheeling.
  15. I think this is what you're referring to. Perhaps someone who has registered their vehcile recently can comment. We didn't have to do this a while ago. Vehicle Registration Requirements:http://txdmv.gov/forms-tac A vehicle owner has 30 days to register a vehicle after establishing residency in Texas. The vehicle has to be physically present in Texas to be inspected. Once the inspection is completed and the vehicle has passed, the owner must go to the county tax office with the proof of inspection and proof of car insurance. Vehicle owners that are still making payments on their vehicle will need to complete Texas Certificate of Title (Form 130-U), the Application for Registration Purposes Only (Form VTR-272), and provide current proof of registration. Vehicle owners that are no longer making payments on their vehicle will need to produce the current title and current registration. RV owners must bring proof of weight and a photograph of the exterior of the vehicle. The registration fee is based on the weight of the vehicle. RV owners might find bringing a copy of the spec sheet, located in the RV, to be helpful. The weight of 5th-wheels and travel trailers must be provided as gross weight. The weight for motorhomes must be provided as unloaded weight. A photograph is required simply for terminology purposes
  16. If you are flexible and you can swing it it might be best to sell your home while prices are high and then live in your RV for a time until prices come down... if they do. That way you aren't pressured into buying.
  17. Ray, so very sorry for your losses. You now have a lot on your shoulders. Bless you!
  18. Yes, single folks have enjoyed companionship with others and many travel together in their own rigs; some have married. We know of a few who have done so. There are also single RVer groups that you may want to look into. They are not dating groups but they meet up at various places and enjoy activities together. These groups are typically retiree ages. https://www.lonersonwheels.com/ https://rvsingles.org/
  19. I just looked up Missouri's procedures of buying out-of-state. The first link is what you need to do to begin: https://dor.mo.gov/forms/5687.pdf https://dor.mo.gov/motor-vehicle/titling-registration/buying-vehicle.html
  20. I'd suggest stopping at or calling a nearby TX DMV office for the accurate information & also call your MO DMV to see how it's to be handled there to register it in MO.
  21. Years ago we joined a few BOFs. One purpose was to arrange get-togethers with like-minded RVers, and discuss and do things together. It was a way to meet other RVers with the same interests and have an enjoyable few days or weeks together. We made life-long friends through our BOF contacts. For photography I would guess they'd meet up and do some photo shoots together, talking techniques and equipment and returning to compare photos, etc. It makes it a lot more pleasant than getting on a forum or reading an article about photography.... just another extension of a hobby.
  22. The BOF groups need leaders and participation to keep them going. If it seems to have gone by the wayside perhaps you can start it up again. Maybe do an article for the Escapees magazine to generate interest. Contact Escapees for information on how to get it going again.
  23. Yuma, Arizona may be better for you.... cheaper and a lot of RV parks. Many RV parks don't allow certain breeds of dogs. What is yours? Good luck finding a reasonable place!
  24. Just a short ferry away: https://wheelingit.us/?s=liberty+harbor This writer has done about six articles on the RV park and visiting the city. Read them all. They had a 40' motorhome at the time. She gives lots of beautiful photos and writes well. Also check out her Campground Reviews with a link at the very top of the page.
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