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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. I guess I'm not understanding that you're so worried about this being a serious problem. If it hasn't been so far I just don't see it. I think we've all been procrastinators at some time but eventually things work out. For your dryer issue..... how about asking him to take the clothes to the laundramat for you? Perhaps that'll get him movin' a little! I just read your post from 2-1/2 years ago worry about crossing into Canada with prescription dog food! Perhaps you need to take a relaxation class! 😉 I don't mean this in a bad way but how are you going to have fun when you finally get the RV and take off? You can't anticipate everything that 'could' happen. Worrying about 'what ifs' is not good for you. You'll deal with any problems if/when they happen. Things have a way of working out! If I told you the stories of things that happened to us during our 16 years of full-timing you'd never go. We laugh about the mistakes we've made and things that went wrong.
  2. I'm curious as to what his reply is when you ask him to fix something. What's the reason he's reluctant? Are you constantly after him to get to work? Again.... he's never had to do it in the 5-bedroom home so to me it's understandable he'll be reluctant to do in in your 3-bedroom home. If I were you I'd pay to get your dryer in working order and move on. This is really bothering you and it's not good for either of you. He'll soon see how things cost when having to pay for everything and perhaps he'll start initiating the repair.
  3. This is the place to learn: https://www.rvschool.com/school-locations/ We always felt it was important for both husband and wife to know how to do everything regarding their RV.... driving and dealing with the hookups. You never know when one would be sick or injured. We both took turns with every move during our 16 years of full-timing so that the skill could be kept up and without panic if needed to do it in short notice. It was especially nice during our all summer trip to Alaska. Then each of us could enjoy the scenery. Good luck! You're doing the right thing.
  4. Sorry, I thought you were in a RV. So it sounds like you had everything done for you in the past so I guess it's understandable that he's reluctant to tackle things now. Still..... just moving in .... can't things wait a bit? Again, you need to talk it out before getting a RV. Either have someone deal with repairs if an older one or if buying new be hopeful that things can be done by the warranty in the first year. Another thought... if moving from a 5 bedroom it sounds like you enjoy lots of room so when getting a RV perhaps a small one won't work for both of you.
  5. It's only been two weeks. Are the jobs necessary or can they be put on hold until a little later. This was a huge change in lifestyle for both of you. Perhaps he just wants to relax for a bit. How was he with repairs when you lived in a S&B home? Not everyone are repairmen. It may just be worthwhile to get someone to do them. If they're small jobs it should cost that much. If you're in a RV park now perhaps the office would have a recommendation. Definitely.... you two need to talk about what the underlying issue is if this isn't typical of him. Good luck!
  6. Welcome! I predict you'll be successful in your new lifestyle and the 3am awakenings will soon disappear! If you ever get bored I'm sure there are dude ranches that would need your expertise for a part-time gig.
  7. We had TPMS, also but we checked tire pressure at least monthly.
  8. We've done all those trails with our Jeep around Silverton/Ouray. Awesome area! We boondocked over the years at the Mineral Creek BLM area. Silverton is a fun town and puts on a first class July 4 celebration.
  9. I sure wouldn't want to be in a large crowd at this time.
  10. I totally agree. There are jobs out there. I quit giving to panhandlers when I saw one packed up for the day getting into a spiffy newish car!
  11. Here's another source: https://www.campgroundreviews.com/regions/tennessee/nashville
  12. I think all interstates need improvement. Hope help is on the way. We like secondary highways.
  13. A 'MUST' anytime but the Fall season is absolutely awesome with color. There are two campgrounds - Platte River with electric and dumpstation and waterfill. (We volunteered there 9 Fall seasons) and D.H. Day - no hookups. Get a reservation now as it's an extremely popular place. Nice hiking, scenic drive overlooking the dunes and Lake Michigan, a gentle canoe trip for a couple hours down the Platte River ending at Lake Michigan. The canoe rental is right across from Platte River campground.
  14. At Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park we succeeded in splitting the 3-month requirement with another couple but don't count on that happening often. The big parks like the 3-month commitment because they don't have to be constantly training. Rocky Mountain has over 1,000 volunteers a season. Smaller parks are more laid-back.
  15. Some workers on the road have toy haulers and have it set up as an office. That may be an option for you.
  16. A subgroup of the Escapees RV Club is the Xscapers group. There are typically on the younger side and many have children. Many also work from their RV so they may be able to answer you questions. I believe they have an active Facebook site. https://www.escapees.com/community/xscapers/ Also, you would need your own wifi setup and not rely on RV parks. This couple could help to answer questions. They are also Xscapers. Look under their Technology link for good setup info: https://www.technomadia.com/ I really doubt a RV park clubhouse would let you set up a workspace daily. The clubhouse is used for activities.
  17. We've volunteered a lot during our 16 years of full-timing. Kirk gave some good resource information and as he stated, the national parks will usually want a 3 month commitment. Fish and Wildlife shorter times and state parks shorter times. If you want interpretative Oregon State Parks are a good choice. We gave lighthouse tours at Heceta Head Lighthouse & I see they have an opening for 2022. We also did South Manitou Island Lighthouse summers in Michigan - Sleeping Bear Dunes Nat'l Lakeshore. Also gave tours at Kartchner Caverns State Park, AZ. Check the park volunteer sites for more openings. Good luck! It gives you a good feeling to help our parks out since they are so short-funded. They will all have space for your RV. We also volunteered at a local school with their early elementary reading program. Many volunteer opportunities out there and with a little experience they will then be easier to come by. https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=get-involved.volunteer-opening&oppId=872
  18. So.... you're asking about staying on the EAST side of Yellowstone so that would be Cody, WY. Check these out: https://www.campgroundreviews.com/regions/wyoming/cody You'll be doing a lot of driving including Sylvan Pass. You won't be in your RV but you'll have 5-6% grades and sharp curves down to the Fishing Bridge/Yellowstone Lake area. Should be fun in the buggy!
  19. No, it's not rare. Grizzlies are commonly seen roadside in Yellowstone and we've seen many black bears close up.
  20. The only one that I know of that bans soft tops & tents is Fishing Bridge campground in Yellowstone. That area has a lot of grizzlies. Other campground in Yellowstone allow soft top campers and tents.
  21. What would be ideal for a single person is a murphy bed or similar. No wasted space. Do some Googling. Here are some: https://www.godownsize.com/rvs-with-murphy-beds/
  22. Things have probably changed since the 1980's. If going through Escapees to set up domicile it can be done in a very short time... a couple days at the most.
  23. Plan to stay in West Yellowstone or the immediate outskirts. Each national park has a great website which includes things to do, map, special alerts regarding fires, road construction, etc. Read them thoroughly and Google the surrounding towns for things to do. Everyone's wants are different and it sounds like you want to reserve various types of accommodations. Also, check back on these websites just before leaving so you're not disappointed on possible closures for various reasons. https://www.nps.gov/yell/planyourvisit/things2do.htm#onthisPage-0 https://www.nps.gov/grte/planyourvisit/things2do.htm
  24. You did it the right way rather than most who would just pull in and start draining their oil. We've seen some remnants of oil changes.... not pretty ... plus, they even toss the containers for someone else to pick up.
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