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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. If you read the homes listings in the link I gave above, they do mention things like "able to use the clubhouse and facilities" and "CARE". So those homes must have connections to the Club.
  2. We had friends who tried to full-time in their Airstream and found it wasn't insulated enough.... hot in summer; cold in winter (in Arizona).
  3. Sorry, I don't know the answer. Guess it's best to call Escapees.
  4. You have to be a members of Escapees to live in their parks. Once a member you'll receive a bi-monthly magazine and there will be some ads in it. Do a Google for Escapee RV Club properties for sale and some will appear. Here's one: https://www.har.com/subdivisions/rainbow-end-realestate/46023 Some of the parks require that you put your name on a waiting lists and some lists are a two year+ wait but not all. Those would be the co-op parks and their lots are leased; not sold. Some have a small 'casita' on them. It may be best to call the park that you're interested in for more information. Good luck!
  5. Keep in mind that the highest cases are in the 40-49 group. I wish they'd be more careful so as not to pass this virus on to the older folks.
  6. We've been known to pack up and move within 30 min. We don't put out much 'stuff' inside so it's easy to clear off counters, etc. Most things can be done the night before. Hooking up the car to the MH takes 5 min.... really. Depending on where we are or where we're going or how long we've stayed .... dumping or filling with fresh water isn't necessary. If in a campground we don't hook up the water or sewer hose unless staying an extended time and then, only the water hose. The sewer hose is easy to pull out & use and return. Boondocking on public lands is even easier. No hookups to worry about. We do that enroute. Everyone gets a system eventually. We get a kick out of watching weekenders in a state park. They haul out so much stuff!
  7. From 'Breaking911'???? https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/breaking911/
  8. CDC said don't take aspirin or ibuprofen BEFORE the vaccination but it's OK afterward.
  9. You mentioned traveling north to avoid the heat. That isn't necessarily so. You need to concentrate on elevation or along the coastline. Some places north can be very hot, such as eastern Oregon and Washington and South Dakota, North Dakota. Instead, think of elevation and above 6000' elevation. We enjoyed 7500'-8000' in the summer or along the coast.
  10. This couple would be able to answer your questions. They are Escapees and X-scapers and give presentations on various technology subjects. They full-time in an RV and a boat. https://www.technomadia.com/
  11. Going to be interesting to see where the country is at in 3-4 weeks.
  12. I believe Days End is still available if you're an Escapee. Look on the Escapee web site for joining. Everything is online now so I don't know if they publish a paper format.
  13. If you ever have a chance to take a tour of the mail facility, do so. It's like a regular post office with modern equipment. Years ago Livingston had a bad ice storm and employees couldn't get in. They recruited some volunteers (us) to help sort mail - the old way; before the modern equipment. A month or so later we were talking to a SKP and he mentioned something was sent to his mail in January and he just now received it. That was at the time we did the sorting. Surely, we couldn't have made a mistake and put it in the wrong slot! 😏
  14. Don't you think the vaccine is an important thing to pay for? It could be worse: https://www.gobankingrates.com/taxes/tax-laws/shocking-things-taxes-pay-for/#2
  15. We both worked at a pharmaceutical company (which folks are now getting vaccines from). We worked with studies. This Danish study would never fly. It was poorly done and doesn't prove a thing. DENMARK: 211,000 cases vs. U.S. 29,300,000 cases DENMARK: 2300 deaths vs. U.S. 527,000 deaths DENMARK: 5 million population vs. U.S. 331 million population From the above link: The Times also cited pushback against the study, namely over the low rate of infection in Denmark at the time of the trial and the participants self-reporting, meaning their mask-wearing was not independently verified:
  16. AGESILAUS: Here's a good article to put you to sleep. When you finish there are more recommendations of articles at the very end of this first article: https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118 ... and more https://trinity.duke.edu/research-offers-visible-proof-masks-work https://www.ama-assn.org/delivering-care/public-health/clear-your-patients-confusion-about-which-masks-work-best https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2020/06/stanford-scientists-contribute-to-who-mask-guidelines.html AGESILAUS: Why are you digging your heels into this? There are many, many experts in this field of study and you're not one of them. If everyone believed like you we'd never get back to normal.
  17. Isn't it amazing that since wearing masks and social distancing that there is hardly any flu this year? Masks do work!
  18. .... not the first time someone making the first post doesn't return. Our opinion was asked and we gave it. I don't see what's so sad about it.
  19. Here's the Leisure Van 'Serenity' with a dry bath. Wow! Those Class B's are extremely pricey!! https://www.rvtrader.com/listing/2020-Leisure-Travel-Vans-Serenity-S24CB-5015464094
  20. We did you do this? We did it as hosts at Lost Dutchman State Park, Arizona. It's an awesome experience!!!
  21. They are all pretty sterile meaning lack of trees and landscaping, close sites and and lots of permanent Park Model trailers so best to zero in on activities that you want to do. A 'heads up' also, some, not all, permanent folks sometimes act like they own the park and are not friendly. Don't let that deter you. You'll have plenty of renters, such as you, to mingle with. Compare the web sites and use Google Maps Satellite View so you can zero in and see close up what they really look like. Personally, we love the Phoenix Maricopa Regional Parks and Lost Dutchman State Park but unfortunately, only allow 2-week stays. That's where we stayed when visiting our daughter. However, since they're spaced in different areas of huge Phoenix you could move every 2 weeks and explore each area. For Tucson, Catalina State Park is great and a popular RV park is the Voyager, similar to the parks you mentioned in Casa Grande. With 4 months planned you could also move around the state and explore different areas. Have a good visit!
  22. The 'small' 5" porch light is plenty of light for your patio area. Your eyes adjust to darkness. This comes to mind what a national park ranger said to another camper when the camper refused to turn down their music when we, as volunteers, asked them to turn it down: "Your campsite is yours. Anything you do that carries over to your neighbor's site is out of line including lights, noise and walking through their site". Also, the high, large 'security' lights shine straight out to the neighbors.
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