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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. Ingredients in Covid vaccine: https://covidvaccine.mo.gov/facts/
  2. For the skeptics out there..... Pfizer's vaccine consisted of 44,000 participants. 170 got the virus and 162 of them were in the placebo group. Moderna's vaccine consisted of 30,000 participants. 95 got the virus and 90 of them were in the placebo group. The vaccine cannot give you the virus because it doesn't contain the virus. It works differently than other vaccines. A recap.... 74,000 total received the vaccine. 265 got the virus. 13 of the 265 received the actual vaccine but they couldn't have gotten the virus from the vaccine because the vaccine doesn't contain the virus. The cases were from being in the outside community. As you can see from the numbers above, even with those that received the actual vaccine the vaccine is not 100% if you mingle with the public. Chances are even slimmer of getting the virus from the general public if the general public all receives the vaccine. A extraordinary percentage of efficacy in the 90's which these are, is unheard of for other vaccines. It's an awesome percentage. These vaccines are proven to be safe and you definitely don't have to "wait and see". They've been tested. That's why trials are done before they're approved. I hope everyone does their part in controlling this virus. (By the way, we both worked at Upjohn Pharmaceutical who was bought out by Pfizer. We've been in that Kalamazoo building that is in the news. We've worked on many studies over the years. Makes us proud to have even the smallest remote connection.) https://www.statnews.com/2020/11/18/pfizer-biontech-covid19-vaccine-fda-data/
  3. Here's an interesting article on how the vaccine came to be. A lot of the background work was done years ago. It didn't just get started this year. Also, this vaccine doesn't contain the virus. It works in a different way than previous vaccines. https://www.tampabay.com/news/health/2020/12/07/how-did-we-get-a-coronavirus-vaccine-so-fast-years-of-research/
  4. Can the surgery wait for a year or so? Since the general public probably won't get the vaccine until next summer it's going to take a while to see any effect.
  5. We once crossed into Canada. We were asked if we had any repellant onboard. I stated "just dog repellant for when we bike". The agent took it inside and came out and said "I'm sorry but I'll have to take this as it's not meant for bears". (All of $3 bucks worth or so). He said bear spray is allowed if it's marked accordingly. He was very apologetic. So for Canada, the only repellant allowed is for bears.
  6. There may be an issue if you get one shot in one state and plan to get the second in another state. Also, you probably won't be able to mix up the two (Pfizer & Moderna) for the second shot. Make sure to find out the definites when inquiring about the vaccine for you. This is an article I just read in the Washington Post: "As the nation gears up to vaccinate tens of millions of Americans against the novel coronavirus, public health officials are facing novel dilemmas, driven by the urgency of the pandemic, the fact that only a small minority may have immunity from prior exposure and by the vaccine available at each site, with the differing intervals between shots depending on the manufacturer. They will need to keep track of people who have received one dose in order to send a reminder about the need to return a few weeks later. They worry that the first vaccine may make people feel just sick enough that they won’t want to go through the ordeal again. And they foresee hitches if people get their first dose at, say, Walgreens and go to CVS for their second, or, worse still, if they cross state borders, moving from one health department’s registration system to another".
  7. I really doubt those of advanced age will get it in December. There is a big population before the elders. Recommendations were made but the states will decide.
  8. Here's a link to the campground: https://www.azgfd.com/shooting/basf/camping/ Here's a nearby BLM site: https://thedyrt.com/camping/arizona/great-blm-camping-and-staging-area .... and others: https://freecampsites.net/#!Lake Pleasant Regional Park, AZ
  9. It's back but looking different.
  10. September 20 - Oct 1 is not too late for Yellowstone if the campground you want is open. We've been there a few times during that timeframe with nice days and cold nights.
  11. We had this issue with our 5th wheel in the winter in the southern states. We began cracking the windows slightly as well as the ceiling vents and the closet sliding doors so our clothes didn't get musty. Opened the kitchen window fully when cooking and the bath vent fully when showering. We also pulled our mattress away from the wall a few inches during the day to let it dry out. We once traveled from Texas into Arizona and went to the store asking for a dehumidifier. We got laughed at. "We use humidifiers here; not dehumidifiers". 😊
  12. Are you traveling extensively now? Or planning to do so? If planning, since we don't know how bad it is we're really not capable of giving you advice. That should come from you doctor. If beginning stage try going close to home for a short time and see how it goes but that's not an absolute gauge for when traveling full-time. They do best with a constant in their lives so moving around could be very confusing. You definitely couldn't leave them alone.... ever. Talk to your doctor and go from there. It's difficult.
  13. If you buy again.... don't put them in the washer. Would something like this work? I just did a Google and many more sites appear. Even those for a home may work. Good luck! https://kofflersales.com/p/stair-tread-mats.asp?itemid=78032?parameter&gclid=CjwKCAiA5IL-BRAzEiwA0lcWYrrax0laeCcY6Uuo4hIBid5nUt1KP0JL5ggIVVbMSmEgTquzn7fBoRoCTHcQAvD_BwE
  14. Did you put them in a washing machine? I purposely selected a dark color and just sweeping them worked and didn't show any dirt. Lasted 8 yr.
  15. I'd be interested in knowing where they park that big rig for a month.
  16. We never let a mapping program dictate how we're going to get there. Like Jinx & Wayne in the above post, we use a paper atlas to find what we want to see along the way & create our route based on those areas. We really like the Benchmark individual state atlases as the scale is large and shows many details, especially public areas which we like.
  17. Here's the link: https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/the-roku-channel-adds-30-new-channels/
  18. When choosing a Prescription plan don't only go by the lowest cost; look at the Tiers your medications are in, also. The higher the Tier the more you'll pay for your drugs.
  19. I love DeLorme!! Still use it.
  20. In Google Maps all you do is 'add a destination' & it will re-route you as to where you want to go. Most often you then have to move your destinations up or down to get you stops in the correct order.
  21. South Dakota's Governor refuses to ask the population to take necessary precautions. She also welcomed the Mt. Rushmore Trump celebration and the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. It is one of the worse states for numbers right now. https://masks4all.co/what-states-require-masks/
  22. This may give you some answers to questions about the vaccine: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/faq.html
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