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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. I recall people using a Boulder City mail service for domicile.
  2. It could be costly: https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2020/09/arizona-man-billed-53520-grand-canyon-fire-started-burning-tp
  3. Here are some pictures of the western national parks in the smoke: https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2020/09/fires-filling-western-national-parks-smoke
  4. I'm sure it's a big disappointment for all but you'll enjoy it more in better times when you can do some siteseeing along the way.
  5. Hope no one is planning on Yosemite soon. The air quality is at 382 - Hazardous. Here is a good site to check the quality for all states. https://www.airnow.gov/state/?name=california
  6. We used to enjoy Motor Home and FMCA ...... before we had internet. They gradually had more advertising rather than substance; especially FMCA.
  7. Thank you. She is better today. The oral steroids and steroid inhaler has helped along with the air quality a little better but still bad. Coincidently, she once lived in your home town, Longmont. I'm curious.... how is the air by your son in Arcata? What are his feelings of you coming for a visit? I hope you will give the RV rental a try to get out of it. Tell him of your asthma and the air quality from the fires. He may support your wish of cancellation or changing the date to later. Good luck in whatever you do!
  8. If you want to apply for your new gig... with past experience ... then you'll have to put that down on your application. However, chances are - even if they would ask you about the experience - you don't have to volunteer why you left. and that you left early Just give them the work experience you performed and the accurate date of leaving. You don't have to put down a date when you were supposed to leave; just the date you left. Don't volunteer anything that you're not asked about. If it does come to that then be honest about the whole thing. There's nothing wrong with leaving the job when you weren't told truthfully what the job entailed and the long hours involved. You'll have a much better experience with your next one.... guaranteed. Keep us informed!
  9. Air quality is in the hazardous numbers for many in California, Oregon & Washington. Our daughter is in Sausalito at San Francisco and has asthma and spent 7 hr. in the ER last night. She had a CT scan and her bronchial tube and bronchi were so swollen they thought she had a pulmonary embolism. She's on oral steroids now. She hasn't left the house since the fires started and still they affected her. That's a horrible area to be right now.
  10. That guy had multiple problems professionally and privately. He was replaced after many complaints.
  11. Did you tell them you were just passing through or that you'll be there longer-term? We never had to fill out a form. Go to the USPS web site and look up the post office you're inquiring about and read about General Delivery. You could also pick a different P.O. enroute.
  12. Don't forget archeology. We volunteered in a park and we suggested they put a sign up... don't even recall the reason. The ranger smiled and said "let me tell you how much time it would take to install a sign". They would have brought in the archeology dept and done a dig to make sure there were no artifacts buried below.
  13. This may help to explain what novel coronavirus means.... the first question: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html
  14. You could take I-80 east to Hwy 71 south to Limon then 24 into Colorado Springs. A little out of your way but we've done that often to avoid big cities. If you have the time, why not? It's a lot more pleasurable way to drive.
  15. Here are some interesting charts: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/512427-covid-19-now-no-3-cause-of-death-in-us https://virusncov.com/ https://informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/covid-19-coronavirus-infographic-datapack/?fbclid=IwAR3wVfkajprv-RKyrVxmRq_Y5pIYurLQbmKWaVuc45dEoJ2PJ8KZLK4wjdo
  16. NOPE. This is the real story: https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/30/politics/twitter-coronavirus-deaths-false-claim-qanon-trump/index.html
  17. Enjoy your 'cool front' for TWO days! Then it's back to the 100's. We're a few degrees cooler in the Tucson area. Daughter lives in your area and absolutely loves it! Naturally, she's a lot younger.
  18. .... meaning Rich seemed concerned that Randy isn't answering fast enough after only a hour.
  19. Great to hear that! I really hope you don't give up your dream of full-timing for a while. Give it another try!!
  20. Only an hour had passed since you noticed!
  21. It's so sad to hear the stories of people that really need people around them, not being able to do so. Has his wife ever looked into bringing him home and getting home help? If he's 50 he may have some years left even with a stroke. Being in a care home will shorten his life. Sorry for getting off-track.
  22. Why not call the manufacturer to see if one can be purchased or special made for you? You also need to make sure the mechanism is still there for using it. I guess sewing a canvas one yourself 'might' be doable but you'd need more that a typical sewing machine. That's a lot of heavy material to handle. Or maybe a canvas shop could make something if you brought in a picture. Or perhaps a sheet metal co. could fabricate just a solid wall to cover up the space. https://sunsettrailers.com/sun-lite-travel-trailers/
  23. I think the picture is 'as is'. There's no back wall that folds down. Here's a video and that isn't mentioned. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EczrpbMmvOU
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