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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. Here's the latest stance on BLM in Arizona. By Quartzsite time read the current rulings before just going there. Should be interesting. https://www.blm.gov/alert/az-covid-19-updates
  2. We've used Mexican dentists with high success in Progresso, TX, Naco, AZ and Algodonas, AZ
  3. I don't know if this has been posted previously but it's interesting: https://www.foxnews.com/health/bandana-is-least-effective-face-mask-material-study-finds
  4. A friend was killed having the RV fall on him and it was chocked. You might want to pay to have it done ... at least the first time .... to see what precautions they take.
  5. That's surprising given the rig you have. What size are your holding tanks? For two of us we were able to last two weeks on 105 fresh (used it for everything, including drinking), 65 grey and 45 black.... and we really did take showers! 😄
  6. Thanks for returning. Wish more folks would do so. You chose a good coach! Where did you end up buying it from? Good travels ahead!
  7. We've had good luck with WalMart pickup at the store. We also ordered from Fry's. We get notified if something isn't available or if it can be substituted. Don't know if you have them near you. Naturally, during March-April, as it was in the stores, some things weren't available. We also ordered meats & vegetables this way which was OK in a pinch. We have no issues. However, I do like to pick my own meats and veggies so now I still go into the stores for that but I have a list and I'm in and out fast. I don't roam the aisles for staples. Our stores have done a terrific job of cleaning, protection and distancing. Our community has also done a good job with masks and distancing. Therefore, when I do go into stores I'm pretty confident.
  8. This graph shows otherwise for Kansas. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/05/graphic-tracking-coronavirus-infections-us/?cmpid=org=ngp::mc=crm-email::src=ngp::cmp=editorial::add=SpecialEdition_20200515&rid=ECC251AB09091E701A4918CF50EAB3DB
  9. Millions of RVers leave their RVs when boondocking. Honestly, I've never heard of breakins and we did for 16 years. We've taken off early morning for siteseeing and returned many hours later. No issue. People are more honest than some think. The problem is when you're in cities.
  10. Anyone going to the rally at Mt. Rushmore on the 3rd? I wouldn't go near it!! Supposed to be approx. 8,000 there. That's so ridiculous.
  11. Now you went and did I..... it's now 🤪in my head, too!!
  12. Rand Paul had the virus and even now he is doubting the experts. Here's an interesting article: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/07/politics/rand-paul-coronavirus-recovery/index.html
  13. Most RV dump stations have a freshwater fill. Many campgrounds allow you to fill for a fee or spend a night in one and get water-related things done and a long shower; fill and dump - even sine forest service campgrounds have hookups, dump and water fill along with city and county parks. Gas stations have an outside faucet. Flying J's and others have RV lanes. Honestly, we boondocked a LOT and never had a problem finding water.... even on the trip to Alaska. Welcome to the forum!!
  14. You state you can afford up to $1500/m. It appears you want more of a upscale resort park. If you'd look at parks at a LOT more reasonable cost I think you could easily find a nice one for $600/m or less. They are out there. Why do you want to stay in California? There are many more reasonable places to stay in cool temperatures for the summer.
  15. I find it amazing that those in the medical field and lab scientists have worn masks forever.... all day long and all kinds. I would think they are the ones who know how to keep viruses at bay. Here's a good article: https://www.unlv.edu/news/article/few-choice-words-about-masks?fbclid=IwAR2yFUNzU1LaSS5DcibcuvSQfpuzacO-RldM7nfQYyytgfjOpHs9jCm5Z-w
  16. If/when there is a safe vaccine the U.S. would probably use a 3-tier system of administering it. First would be those with greatest risk and key workers. https://apnews.com/ee7a0459e8913984294f5f774f47f8a3
  17. The Escapes has a co-op park in Aguanga, right next door to you. It's $200/week. Unfortunately, it's closed to visitors because of the virus but keep it in mind for the future. https://jojobahills.com/cms/
  18. Join the Boomer BOF (Birds of Feather) and you'll have a ball during their stay in Quartzsite. It's usually held the last 2 weeks in Jan. during the big Q RV show. Once you join you'll receive a monthly email of upcoming activities.
  19. Important to realize: Even if a vaccine is available the majority of people will not be able to get it for a while.
  20. I just saw this today by Univ. of Nevada regarding masks. It's interesting that scientists and medical personnel wear masks all day long and have done so since early times. Do you think they know something that we don't? https://www.unlv.edu/news/article/few-choice-words-about-masks?fbclid=IwAR2yFUNzU1LaSS5DcibcuvSQfpuzacO-RldM7nfQYyytgfjOpHs9jCm5Z-w
  21. I wouldn't count on a vaccine for a while. It's going to have to be tested (or should be) to see if it's effective and safe for the general public.
  22. This site might help with questions traveling with the children: http://fulltimefamilies.com/
  23. For those thinking of trying to get cool in Arizona and those thinking all of Arizona is hot, by Saturday these are the forecasts: Phoenix - 112 Yuma - 112 Tucson- 105 Payson - 94 Show Low - 85 Pinetop - 83 Flagstaff - 83
  24. Soap and water is the top recommendation by all medical advisors.
  25. Welcome to the forum! This site can be very help to you in RV and full-time matters. However, I would also recommend that you consult with an attorney for specific answers to your specific circumstances. Probably a RV forum is not the place to do it..... especially for California. I would also recommend you sell the house if no one in your family is interested in it if it proves to be a financial burden. Best of luck!!
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