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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. Welcome as it seems you're new to the forum! What is your issue with only 5' difference for a small RV? You'll fit in just about any campsite. We did with our 40'. Please explain why you are concerned. Many people RV in both sizes. It's basically what you'd be comfortable in. What floorplan is best for you. Storage space? If it's a trailer what will you be pulling it with?
  2. I would think the easiest would be to allow only self-contained RVs and keep the bathrooms/laundry closed. Of course, this would be impossible for tents or pop-ups so probably not feasible. Even some state parks are not opening bathrooms and they normally get tenters so they're left out. It's going to be just about impossible to keep RV parks sanitized. There are just so many surfaces touched by the public. What about picnic tables or even the hookup area. Are you going to sanitize after every camper leaves? It's going to be a challenge, for sure.
  3. Quite often we got our mail from Livingston in two days but almost always 3 days. Even to Alaska it only took 5 days.
  4. You'll be spending a lot of month on propane for heat.
  5. Where was the mail supposed to be delivered? General Delivery? A RV park? For 16+ years we always had it sent to General Delivery, small town via Priority with no issues - even Alaska.
  6. There are many California resort parks and folks with out-of-state plates stay there for a season - many more than your 3 months. Never heard of them being visited by LEO.
  7. The 'so-called' experts ARE experts!! What are your qualifications?
  8. North Ranch, although a Rainbow Park, used to have pickleball play in the pole barn with a very good group of players. The closest pickleball for Benson is the new Kino Sports complex on I-10 - 20 new courts. Sierra Vista also has pickleball. Saguaro in Benson used to have a group playing by the propane area but disbanded. The net is probably still stored in the barn!
  9. Yes, we use the online tool, also. Our issue is one particular drug which can range from $600 down to our present, $30. That's what drives us to the best place for us.
  10. Correct - if you use preferred pharmacies within your plan. You can't just pick a place you want if you want the best price. Regardless, Express Scripts was more expensive with our plan than WalMart - for the meds we use. It depends on the meds, also.
  11. It just depends what you are willing to pay and what your 'wants' are and where you want to stay long-term in what season. Each park has different fees and when you rent out your lot when you're not there you'll be getting different returns from the rental fee back to you. Everyone is certainly different so what we like might not be what you're looking for. You have to really read the rules of each park and best to stay at the park at least a few weeks - in the busy season - to get a 'feel' for it. Off-season will be completely different - less activities, less people and the surrounding area may not be conducive to siteseeing at that time. The popular parks have a wait list of 3 years or more. The other parks may have lots available immediately or within a year. There are different rules when you're on the Wait List. Most state that you have to wait until you're #1 to get a site and then some state you can only turn it down a couple times and then you're put on the bottom of the list again which may mean you'll be waiting years to come to #1 position again. Saguaro has the best program in that you call in on Saturdays if a lot is available (you can view the upcoming lots online) and the lowest # on the Wait List to call in gets the lot. Therefore, you only start calling when you're really ready for a lot or one comes up that you really want. Some have gotten a lot when they were #250 or so on the 'Hot List'. #1 and low numbers on the list may have been on the list for 10 years or more because they're just not interested in a lot yet. They still travel a lot. It's cheap enough to make athe minimal deposit and be on the list and wait until you're ready. Many take their first lot - whatever it is - and once you're in the park it's easier to move around to another before it goes to those on the 'Hot List'. Some lots are bare bones and some have very nice casitas. You pay for what you get. Also, Coop parks expect you to participate in running the park. The parks are run by volunteers. That is, by being on a committee or two to help out depending on your skills and interests. It's a very little time commitment unless you want to be on the Board. There are committees such as landscaping, maintenance, propane pumping, clubhouse, etc. We've stayed at all of them and our order of preference would be: Jojoba has the nicest facilities and is the most expensive. It has a pool. It's a day trip to San Diego. Saguaro, Benson AZ is very friendly and has a lot of clubhouse activities and free planned outings for 4-wheeling, birding, hiking, siteseeing. (We like those activities so worked for us.) No pool. An easy day trip to Tucson. Evergreen in Chimacum, WA on the Olympic Peninsula is nice but not as many good clubhouse activities as Saguaro but there's lots to do in the area. No pool. Park Sierra, Coarsegold, CA - nice area near Yosemite but all around is too crowded for us. Timber Valley, Sutherlin, OR - nice area but activities are terrible - at least when we ever visited. Florida SKP Coop, we just don't like Florida, nice-enough park Kofa - Yuma, AZ - not the friendliest when we were there. Not many clubhouse activities. Has a pool. Alamo, Hondo, TX - in the 'Hill Country' so scenic places to explore Pair-A-Dice, Pahrump, NV - we didn't like area Rover's Roost, Casa Grande, AZ - their sites aren't big and it's a farming area so smells may occur. We don't like Casa Grande, in general The Ranch, New Mexico - this is probably the most welcoming park - even ringing a big bell when you arrive & folks come out of their RV to greet you. They've had a water problem but I believe this is corrected by supplying reverse osmosis. It's in a very dry area with drilling all around... not very scenic.
  12. Why would pharmacies have shortages? Unless more people are using blood pressure meds during the COVID-19 time. 😀 We haven't experienced shortages. As to changing the pharmacy, doesn't the insurance dictate who you can use? If you do a comparison there are different prices depending on who you use. Express Scripts is more expensive for us than WalMart. We don't have an Advantage Plan, if that makes a difference. Do price comparisons before switching.
  13. I think you're making a mistake in thinking that you plan to use the campground toilet & shower continuously - especially with a small child. That can be more unsanitary than having to dump the tanks. You'd have the inconvenience of 'during the night' trips to the toilet and getting to them in inclimate weather. Some bath houses aren't heated. Dumping the tanks really isn't a big deal once you get a system down. As far as your comment of rinsing the hose off doesn't really clean it. No, the procedure isn't meant to sanitize it. You could never do that thoroughly and safely. Rinsing off is just getting any particles off such as toilet paper and any residue before storing it. There's absolutely no sense in trying to sanitize it. However, I see one error in the video. If there was only one faucet there to use, she rinse the dump hose and connected her fresh water hose to the same faucet. She should have sprayed the faucet with bleach before she did that. As far as the salesperson telling you to dump the cassette into the garbage dumpster. That's definitely a no-no. You would take it to the restroom toilet & dump it there. I didn't catch her comment about a Class C or A. Yes, they would be dumped using the same procedure as a travel trailer, pop-up, Class A or Class C. If they would all have holding tanks you would empty them the same way.
  14. Keep in mind that some, if not all, Escapee parks do not allow the cassette toilets to be emptied in the restrooms. On another note, we volunteered in a national park and witnessed a camper emptying his cassette in the outside kitchen sink designated for campers to do their dishes. The guy was removed from the park and fined. We disinfected the sink good. Soon afterward we found a guy around 10pm taking his bath in the kitchen sink. Again, he was removed from the park and fined. Again, we disinfected the sink thoroughly. Just something to keep in mind if you use the campground's outside sink! 😲
  15. Good suggestion. We sold our motorhome within one month at PPL in Houston from a guy who flew in from Florida. It was a very good experience. They have listings by category. Here are the travel trailers: https://www.pplmotorhomes.com/used-rvs-for-sale/travel-trailer?sortBy=price+asc Even if not buying there it's a good way to get some pricing ideas and floorplans.
  16. Got it. I clicked on 'Davis Camp' from the link you gave and it gave me the highs. So they're in different areas. https://parks.mohavecounty.us/parks/davis-camp/
  17. Welcome! Keep in mind with a dedicated patio you'll have to be very selective where you can extend it for trees and taking into consideration the lot size. Some RV sites have narrow areas.
  18. They're predicting in the 100's this week.... same as Phoenix.... or am I looking at the wrong place?
  19. I'm impressed in the two dealers telling you about your truck's towing capacity and steering you away from a heavier trailer. Quite often dealers will say "Oh, you can pull it with that truck" just to try and make a sale. I really don't recommend you using your camp stove inside an RV even with ventilation. They should be used outside.
  20. Did you find the park suitable for you? You were apprehensive at first.
  21. Ah.... thanks for clarifying. So if this is the only time your phone didn't work, why would you buy a computer just for this purpose - unless you want the computer for other things?
  22. I just looked at your profile to perhaps see what kind of RV you had. I'd highly advise you to remove your personal address from your profile.
  23. I'm impressed you can type your long reply on the phone!! 😀 Definitely take a look at dealers. They are used to people 'just looking'. Everyone does it. Another good place to look is at a RV show but with the country as it it, I doubt there will be one anywhere soon. Keep in mind that with a wet bath be prepared to always take your shower at the same time as your daughter because you will both get wet. To me, if you can avoid getting a wet bath it will be so much nicer for you. Look for a small RV with a tub/shower.... much more convenient and your daughter can have some tub time playing with the rubber duckie!
  24. If you have no internet service could you please explain how wifi calling would work? I've not heard of this but then, I'm not into technology. 😄 My TracFone works just fine where we are. Nowadays there hare so many towers that we always seem to get phone service - even in the boonies. I have a Samsung.
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