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Everything posted by 2gypsies

  1. For anyone questioning the additional letter received. Here are the Census dates: Mid-March - people received letters with instructions March 16-24 - a second reminder letter is sent March 26-April 3 - a reminder postcard is sent April 8 - a 4th letter is sent which will include a paper questionnaire April 20 - a final mailing with "It's not too late to respond" postcard WHO'S PAYING FOR ALL THIS POSTAGE?
  2. Smokey Mtn. Nat'l Park is now closed. It seems the free entrance to day visitors created more problems of masses of people. I could see that coming.
  3. I'd love to know how many have had issues with ACA by using their domicile address and not spending time there but instead, travel. Anyone out there had problems?
  4. Go to the official Medicare site and you can easily find the supplement for you. Good comparison of plans. You don't need an agent. I agree, get a Medicare Supplement; not an Advantage Plan. In 16 years of full-timing we never had a problem finding a doctor in any state we needed one. https://www.medicare.gov/plan-compare/#/?lang=en
  5. I guess I don't understand all the questioning. We've never gone to rallies. We did buy some things from Camping World when we first began. We bought the camping directories and we used the 10% discount a few times. The stated comment was..... "But what surprised and dismayed many was this line: “To keep you and your family safe, as well as continuing to follow the CDC guidelines, the difficult decision has been made to pause the Good Sam State/Provincial Director program, effective immediately.” The gist of it was because of the coronavirus. As far as changing the logo.... the other one really needed an update. Personally, I think the Escapees one does also.
  6. I also believe the reminders are automatic just as a reminder to do it online. I tossed it already but I believe it said something like if we don't receive an online reply the will send you a paper questionnaire in a few weeks. I also thought the census takers aren't doing personal visits yet. That's strange that you were only asked one question. Are you sure it was a census taker?
  7. Yuk! I hope not. Can you imagine the condition of portables with hundreds trying to use them? Bring your own TP, also.
  8. Does anyone remember the vandalism and trash in the national parks when they were left open during a government shut down recently? Much damage and expense occurred. On paper this sounds like a great idea. However..... even though most campers would be trustworthy there are always those few who would ruin it for others. A few examples come to mind: We volunteered in a state park in Arizona. The dump station was left open all the time. The park was at a convenient ending point of those who spent the weekend at other public areas that didn't have a dump station. So it became a practice for them to stop and dump their tanks before they headed home. The dump station had to be closed for days occasionally because the campers would put added stress on it to a point of overflowing. Many campgrounds aren't on city sewer. Also, sometimes they would try to stuff a grocery bag of garbage down it thereby clogging it. Once it was clogged by a RV sewer hose that was sucked down it. Another time it was vandalized by stuffing rocks down it. One time even when locked the lock was broken. This all happened even though there was a ranger living in the park at night. As with many parks, it was understaffed so the ranger couldn't be everywhere and he had to have time to sleep. Much of this happen after 10pm. Finally, the dump station had to be locked and was opened only during certain hours for campground guests only, and a host was stationed there during those hours. Regarding this proposal, if the dump station was locked or if there even wasn't a dump station in the park, can you picture what the campers would do? Many campsites in national, national forest or even state parks don't have electric and if they do it would be a big expense when there's no income coming in. Parks are strapped for money as it is. Trees and bushes would be cut for firewood. Yes, campers do this even during good times. Finally, there wouldn't be any security if a fight broke out, excessive drinking and partying, etc. Definitely bathrooms would have to be locked. Even during regular hours, people vandalize bathrooms like you wouldn't believe. I don't know what the solution is for full-timers but this just doesn't sound wise or safe.
  9. I read on one of the coronavirus agency sites that you don't have to worry about packages shipped from China or packages you'd received from Amazon, etc. The virus wouldn't last that long to go through shipping. It lasts longer on smooth, hard surfaces such as a table or countertop. ON EDIT: I just saw this on the news: https://www.foxnews.com/media/coronavirus-questions-answered-opening-mail-buying-produce It would last up to 24 hr on cardboard or paper & it's advised to wash hands after handling. However, it could be on the mailbox itself or any metal.
  10. Yes, I understand I was just adding the recommendation out now for seeing a dentist, also.
  11. I haven't heard this. Where did you? If so, it may be because folks travel from other states and the recommendation now is to not to do so for the possibility of acquiring the coronavirus. Otherwise, March is usually full with the lot owners or long-term renters in the southern parks but come May onward there are plenty of owner sites available.
  12. Here's what's happening at Amazon: https://techcrunch.com/2020/03/17/amazon-limiting-shipments-to-certain-types-of-products-due-to-covid-19-pandemic/ Canada is not closing the border to everyone - YET https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/16/world/canada-border-closing/index.html I don't think Mexico has closed the border yet but Trump probably will.
  13. If you don't need emergency dental work it's recommend that you wait until this is over for routine things.
  14. I could never understand that comment "I have to get home to do my taxes".
  15. Here is one of a handful of articles from the National Parks Traveler: https://www.nationalparkstraveler.org/2020/03/update-tensions-growing-within-national-park-service-over-coronavirus-pandemic?utm_source=National+Parks+Traveler%2C+Week+in+Review%2C+March+17%2C+2020&utm_campaign=National+Parks+Traveler+Weekly+Review&utm_medium=email
  16. We carried information in our Jeep's glove compartment and in a prominent place in the motorhome. . . information such as next of kin, phone #'s and especially where our motorhome was parked. This was in case one of us was in the Jeep and the other back 'home' in the RV and one of us was in an accident or had a medical incident. Then they could easily locate the other. We tried to let the kids know where we were heading with each move as we boondocked a lot on public lands.
  17. If the national parks close I hope they lock the gates this time to avoid the vandalism and garbage that happened last time.
  18. Trump said today that this might last into July/August so it's going to get worse rather than better anytime soon. If it gets too bad I can see a lockdown except for emergencies as it's happening in San Francisco right now. If so, RVers won't be able to travel around as planned.... better find a good spot and hunker down!
  19. I guess I answered my own question and did a 'Google'. https://laist.com/2020/03/13/los-angeles-homeless-coronaviurs-covid.php
  20. Interesting that we haven't heard anything about how the homeless are dealing with this. Do they even have hand sanitizers? Are they even aware of what's going on?
  21. EXCELLENT!!! This goes for everyone; not just solo RVers.
  22. I think it depends on what kinds of places you want to travel. Avoid heavily populated stops such as national parks or big cities. There are plenty of gorgeous places to visit that are off the main drag. Pick small campgrounds with minimal activities or none; not big resorts. From your campground go out on your own and explore the countryside.
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