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Posts posted by TXiceman

  1. Barbaraok, I agree.  How can people not believe the science and simple act of wearing a mask to help all people.  The moronic governor of Texas is on the very of killing the mask mandate.  It does no good to try and explain any science to the non-maskers and anti vacc folks.

    Even now that I have both shots, I will continue to wear a mask as long as it takes to be safe in public,


  2. I for one like the dark nights and stars.  The folks that drag out several hundreds of Watts lighting and spend all night inside with the lights on are just plain rude.  Like above, please stay home if the dark offends you or at least do not park near me.

    I also feel the same way about outdoor TV and sound systems.  I like the sounds of the birds and the wind in the trees.

    I do not mean to offend a new camper, but you asked for our opinions.

    If you want to see beautiful night skies, go out to Davis Mountains State park in west Texas.  You get lots of amateur astronomers out there and they will not hesitate to ask you to kill the outdoor lights.


  3. 1 hour ago, Pat & Pete said:

    Seems to me that stopping is much MORE important ...

    Yes, it is important to stop the WHOLE rig.  But someone always come up with "Can the truck stop the trailer?".  Yes it can and should, with a proper trailer brake system and brake controller, but the truck alone cannot be expected to stop the trailer. 

    The big question is the truck big enough to comfortably control the trailer.  I see too many with not enough truck and fighting to keep the truck pointed the right way.


  4. When you let high pressure liquified natural gas down to a vapor state, the temperature is extremely LOW.  This is how air conditioning works at warmer temperatures.  The condensed liquid refrigerant is reduced in pressure and you get a refrigerating effect.  There can be some water vapor in the gas and this can freeze in the control valves.  Also, if the control valves are not properly insulated, the water vapor in the atmosphere can freeze on the cold valves and prevent them from working properly.


  5. 13 minutes ago, Big Rick said:

    Wind is 28% of Texas energy, they froze along with valves on natural gas, etc

    24 percent is wind power.
    About 56 percent of Texas' energy comes from natural gas, just under 24 percent comes from wind, 19 percent from coal, and almost 9 percent from nuclear energy.

  6. 4 minutes ago, agesilaus said:

    LNG is mostly methane with a freezing point around -290 deg F, it has a small amount of ethane with a higher freezing point but still very low.

    The problem with the natural gas is when it is let down from high pressure to a lower pressure you get a refrigeration effect and the temperature drops.  There is often moisture or water vapor in the gas and this water will freeze in the control valves and thus the freezing.

    I have been a proponent for nuclear energy for years.  We can build safe and efficient nuclear plants if the greenie folks would  understand a bit about science.

    As part of the total energy solution, we need to have a mix of  solar, wind and fossil fueled plants as  well as nuclear.  Fossil fuel needs to be phased out slowly.


  7. Several cities around us have ask people to NOT drip faucets as it will cause the water pressure to drop to low levels and then they are forced to issue a Boil Water notice.  Well it happened, they have all issued boil water notices.  With the power off and so many running out of propane, how are they to boil water now?  

    We are still operating off of our fresh water tank for now.  


  8. Park where we are has told us to drip faucets and protect their outside hose faucets.  Even went to far as to suggest that WE buy a heat strip and wrap THEIR faucet and plug it into electricity that WE have to pay for.  The city is telling people to NOT drip faucets as the water pressure will drop too low in the system and then they will have to issue a boil water order.

    Our normal procedure is to fill the fresh water tank, disconnect and put the water regulator water filters in the basement to prevent freezing.  So what do we do to handle this?  The parks water supply is a plastic pipe about 2 feet long attached to a 4" x 4" post.  



  9. Personally, I do not feel the heated hoses are worth the cost of effort.  The hose does not protect the faucet or water source.  If on the rare occasion that we experience weather that can freeze the hose, I fill my fresh water tank and disconnect the hose and drain it.  I also close the gray tank and make sure I clear the sewer hose.  Water filters go in the basement for a couple of nights.  If I need more water or drain my tanks, I can get the hoses hooked up again.



  10. Your internet speed on WiFi totally depends on the bandwidth of the host or provider computer.  As more people get on line, you will slow to a crawl.  Most parks have minimal bandwidth.

    You best bet will be a hot spot with unlimited data.  Search and you will find many threads on WiFi.


  11. Wow, what an experience with Dometic and the highly rated model 320.  It is touted to have a bowl sweeping rinse.  Yes it will if you use the hand sprayer.

    After lots of fussing with Dometic service, they finally agreed to replace it with a cheaper toilet with no compensation for the cheaper toilet.  

    I had ordered it from PPL Motorhomes in Houston and they agreed to refund my money.  Dometic PPL them and told them that they would not warranty the toilet to them as it worked properly.  It did not measure up to their advertising literature.

    At least PPL Motorhomes is an honorable company and looks to customer satisfaction. 

    In the long run, I decided to repair my old Thetford Style Magic Plus with $50 worth of parts again.  Stick with the devil you know.


  12. 1 hour ago, agesilaus said:

    Right restrict free speech you are saying

    On a forum there is no such thing as free speech.  Just like in my house, you say something I don't like, out you go.  I was Moderator and Administrator on an RV forum and we had 3 rules that were not to be broken.  No religion, no politics and no firearms were discussed.  They always wind up in a fight.



  13. 16 hours ago, Barbaraok said:

    Trouble with PA parks is in the summer on the west coast, maybe 2 or 3 days at most, no weekends, and they are few and far between on the west side of the mountains.  Since we spend most of the time in the PNW in the summer, TT works for us.  

    We have noticed that PA, over the past couple of years have become more restrictive as to days of the week that the Pass will work.  Certain holidays and seasons are blocked out as well.  In addition, we see the quality of some of the parks in the system has dropped.  

    I doubt is we will renew PA next time.


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