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Posts posted by TXiceman

  1. 7 hours ago, HelenMachine said:

    Why make it so complicated? Forget about cable TV and switch to streaming. You will pay three times less for this than for cable TV. I did so as soon as I found out at yourmoneygeek.com about alternatives to cable television. This was my best decision in the last few years. I have no restrictions on viewing and also no annoying ads. This is the perfect solution in terms of money and quality. Soon I want to transfer my parents to streaming. I think they will be happy

    Streaming will not work unless you have a decent cell signal and loads of data.


  2. Rather than pick an ethnic designation, I put in Anglo and it was accepted.  Our families have been here for decades and are a mix of German, English, Swedish, Irish, a little Native American....that we know of.  I guess I could have seen if it would would have taken "Mutt".

    American Heinz 57 


  3. We had a Vesta dishwasher added to our 5er about 3 years ago and love it.  We cook a lot from scratch, so we do get dirty dishes.  We do not boondock and we find that the dishwasher uses less water than handwashing.  

    $1900 is way to much to add a dishwsher.  Have it added after market.


  4. Cube Smart required the same thing.  Our insurance agent said that as far as he new, they could not require you to purchase insurance on the contents.  We did check with our full time insurance and they would cover a certain amount of personal possessions that were not located in the RV.  

    the items stored do not have a lot of value other then personal memories, so why place a $$$ value on the stuff.

    It is just a money making ploy from the storage units.


  5. We are on Medicare and a supplement plan.  WE have not had any issues getting to see a Doctor in Texas or anywhere across the country.  Any Doctor or hospital that takes Medicare accepts our coverage.

    Some Doctors and hospitals refuse to take insurance that is not within their accepted plans.  When we call for an appointment, first thing we ask is will they take our insurance.  Often they will ask for our insurance information and they will confirm coverage before we show up.

    Advantage plans are very regional for full coverage.


  6. Dutch, I feel the pain.  You cannot educate someone that is not open to education.  

    I am a amateur radio (ham) operator and on the same antenna, I can operate side band (voice), CW (Morse code Which is actually a digital mode), AM (amplitude modulation), FM (frequency modulation) and digital mode.  It all boils down to the receive/transmitt equipment that is attached to the antenna.

    When it gets down to the final performance, you cannot beat the batwing style with the Wingman or the old Yagi style antenna and elevation.


  7. Anytime we have anything critical or time sensitive to send we use Fed-EX Ground service.  It cost a bit more than USPS, but they are much more reliable. 

    Most recent USPS screw up was we had the mail forwarded from Escapees to and address in Tomball, TX.  It was sent Priority One so we could track it. Normally it was in Tomball in a couple of days.  Well it was snt to a center outside of Dallas and being a weekend now, it was 5 days.  


  8. mptjelgin, we have seen the same change you have and pretty much given up using state and corp parks unless we can book months out.  It has taken the fun out of the RV life style.  

    But when we had long term lived in a 34 ft motorhome and another time in a 36 ft 5th wheel when moving and building a house.  When we decided to go full time, the 5th wheel mad more sense to use.  It offered better storage and a more residential feel, plus you did not have the giant windshield as a heat gain or loss source.  Another thing is only one drive line to maintain since we were towing a dingy behind a motorhome.  We get along fine with our only vehicle as a 1 ton dually.


  9. I have served on 3 juries in Harris County, Texas.  Two were criminal and one civil.  All three were interesting and I was jury foreman on two of them.  The whole process was interesting and nothing like TV trials.  I was on a fourth jury panel and we were sent to lunch and when we came back we were dismissed due to a plea deal.

    What was always aggravating was getting called for jury service and never even get to go out on a jury panel.  One trial that would have been interesting to me as a mechanical engineer was a product liability case.  As soon as the attorney found I was an engineer, he used a strike on me and sent me home.  I guess he did not want anyone that was trained to think logically.

    Everyone should serve on a jury just for the experience and see how the system really works.

    We have had several jury notices over the years for Polk county and it was always when we were across the country.  A simple call and were told to let them know when we would be in the area and could serve.  We let them know and were never called while we were there.

    Now that we are over 70, we just send them back the form marked with the age exemption.

  10. In the amateur radio community we say that an omnidirectional antenna performs equally bad in all directions.  When it comes down to the basics, it all comes down to metal in tha air and high up.

    The old batwing style and Yagi style are still the gold standard.  The Winegard Sensar IV has the Wingman extension to aid in the UHF frequencies and makes the antenna more directional.  

    There are several phone apps that tell you where the local off air stations are located referenced to your location.  Use an app to see where the closest stations are and start by pointing the antenna toward them (broad side of the Wingman 90 degrees to the station)..


  11. My wife and I switched to a G plan this year after having the F plan for about 5 years.  With the F plan no longer offered to new enrollees the charges per year are sure to accelerate faster than they have been with the plan pool shrinking rather than growing.  With G you are responsible for the part B deductible.  For us, the reduced G plan premiums save considerably more than the deductible for G plan.

    But everyone needs to look at the options for their particular situation and location.

    Our other reason to change was we also changed Part D coverage.  Optum Rx is horrible and we finally had enough of dealing with their mail order system.  We switched to Silver Script and we can now get our 90 day supply at Walmart.


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