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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. C2C is Coast to Coast, and affiliation membership campground system.
  2. We were at ASU in early 70s, they got some of the moon rocks and we knew profs and grad students that were studying them.
  3. Since you are talking about starting next fall, all bets are off because no one knows where we will be with the pandemic by that point and how many people will be out, etc. First, there is a difference between Escapee owned parks and Escapee Co-Op parks. Escapees owns parks in Deming, NM (Dream Cathcher) and Congress, AZ (North Ranch). There are 2 Co-OP parks in California, 3 in Arizona, and 1 in New Mexico. They have their own rules, only relationship to Escapees is that you have to be a member to own a lot or stay there. I have found that calling ahead is always advisable for Co-Op parks - and when you are talking about winter months in the Cal-Az-NM corridor, you need to firm those up come September. Remember, that members of those Co-Op usually put their lots for rent in the summer (especially if they are in the south where no one goes in the summer) because they occupy those sites in the winter. Put the Excapee owned park in Congress, AZ on your list for 1-2 weeks to explore that area of the desert. Jan-March are hard to find 1 month stays anywhere in the desert areas. That's when Snowbird descent and while parks will often have a week or two, it is harder to find longer stays near population areas. Especially in Feb-March in the Phoenix area because of Spring Training! Given that you are just starting out, try to book a lot of 1-2 week stays all over California and Arizona for Jan-March starting in September. New Mexico can get really cold and may have snow because they are so high. Even Las Cruces can get cold. We spent the first few years of full-timing bouncing around in the winter, using membership parks as much as possible. But we knew before we full-timed that they were a good fit for the kind of traveling we wanted to do because my parens had been members of C2C for years. Things have changed since then, so for anyone starting out, you are going to need to start getting reservations for longer stays in September at the latest. Actually for a lot of areas like Phoenix area, Palm Springs, Tucson, California coasts, monthly stays tend to be reserved a year out by those already here. But there will be late cancellations - just learn to be flexible.
  4. OK, who said anything about it happening tomorrow? Only thing I have seen in this whole thread is about it can’t happen because we don’t have everything already in place !
  5. Did anyone say it will happen all at once? How does everyone jump from aspirational goals that we works towards to cries about it can't be done tomorrow? Glad JFK didn't listen to the naysayers that said we couldn't put men on the moon because our rockets always blew up. We got better at it! And the benefits of doing that effect EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of our lives today.
  6. https://www.denverpost.com/2021/02/01/colorado-farmers-oil-gas-pipeline-leak-dcp-lawsuit/ A simple Goggle search will show hundreds of leaks in the past few years. Wikipedia even has a page of leaks through 2018. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pipeline_accidents
  7. Since the pipeline wasn’t really earning money for us, why have something that can damage the environment (all pipelines develop leaks with long runs) instead focus on other things. The sooner we move off of oil, which is finite and really should be saved for pharmaceuticals, other important products, instead of just burning the limited amount left? Change is coming, one can wring their hands and let life overtake them, or one can figure out how to change with the times. Everyone in coming years will have multiple jobs, most of whom we can not imagine right now. We need to encourage those coming behind us to make sure they learn how to learn!
  8. And who said we weren't going to do that? Where did everyone get the idea that everything was going to change overnight? Coal is being phased out now, and other changes will come along as research progresses. Upgrading the infrastructure is what is being discussed now because it has been put off for decades and is literally falling apart.
  9. Same with us, only we eat fish at least once a week - grilled/baked/poached in heart/kidney health way.
  10. Randy, the problem that I keep seeing is all the people who go "well, they tried something like that once ...", or "it can't be done because .....", "no one needs xyz....", without ever realizing that what is proposed will change over time, as more and more development takes place. You can't plan out where research and development will go, but NOT doing anything results in being unable to adapt to changes in our environment, to changes in the global economy, etc. I don't understand the intransigence of people and the lack of imagination. True, we probably won't all live long enough to see it, but does that mean one can't imagine, can't marvel at what is being developed, can't hope for a better world. I'm thinking about all of us that are getting mRNA vaccines for the Covid-19 virus, using a technology that is new, that does not follow the normal way of development using an attenuated or kill virus or a similar virus vector. Should that not have been allowed because they didn't know where the research would take them. Should tax dollars (over the past decade or so) not have gone to the research that helped advance the knowledge? I remember Dick Tracy comics when I was a kid that showed him talking into his watch - just like my daughter now does! Yes it will take a lot of money to fix the power grid. And more so, the LONGER WE PUT IT OFF. That's the problem - the unwillingness to think ahead.
  11. Randy - were you the one that was at Kitty Hawk telling the Wright Brothers that there was no need for airplanes, theirs was too small to carry people, the fuel required to go coast-to-coast couldn't be contained in their airplane? You assume everything will be similar to today. No one knows what different technologies will be coming down the pike in 20 years. Maybe we will each have a Mr. Fusion on our RVs, a hover upgrade and use our garbage to generate our energy requirements! And upgrading the national grid leads to JOBS. Isn't that what everyone wants. Yes, it may be different jobs, which means one needs to be willing to keep on learning all of their working lives.
  12. I never said planning isn’t necessary, but trying to decry progress of companies because ‘planning’ hasn’t been done is ridiculous. Would you have told the Wright Brothers that they couldn’t go forward because planning for airports hadn’t been done? BTW, did you watch the confirmation hearings, all of it, on CSpan? If not, how do you know all of the topics that were discussed? Expanding the grid was indeed asked by more that one Senator. I am genuinely mystified by how many people are so afraid of the changes that will be coming.
  13. Have you looked at the location of the big batteries, etc. I venture to say it would take LONGER to get them out and a new battery in to it than to just plug into a high speed charger. Remember, as more and more EVs are on the road, more and more charging station with faster chargers will be available.
  14. That's what is being done, but obviously you don't see it and don't want to know about it. The fact that the auto makers are saying this is where we are headed is designed to get people to understand that things are changing. Did you watch the Senate committee with oversight of the Energy Department hearing on Secretary designate Granholm? This very question was asked, and she went through some of the planning going on, what types of things that would need to be addressed and how it ties in with significant job growth as new energy production methods are developed and implemented.
  15. Smart home technology. Set security system before you leave to block outside outlets when you are gone or to require a password to access via your ring-type doorbell so you can sanction Gardner to do their work. After they are finished, you delete their authorization. Where is everyone's imagination - SMH.
  16. Pull into a charge station before you get their, or after you leave. Fuel stops all will be putting in charging stations. Pull in, plug in and tap/swipe/wave smart phone to pay for charge. Or, charge at their home and leave appropriate cash behind to cover the costs of the charging.
  17. "Build it and they will come" Did we delay production of larger planes until all airports could handle them? No, the planes were being designed, cities were told their airports wouldn't meet the needs of such-and-such an airline because they were going to bigger planes, cities either got with the program or lost that airline. Putting a 15-20 timeline to go to all EV says here's what's coming, get the necessary infrastructure in place.
  18. Don’t develop cars because we don’t have enough roads, don’t develop airplanes because we don’t have airports, don’t do anything because we can’t imagine where it will go or what will happen! Good thing Ford, Edison, Tesla, Wright Brothers didn’t listen to the luddites of their times.
  19. Lou, you seem to assume that nothing is going to change, new ways of generating power won't come about, etc. Aspirational goals are there to get people thinking about how to keep up, what is possible, how to make something new happen. Change is always with us. That's why no one ones a team of horses to pull their wagon as they travel. Things CHANGE. The electrical power grid needs a complete redo - that's jobs. Every major city needs to upgrade water and wastes systems, that's jobs. Change brings new possibilities. Where's your sense of imagination, of wonder, what else will change before we die? And now that everyone knows that Pandemics are actually something to avoid, think of all of the medical advancement, all of the effort to identify areas where new virus jumps will come from and putting in the effort to identify and, hopefully, develop appropriate therapies to manage should the virus jump. Again, new possibilities, new industries, new paths for those coming behind us to explore, master, create, and grow.
  20. Joe, you have no idea of the problems a lot of the smaller dams created in the PNW and the havoc that resulted to the salmon and steelhead populations. Lots of smaller ones that didn't really produce much power are being taken out which is a good thing for the fish runs. Wanting to preserve what is best about the PNW is a good thing.
  21. Funny, Grand Coulee Dam, on the Columbia, is almost a hundred years old. So has Diablo Dam on the Skagit River. What is your idea of a long life span?
  22. Glenn, main component of natural gas is methane. Small amounts of ethane, propane, and butane. 1-4 carbons in length. Cows give off methane, as do a lot mammals, 😉
  23. Actually no. Lots of municipal landfills are running small generation unit from the methane produced by decaying organic material, ie garbage! Willow Farms is a hydroponic vegetable growing enterprise at on of the big landfalls near Detroit producing lettuce, etc, for restaurants.
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