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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. It was obvious that they hadn't done test runs with the pharmacies to see that the websites that they would be directing people to were up and running. Yes, it is better than nothing, and we could actually get an appointment sooner (like 1 week) if we were willing to travel 90+ minutes to Glendale to get the shots at the Cardinal Stadium which is now running 24 hrs a day! Traveling after dark is something that we will avoid if at all possible - - we've isolated this long, I will do it a couple of more weeks without a problem.
  2. We got appointments for Covid-19 vaccines this morning (2 hrs on the website starting at 6:00 am) for January 29th! That was the first available date. All dates for the "POD" (Points of Distribution) through the state are now full for January and thought Maricopa County says that pharmacies are now doing it, when you go to those identified pharmacies (at Albertson/Safeway) THEY ARE LISTED AS FULL THROUGH APRIL! To say the county hasn't got this figured out yet is an understatement!
  3. Well it applies in our case because I'm 75 and he is 76.
  4. Sounds like what they are doing in the Phoenix area, the pages are just now getting set up for the 1B group.
  5. Yes, we are both over 75, so we are in the 1B group and can start registering at 6 am Monday morning in Maricopa County (Phoenix area). Hopefully we can get appointments by the end of the week or the first of the following week. And this will enable us to get our second shots before we leave the valley in April.
  6. Yes, shots need to be from the same manufacturer, but they initial amount from each was 100 million doses, and the second 100 million are NOW being manufactured. So no reason to hold off vaccinated now. They have already started the second round of vaccinations, so they can move ahead. Plus, the other vaccines are in the pipeline.
  7. I signed up for the Alerts from Maricopa Country Health Department - every day I get an email about where they are in the process. Additionally, the governor tweeted out yesterday that Douglas County was starting the 1B vaccinations and followed that with a tweet that Maricopa County would begin next week. In the email from Maricopa County last night they said that they would not open up registration/reservations until Monday as they are still tweaking the website to hopefully include more sites (ie, CVS, Walgreens) where you can be vaccinated. If they kept just the three POS (Point of Service) that they have now, they would end up with Loop 202 and Highway 60 at a standstill with all the retirees heading into Phoenix to get their vaccinations. 😎
  8. They are going to vaccinate snowbirds in Arizona. Some counties have started with 75+ this week, Maricopa County (Phoenix area) starts next week.
  9. On our MH, there is a power center on the wall in the bathroom that contains switches for light, fan and water pump. Our other one in up front by the kitchen with the panel that contains the power monitor, tank monitors, water pump and "scare" outside light over the wet bay.
  10. When getting a new prescription that will be long term, we always get a 30 day script to start and then the 90 day script so that we always have extra on hand. I usually have 30 days or more on hand when ordering a refill. Does the VA not let you order 30 days out for refills?
  11. Jay, All I can tell you is some of the smaller counties have gotten through Phase 1A quicker. Maybe it has to do with more people in small counties, 8ncluding health care workers, being anti-vaxxers.
  12. Linda, for something like this you just check Medicare, they will take your Medicare Advantage card, so no worries. Smaller counties that don't have large hospital systems and large number of care homes were able to get through their 1A group faster.
  13. And thus, insurance companies will be asked to pay for it. At least in Arizona if one doesn't have insurance, it will be covered by the state. And, of course, for those with Medicare, it is all covered just like our flu vaccines.
  14. Which county are you in? Pinal is already to do 75+ starting this week and have their website for reservations up. Maricopa hasn’t opened the 1B registeration section yet. Maricopa County Public Health is where to go for Maricopa County. It is being handled through the county health departments.
  15. Here in Arizona non-residents will get theirs based on the age grouping and they are advising all snowbirds to stay for the second vaccine. Longer stay = more sales tax, etc. into local coffers.
  16. You can take up to $300 for charitable deductions this year off of your gross income if you use the Standard Deduction. Line 10 on the 1040 is where it will go. Not much, but at least something.
  17. When we got the first checks, it was when all h*ll broke loose in Arizona, so we gave to local food banks and the Navajo Nation. Here we are 6 month later and the state is in the same condition so another round to the same groups. We also gave for the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays, including money to a food bank in the town where I grew up in the name of my mother and aunt who died a year ago (before the virus hit). We've reached the stage in our family where at Christmas we give donations to causes we support instead of presents of things none of us need.
  18. Well since our rig hasn't been in Texas in years, the tires purchase in Oregon have never been used in Texas so I'm not about to worry about it. How many states have no sales tax - very few, so most things you buy as a full-timer you will use as you go down the road.
  19. Haven't used a check register in years. Note it on the receipt and when we get home enter it into Quicken, then get notice from bank when check is cashed. I get notified by text when any purchase/depost is made to ANY of our accounts. Even set Dave up with 1 credit card he can use directly from his computer and set up Apple Pay on his phone for him - and each transaction gets a text ping on my phone. Sometimes I feel like the phone now rules us.
  20. I actually got rid of a fund that was under performing, used the money to pay off low interest car loan, and am taking the loss again our year end earnings. Once in a while I manage to stumble into the right timing on things. 😎
  21. That’s when I went to the basic one even though we have investment income. I just use the forms section and fill in income amts for each investment for the year, let TT check the math, etc. and file. We don’t have any mortgages, no side businesses, and just property tax on Park Model, which is very small, and relatively few medical expenses (even with Dave’s medical problems) so we don’t have enough deductions to take, especially after they changed the standard deduction levels.
  22. So does ours. I write maybe 5 checks each year. Mobile Techs also don't charge the extra fees for credit cards when you write a check. Even had one Mobile Tech who gave me an even better deal for cash - which I happen to have because I went to get cash the day before, so used it and then made another trip over to the ATM nearby to replenish our 'tip' funds. Like most, we set up all most all purchases through credit cards (using ones that have rewards back to us), even set up payment of Estimated taxes with IRS through an ETF from our checking account, and the property tax for our park model is done the same way.
  23. Not when your arthritis is acting up and you can't see the back of your head, let alone get fingers to work properly. 😉
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