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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Have a feeling we all need to become familiar with the online USPS incident report.
  2. Use Safari on all devices, MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone.
  3. Don't you do fluids and filters changes when needed on all vehicles? Usually part of a decent toil change at reliable places, those that not needed very few months will be checked while vehicle is getting serviced.
  4. Have that installed, doesn't help. Works for videos but not for GIFs on a loop. I am using a Mac, not available in Apps so. Ad from Escapees (Want TO See Your Ad Here?) Ad from RV Air Ad from DFW RV ROOF All run down the side when browser is open on computer at about 80% width of screen.
  5. And that Albertson's even has a Starbucks inside. 😎
  6. While I understand the need for ads in order to help pay for the cost of the forum, the constant flickering of a video/GIF ad really irritates me because repetitive flickering can increase my chances at having a migraine. I don't care what it is for, I do know that I would not buy from/use that service because of their ad! For others, they can be actual triggers for seizures. I'm not saying that will happen, but they are annoying, to say the least.
  7. But you included this statement which sounds like the deal is more expensive without a voice line. The fine print for the 100GB plan says there will be an additional charge of: "Up to $40 more per line/mo. without qualifying voice line."
  8. Wonder how many store vehicles during the summer versus having to drive down. Haven't seen ANY RVs with Canadian plates but a few cars that were stored, covered, for the summer.
  9. We’ve had a diesel Class A for 15 years. Not really a problem. We had a fuel filter clog and it was fixed by installing a second filter after the fuel-water separator. We also only buy diesel at places that turn over their inventory frequently, so either truck stops or grocery stores that we see have good usage of their diesel pumps. Lots of myths out there.
  10. A little 151 Rum on the rocks should do the trick.😎
  11. Problematic is such a nice phase for what can be a real S-show!
  12. We are on a similar plan as retirees by our former employer. When trying to compare to what someone else has, it is important to find our whether it's provided by a former employer as part of the retirement package and whether or not they self-fund their programs.
  13. Different protocols, different steps to reach conclusions.
  14. There were questions on whether it should be approved for teenagers and why pregnant women weren't included. A few wanted more testing. Very seldom is there 100% agreement on these things, often a few will want more tests, more info, etc. Sometimes taking extra time won't results in tens of thousands dying, which isn't the case here. But don't take it if you are so concerned, just don't expect sympathy if you refuse and then get the virus.
  15. Well those Canadians aren't coming to our park in Mesa. I can't say what will happen after Christmas, but have seen a lot of for sale signs on PMs that I know belong to Canadians. Usually they are here the middle of November since they only have a limited number of months in the states and some fly home for Christmas. Our Canadian neighbors did rent theirs out for the winter - so there may be more of that. I would be very surprised if that many were going to pay to have their rig hauled over the border and then pay costs of flights to join the rig.
  16. Lots of information shared. What else do you expect on a forum?
  17. JimK, you have an unrealistic viewpoint of what FDA can do with the limited employees they have. Of course review panels will have mostly experts in the field. Why are you surprised? To get a group of scientists to agree on EVERYTHING is never going to happen. It is all about looking at data and coming to conscientious as the most beneficial way forward. ALL pharmaceuticals have side effects, all surgeries carry risks, etc. we will never have the perfect and how many ppl will die waiting for the perfect?
  18. I always get the text alerts as packages come to us from Escapees. It use to be that each time it arrived at a new facility it would be scanned, then scanned again as it departed for the next one. Watched one package leave Houston, go to Louisville, then to Lancaster, PA, then on to Phoenix, then down to Tucson, then back to Phoenix, finally to Mesa to be delivered. Now they aren't showing the intermediate stop, just a text next day saying it is "in transit" until it arrives in Phoenix, then the Mesa arrival. Of course, a lot of people have been posting their packages travels on Twitter, so I guess the USPS was getting embarrassed.
  19. Since we have no idea how long antibodies from natural infection stay in the body, the recommendation is to get the vaccine. There have been cases of re-infection of people, usually worse for them the second time around, so waiting isn't advised for high risk individuals. And we don't know how long the antibodies from the vaccine will last, whether it will become yearly boosters, or hopefully, boosters every few years. When your line is announced, get the vaccine.
  20. Just a reminder, when dumping, pull open the gray tank first to allow it is pre-rinse the hose - and show you if a pinhole leak has developed!. Then close and open black tank. Experience can be a not-so gentle teacher at times!🤬
  21. Yes, a lot of them get away with claiming these things because the budget for the FDA doesn't stretch enough to look at claims of 'treatment' of these products. Usually it is when they start widespread advertisements that the FDA steps in. Notice how the 'benefits' of copper fibers in clothing has changed - - because copper bands don't cure or help arthritis, etc. No one disagrees that it would be ideal if the FDA was able to do premarketing tests of all of these 'treatments'. But that isn't the FDAs fault, that is the fault of Congress and of citizens in this country. We don't want to pay taxes, and we keep voting for people who then do whatever their huge money donors want.
  22. JimK, the reactions in the UK were not true analyphaltic allergic reactions, but rather people who have hyper active immune systems (extremely allergic to certain allergens) react to almost any stimulus (ie, the needle going into the arm) with an over aggressive dump of histamine. Both of those nurses had the initial reactions they get to allergens, but then dissipated as the day went on. A few of the placebo group in the testing also had 'heightened' reactions - not unexpected when doing any study. Everyone's immune system reacts differently. And most people will have a more intense reaction with the second injection since the body has already built up a level of antibodies to what will be injected again. So for some the second injection will be REALLY sore arm at injection site, fever that can spike in the 103-105 range but quickly dissipates, especially if they drink plenty of fluids, muscle aches, headaches, but all will resolve after 8-12 hours. For very allergic reactors, getting the vaccination in a hospital provides the opportunity to get IV Benadryl before getting the injection to calm the immune system. For people at home, make sure you drink lots of water that day, have your favorite OTC fever reducer/pain med handy and if you are sensitive to some things, have your antihistamine on hand. And yes, for those who are very allergic to things, getting the vaccine (under physician's direction) is important because one of the things that has been seen is that the COVID19 virus can initiate a cytokine storm with histamine dumping and causing fluid build up, swelling of throat, etc., leading to death.
  23. JimK, Any one look at the carriers in those vaccines to see what was common? You describe something similar to the onset of a cytokines storm which has killed a lot of health care workers who died from at the beginning of the pandemic. The immune systems over react and dump huge amounts of histamines and flood body with fluid. There are several techniques for managing the deliverance of the vaccine for highly allergic people.
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