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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. If the drugs one is allergic to contains the same solvent (non reactive organic molecule, often a glycol) then one should discuss with their physician. It isn’t that they shouldn’t get the vaccine, but rather the risk assessment needs to be made, maybe a different vaccine chosen, or given in a hospital setting where reactions can be handled and mitigate with appropriate fluids, antihistamines, etc.
  2. Different manufacturers put in warning alarms and/or interlocks based up things that they had seen. Guess a lot of previous owners left antennae’s up which were snapped off, probably while under warranty.
  3. And of those few that got the virus even after being immunized, NONE DIED nor had to be intubated. No vaccine is 100% effective, but all tend to provide some help in that they destroy a lot of the virus thus lessening the impact of the disease.
  4. Just another GREMLIN that lives to cause RVers headaches. The little things are the ones that drive you crazy!
  5. Yes, the incidence of flu is way down this season. Follows what Australia and New Zealand say last summer (their winter). Turns out that the same things you do to prevent Covid 19 transmission works to stop flu transmission. So more people got flu vaccinations this year, and are wearing masks, washing hands, as Kirk noted, lots of kids are in virtual classrooms and they are a major transmission point for flu each winter. Maybe people will keep their masks on hands for flu outbreaks in the coming years - there is a reason you see pictures of so many in Asian countries wearing masks during their flu seasons. Glenn, to reduce fogging make sure that the glasses sit on top of the mask (holding it down), breathe through your nose (greatly reduces amount of vapor in the exhaled air) and use a lens wipe on the glasses ahead of time.
  6. Ah yes, family definitions can take a diagram to keep straight. 😁
  7. Yes, this is happening a lot, especially on the West Coast. We know think my aunt, who passed away very quickly in Everett, WA the first part of January, might have had COVID based upon how quickly she became ill and developed pneumonia and died. She had emphysema (very high risk) and was 90. She was cremated, so no way to check, but given what we have been hearing, I would not be surprised if it was here much, much earlier than we thought. The virus, in the wild, had been identified a few years ago as one that could jump to humans, like the SARS virus.
  8. Gas or disesel? Do you crack open the radiator, or view level through a sight glass (small round glass in side of an expansion tank? It would help if you put a signature line with some info on the type of rig you have. You'll note that a lot of us have such info available.
  9. Didn't forget a thing. You seem to be under the impression that nothing in science changes. Each experience leads to new ways of doing things. Of course, if you are afraid, don't get the vaccination, just roll the dice and hope you never get exposed to the virus. AIDS is a different type of virus, it is a retrovirus that attacks the immune system and because it is a retrovirus vaccine development is much slower for a variety of reasons but they are getting closer all of the time. Both the Polio and HINI were developed from the viruses, which is not the case with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. These vaccines are made from fragments of a mRNA that will code for the protein that makes the spikes that attached to the cell. The vaccine thus works by activating the immune system to make antibodies to that protein spike and thus inactivate the virus before it can attached to the cell. And the other vaccines that were developed from the virus, we've made a lot of progress in both how vaccines are made, how they are tested, etc. But again, no one is forcing you to take the vaccine and if you don't, means others will get theirs sooner. Yes, the tattoo was a hyperbolic comment, but the anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, virus is a hoax believers, don't realize that they aren't just a risk to themselves, but also to all those around them. If people refuse to take this seriously, endanger themselves and others, why should we then pay for their care and they take up bed space, etc., away from those who are trying to do the right things?
  10. How are you measuring this and coolant for ? In any event, assuming we are talking about an engine, you don't need to do anything until you are getting ready to travel.
  11. Yes, that would be a good place to ask questions.
  12. No, they need to talk with their physician about the type of reaction, etc. and whether they are at high risk for catching virus. Allergic reactions can be handled in a hospital setting, often with only a few hrs stay for observation.
  13. Since we are in Arizona for the winter we will be lucky to get them in late March, if they allow snowbirds and full timers to get them here.
  14. Since mentioning TT in this forum brings a deluge of negative commits and myths, this is probably not the place for it. Isn’t there Facebook group for TT not involved with the company?
  15. Depending upon where you live, if you wait, the surgeon and hospital may not be in business by next summer. Lots of smaller hospitals have no revenue generating stream of elective procedures because of beds filled with COVID patients. Not to mention putting off surgery may lead to complications later. Lots of day surgery centers where no COVID patients are allowed could go out of business and what a colonoscopy would have found and taken care of may flare into late stage colon cancer! Or cataract surgery put off could lead to later problems. Not getting routine pressure checks in your eyes could lead to blindness from missing glaucoma, missing mammogram leading to cancer going undetected. It is scary, but health care institutions are doing everything to make sure they are safe.
  16. I know how you must worry about him. Please pass along all of our thanks for being part of the team of workers who care about helping people.
  17. I agree. Since Dave & I are both over 75 and he has SERIOUS health issues, a big thank you to Big Rick for helping to ensure an adequate supply for people like us! 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼
  18. Because there will be only limited amounts of Pfizer vaccine available, most of us will be getting the Moderna vaccine.
  19. Right now we have a couple of sets of plastic pads. We've had some others, and considered using the rubber ones out there, but they are more expensive. We had a friend who used a 2x8 cut to the length needed to go between the jacks and slide that across - he had more room in is basement for storage than we do so could easily slide them into his bays for travel. What ever you use, make sure they have a place where you can hook onto them to pull them out as your jacks are going up. I use an awning hook and turn on the engine, the air bags start filling, and I do a walk around during that time pulling the pads out and checking the area. We actually put the pads in the rear of the car that we tow (along with the power cords) as those will be the first things we want when we pull in for the night.
  20. Then please tattoo a big sign across your chest and make sure all of your family/friends know that if you get the virus, they are NOT to take you to the ER, etc. After all, all the treatments being used for Covid patients are experimental, in that we don't know if such-and-such will help or hurt patients. The vaccines have already been given to tens of thousands of people, reactions to getting the shot have been noted (and you can not 'catch' the virus from the shot) and people are warned about what can happen. Make sure to stay well hydrated after the shot (that will help keep any fever down) and take OTC pain relief for muscle/headaches and fever. The fact that the body has a reaction means that the immune system is kicking into gear and really making antibodies; which is why the second shot often has greater reaction. One of the big questions left to answer is HOW LONG will the body retain the antibodies? Hopefully at least a year, so that worst case scenario we would need a booster each year, but longer would be better. And yes, for that part we will all be test subjects. Just like we were when we were all lined up and (in my case) marched into the cafeteria to get our POLIO vaccine. BTW - the "allergic" reactions that a few people have had (and please note that people in the control, placebo, group ALSO had the same type of reactions), are not anaphylactic reactions (though they may feel like it at the start), but rather happen to people who are highly allergic to some type of allergen and their bodies do huge histamine dumps when immune system is triggered, which can cause the feeling of an allergic attack. It quickly resolves with supportive care such as fluids and antihistamines. The muscle pain at the site of the injection can be lessened by having a relaxed muscle. So if you automatically tighten up when you see the needle coming near, look away until it is over!
  21. Yes, you need something to put in front/behind wheels if on a downslope. With Class As doesn't have to be much as the weight of the rig deters rolling easily over things. We have pads that go underneath the jacks. The Snap Pads, IMHO, aren't all that great because they don't spread the weight over a large enough area - experience is a wonderful teacher, even when the ground 'looks, feels' solid, we put 18x18 pads down. Sometimes have to 'pry' them up after they have sank into the 'solid' ground. 😉. You can purchase pads or make your own, and I'm sure a lot of people will list which type they have and why they like them. BTW, if you are in a place that is very hot, and they use asphalt on the over the parking area, use the pads. The only time I don't get down (using our knee pads) and slide the pads underneath is if we are parking on concrete.
  22. Don’t think so. Supply is much more limited than first projected. It is being doled out to states according to population, so we might have to return to home state or wait until summer when it will be available for the asking. First batch in Arizona won’t be enough for medical workers and nursing homes.
  23. View Next Unread? guess your set up way different than I am, as I don’t see such a button.
  24. If you were using cable, wasn’t the antenna switch off? Trying to understand how 12V systems are interfering with 120 volt TV.
  25. Nothing since Wednesday after for me, so I would guess there was a problem!
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