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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Ever see the original ‘Andromeda Strain’? Not really a new idea, but requires 💵💵 that most facilities haven’t got or would be willing to spend.
  2. If the infected person is wearing a mask and you are wearing one, risk is down to about 1.5%. Where are you going where others aren’t wearing a mask when inside? As long as inside off disposable mask is dry and you haven’t been in close contact with others wearing mask, disposables can be carefully removed, placed in ziplock bag and reused. The head of the Arizona Dept. of Health has done a PSA that runs on the local channels covering the above and showing how to take off mask, drop in the bag, use hand sanitizer, etc. And cloth ones just wash. BTW, most transmission is BEFORE symptoms appear.
  3. I don’t disagree with you. And actually most transmission was done by staff who worked at more than one facility and the lack of decent PPE for them. But the other things you listed are why it is dangerous for families to go visit, because they can pick up virus at church (wedding in Washing state with 300 guests resulted in deaths at several nursing homes), in store shopping, indoor dining, and then spread it to those least able to withstand the virus.
  4. Chalkie, I'm so sorry that another person has died. The science is solid - the simple things work. The refusal to do those things has brought this horror down upon us. The reason we are in this situation is because people would not do the simple things like wearing a mask, avoiding indoor areas, avoiding crowds, washing hands, practicing physical distancing and when hospitals are overwhelmed the choice is locking down or letting people die in the streets outside of emergency rooms. Even ambulance services are beyond the breaking point. And all so unnecessary. I will never understand the mentality that says catching and passing on a potentially dangerous disease is ok.
  5. Yup, again that's one of the reason we spend the winter in the Phoenix area. BTW, that is the winter population. Everyone who can leaves by May 1st. 😎
  6. But for anyone who is a full-time RV, those aren't necessarily good info. What works for people who travel maybe 2-3 weeks a year doesn't work for someone who will spend all of their time 'on the road', Even a lot of snowbirders have found out that their Medicare Advantage plan can be difficult to access if they have problems with chronic conditions and they have to return home early to get treatment that is readily available in their snowbird areas.
  7. That's why we stay in the Phoenix area. Any area with growth has companies moving in bringing educated work force who don't buy into the tin foil hat fantasies that thrive in small towns all over Arizona.
  8. Groceries is easy, order them online for curbside pickup. I hit the button, the hatch goes up, they load the groceries in, and I'm on my way. Blood draw - the lab is as worried about getting sick as you, I don't worry about going to our health facilities in the Phoenix area. Good screening, EVERYONE in a mask, etc. Fuel, pump my own, outside, at a time when very, very people around (6 am during the summer). Plus with our hybrid only fill up every other month since our only trips are to get groceries, takeout at a restaurant, or visit to medical office! Yes, the average US citizen seems to have skipped history/civics in school and does not understand the difference between socialism and communism.
  9. Some things are easy to enforce. A store allows people without masks inside, a bar won't enforce distancing, pull their business license and close them down. Yes, that makes the stores have to police, but if they want my business they will be doing it already. Yes, there will be occasional idiots who push it - that's what trespass laws are for and if a few get arrested, others get the message. Unfortunately most people don't have the income to support them buying N95 masks now. But 2-3 layered cloth masks work almost as well, especially when everyone has a face covering. Even that flimsy scarf will help trap a lot of the particles being expelled and will reduce velocity of the remainder - so stay back from the and pick another route in the store. Better yet, order groceries online and pickup at the curbside. Kroger is waving the fee for orders over $35 - or about 2 loaves of bread, milk, juice, and a 4 roll pack of TP. 😉
  10. You haven't been in Arizona for a while have you? Whole areas, like Prescott, are home to people who feel that way. And some of the ultra religious nuts are actually praying for the virus so that "God will cure me" and show us all how we need to follow their 'cult'. Most of us have trouble with how a "God given right" includes the right to infect people with a deadly disease. Granted I don't spend much time reading mythologies, but I wish someone would post the link as to where in any of the translated texts this is attributed to 'God'.
  11. So sorry for your loss. And so glad you found an excellent way to take time to grieve, to find solace and to cherish your memories and recharge your 'batteries'.
  12. I wash dishes in a dishpan, and a couple of times a week dump a dish pan full of dirty, sudsy water. The soap will surround fat globules and help to suspend them un water, which is why you use soap for cleaning. Use baking soda to clean the toilet, just enough grit, and it helps to buffer water in toilet to allow any bacteria to work on the wastes. Also after washing fill toilet bowl with vinegar to cover seal and let it sit for a while, it will dissolve calcium, magnesium residue from hard water. Plus it also buffers the tank when rinsed down. Also put bicarbonate down each drain every week to help keep them ‘sweet’.
  13. I was replying to your wow in that I agree, wow,, and it must be small tanks.
  14. Elevated hoses are required in Maricopa County in Arizona, as well as some other counties. And yes, inspectors for the county do occasionally come through to check. With so many RV parks spread across the county, they take RV park health & safety seriously in this area. Can't fill propane tanks in motorhomes in the park - while in Casa Grande you can. Different requirements in different counties. Always pay attention to the rules that parks have that may be specific to the location you are in.
  15. Must be very small tanks. Our black tank is 82 gallons, the grey is 100 gallons. Dump once every 12 days or so, usually the afternoon noon before we leave if traveling. And thinking that the TP is what can cause the pyramid of doom inside the black tank is false. It is fecal matter that dries out. By keeping the dump valves open I assume using lots of water with each flush which is why they haven't had a problem. All fecal matter will smell as it decays, the question then becomes how much fecal matter is on the used tissue, which depends upon the digestive tract of each individual and their anatomy. For some higher water content will mean more TP needed to complete cleansing, for others lower water content will mean less TP needed.
  16. We use the same resources and use US Highways and Interstates for moving from one destination to another and then explore in the toad. I have no interest in exploring, or making stops along the way - that's why we have the toad. Known roads is how we go with the rig. Have had a TomTom for years and do like the feature of getting information on roads from traffic reports when near a big city. But now get the same on our Maps on iPhone, so will be using that next spring if we finally get to travel again. Our rig is 12' 7" at its highest point, so 13' is a minimum for us and even then I'm very weary.
  17. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will have few side effects except for the fever, muscle ache at site of injection, and the fever is a sign that the vaccine has initiated an immune response and your body is building antibodies to the the viruses having attachment spikes like Covid19. And since neither of these vaccines are made using eggs, more people will be able to take this vaccine. The vaccine is actually a small mRNA segment that when in a cell, initiates the development of a spike, your body sees that as a foreign antigen and start producing antibodies. Then if a Covid19 Virus enters, your body recognizes the spikes and attacks the spikes, thus the virus can't attach to the cell and you don't become infected.
  18. And children currently can't attend schools without having a series of vaccinations unless there is a medical reason in most states. Vaccines are tested before being administered, where ever did you get the idea they weren't tested? Vaccines DO NOT CURE. They prevent the virus from being able to replicate and take over body system. Did you miss that part of basic biology in school?
  19. The reason I suggest a 30 amp cord in addition to the 50 amp cord (since its a DP, assume it is 50 amp) that come with the coach is because the 50 amp cords are HEAVY and if you only have a 30 amp site, it is so much easier to use a 30 amp cord - - especially if in the PNW where 30 amps are common and it is often "damp" in the morning when you are getting ready to move. Have always been thankful for having both of them.
  20. Power cords (get both 30 and 50 amp cords, 30') sewer hoses (enough for 50'), water hoses with regulator (1- 25;, a couple 10-15' ones) should all be negotiated and part of the purchase price. Add 10-15' 30 amp and 10-15' 50 amp extensions Surge protection, either pedestal or built in. Chuck added to your air compression system to allow you to fill tires. Adjustable long handle brush for washing rig Tellescoping ladder to reach up beyond height of the roof Roadside breakdown kit with flares, triangles, etc. Knee pads for when you are down on the ground with your knees hooking up, etc. Several pairs of good leather gloves for working outside Small bucket for placing under wet bay to use when hooking up and unhooking sewer hoses. There will be drips, best caught in a bucket and poured into toilet. Tip - put a gallon size slider closing Ziplock bag around sewer outlet after cap is on. When getting ready to attach hose, crack open the cap inside the bag to catch any drips, etc., that might have accumulated. At one point or another there will be drips, etc., especially as the seals get old. Duck tape, DW40, teflon tape, electrical tape Assorted bungy cords in all different sizes. If you are going to have satellite tv connect with a tripod, etc., then 100' total in cable for those times when you are parked in/near trees (esp in the PNW). Water filters, sediment filter at a minimum
  21. One of my most vivid memory is being lined up and marched into the cafeteria to get our polio shots - and how everyone was scared but no one dared cry, etc., as we had all spent too many summers being told we couldn't go to the lake to swim because there was polio in the area. My 3rd grade teacher had a limp and a disfigured arm/wrist because of Polio and friends of my parents lost a child to polio, so it was REAL to us. We all put our dimes in the card slots and turned them in at school, proud each time we filled a card and could hand it in. Our county health did the vaccinations at each school up and down the valley. In Dave's county, they were all bussed into downtown Tacoma to a large auditorium and marched in and out by classes from each school, to get their vaccinations. Each county did if differently, but all used the schools as the place to get the first round of vaccines into children. I don't think people now have any idea of how polio scared parents back them. All of the major vaccinations were done at schools as a lot of kids never saw a physician unless they broke a bone, etc. Wellness visits weren't come, especially in more rural areas of our valley, hence the schools, and always in the elementary schools (except for the polio vaccine) since a lot of kids never went to high school, dropped out to work, etc. I remember diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, and smallpox, as well as TB testing. Yes, I am older than dirt!
  22. No it won't be forgotten. Unless we are able to get close to 100% of the world population vaccinated as we did with smallpox, it will remain in the 'wild' and will mutate a little as it travels through different populations to become less lethal to hosts so that it can replicate and be passed on. AND the virus is in wild bat populations and probably other wild animal populations in China. Plus, there are other similar corona viruses in the wild animal populations in China that have already been identified as ones that could jump to humans. After all, the "Spanish Flu" (which probably originated in the USA midwest and was taken to Europe by our troops in 1918) is still circulating, it is the H1N1 virus, and has slowly mutated over the years to be a little less virulent and our ability to treat symptoms and provide supportive care has increased.
  23. The post I was referring to has been removed. My bad, I should have quoted it. If you read back, you will see I knew, and commented, the whole thread was about Part D plans.
  24. Great day trip is US 30 (E Historic Columbia River Highway) picked up outside of Portland, Oregon (at Troutdale) all the way to the Dallas, OR, rather than I-84. US 30 runs along the Columbia river and has NUMEROUS waterfalls, usually with a pull out to park and hike to the base of the water fall. So you get to see so many before getting to Multnomah Falls park.
  25. Recommending supplements when someone is on prescribed medications can turn out deadly. Unless your physician agrees, never take a supplement or OTC with medications with prescription meds. Talk to your physician to make sure the suggested supplement won't interfere with how the body turns over the medication. You don't need to take anything, your body has a great detox systems in place and if they aren't working well, you need to be under the care of the liver or kidney physician. In fact, taking something else could interfere with natural turnover rendering you either not having amount of medication in your body that you need or too much.
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