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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Gremlins - when I can't figure why something strange happens in the coach, I know it is a Gremlins attack just to drive me crazy!
  2. Linda, have your tried flushing for a period of time and then checking the temperature of the water at the toilet? That would tell you very quickly if somehow the lines have been switched.
  3. We bought a new car last year in Arizona, I calculated the tax owed wrong (added a penalty because we were 3 days over the 30 days to get the paper work in because of the bank we were using) and sure enough I got a check back for the overpayment within 2 weeks. They do this all the time and are most gracious when you call.
  4. X3 I want teachers to get it as soon as possible!
  5. Georgia, Floating conspiracy theories. Hospitals bill by codes of treatments provided. Since COVID interferes with several body systems, if you have it, are ill and being hospitalized, if you die it will be COVID related. Could you have died of your underlying pathology that week, the following month, year. Yes, but COVID exacerbated the process, so a COVID death.
  6. How lucky that your immune system is able to fend of infection and your wife was able to develop sufficient antibodies to recover. 250K were not that lucky. And for many of us with ongoing chronic conditions getting the virus would be a death sentence. To brag about not wearing masks when your wife did catch the virus seems strange to me. BTW - have you been tested for antibodies?
  7. Unfortunately Kirk there are an awful lot of people who will laugh that off as "won't happen to me". It is just so sad to see people dying because of ignorance or obstinance. Either way, they are still dead. 300K by Christmas. 😢
  8. Antibody levels and length of immunity seem to be dependent upon how severe of a case the person had and how active the immune system became. People with very mild cases may not activate as may T cells and thus not have long term immunity. It is really very complex issue.
  9. Vern, Where did you get the idea that you had to be more than 500 ft away? Close proximity, indoors, without masks, is the greatest risk. Next is outdoors, but hopefully with nice breeze anything is dilute. With masks, risk is greatly reduced. Take the last time you were close to your friend, and count 14 days from them - that's the incubation period. Most people are positive within 7 days, but 14 is consider the safe point. Just keep doing what you are doing and try not to worry.
  10. That's a very scenic road for cars, RVs no. Couple of 9-10% grades in spots, not long, but steep.
  11. Jim, if you go back and look at the statements on masks they never said no one needed a mask. They knew then that it would probably help, but also knew that the hospitals were running short and needed them more and if they said everyone mask up, what would stores have been like - - you think TP was bad! So they said most people didn't need one and gradually they came to understand that there was no way to tell who was infectious and that everyone need to be treated as such, hence getting a mask. Easiest way to decide about a vaccine, if Dr. Fauci and Dr. Hotez are getting one, then that's the signal to move ahead.
  12. Same way, but LONG the descents require more diligent efforts in keeping speed down. Of course you already know that don't you?
  13. Veronica, if you plan on being there for Thanksgiving, start at least a day earlier. If weather is clear up I-5. If not, CA 20 over to the 101. Steady wins the day, don't worry about others speeding past you. Also, when big trucks go by you will feel pushed to the right, take a firm hold of the steering wheel and keep the rig in the center of the lane. You will soon learn to anticipate that and using your mirrors to see trucks coming up you can get yourself set. You will find yourself needing breaks during the day, take them and make sure you are off the road before dusk. For going down passes, shift down at least one gear at the top and USE THE BRAKES sparingly. When you do apply them, apply firmly, bring speed down 15-20 mph and then GET YOUR FOOT OFF until the speed returns to level that you applied brakes before. On I-5, you will have 7 miles of downhill into Ashland, OR and it you can get going very, very fast if not careful. Riding the brakes will burn them out.
  14. The OP asked for alternatives and Highway 101 is not that hard as all of you are making it out to be unless you are insisting on doing 80 mph! Unfortunately the OP didn’t tell us the size of the rig, how ‘new’ she is and the specific time frame. I’m assuming Christmas and family she feels she must’ve go to see.
  15. There is a check list for mail renewal of materials that are REQUIRED. Not there, the application will be rejected. What don't you understand about following the instructions for MAIL renewal. They are different than in person renewal, online renewal, by phone renew. If you don't like it, then complain to the DPS in Austin. Don't think you will get very far, but have at it. Here's the web page with the items that can be used detailed: https://www.dps.texas.gov/DriverLicense/residencyReqNonCDL.htm And here is the link for MAIL renewal https://www.dps.texas.gov/DriverLicense/nonmilitaryrenewal.htm So have at it. I know what works since I have done it. And you, when did you do your Texas Class B renewal by mail?
  16. Kirk, when was the last time you went up Highway 101? Yes, there are some short stretches that are 5-7% grades, 2-3 miles long. I could find 4 of these that are enough to give an alert. But NOTHING like the Siskiyous. No runaway ramps on the way down that you have (2 of them on the Oregon side) coming down from the top of the pass into Ashland, over 7 miles. For a new RVer (and we don't know what type of rig she has, trying that in the winter is not easy. Personally I won't do any northward travel in the winter as a new RVer, but that is just me. Of course I wouldn't do it now after 17 years with our rig which I know very, very well. But again, that's us. Hugh number of RVers take the 101 every year, especially after Christmas coming south.
  17. And in a ranch setting with lots of ventilation, not a problem, especially once everyone was trained in basic safety procedures. In an building with so-so ventilation, it could be a problem. It requires some training to handle correctly. Same with CO2 (dry ice). All a matter of training, etc., but that means distribution will take a while and people should not be making plans that will hinge on everything being OK by March or April.
  18. Ever work with liquid N2 on a regular basis? Not as easy as you think. Yes, liquid N2 is what hospitals will use. There are ventilation concerns when having any cryogenics around. In time those problems will be solved, but not right away.
  19. The ones giving this vaccine will need to be able to keep it at -101°F. That’s not just simple dry ice bricks. So most physicians office will not have it, nor will neighborhood pharmacies.
  20. NOTHING on 101 is close to the 50+ miles of grades up and down with Siskiyous Pass Complex of passes. Siskiyous itself is the highest pass on I-5 and for a first time RVer can be daunting. Taking CA20 over is the easiest way to get to 101. Curves, yes, but as someone who grew up going up and down the 101 in the '50s, "curves, you don't know nutting about curves". 😉. Just take is slow and easy. Head up the 101 and north of Lincoln, OR take OR18 on to Taggart. Would be nice if the OP had included a time frame.
  21. I wouldn't plan on Alaska next summer unless there are high rates of affective vaccinations on both sides of the Canadian border. If that is in place, I would expect each side would require certificate of vaccination of those entering. We will wait until health care, first responders, front line employees and teachers get theirs. We can wait, we don't intermingle with people who may be carrying the virus all day. Plus, I would make all travel plans as if we will have the infections through next fall. As great as it sounds, the safety and efficacy data were for 7 days. Until we see 90 days or longer efficacy there is no reason to get in line. Health care workers, yes, they could get boosters every 90 days, the rest of us no. So breath, check your mask supplies, and keep doing everything to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.
  22. We've run into a problem where a credit card won't be accepted on line because when I put the address in I used Dr (UPSP preferred address) instead of Dr., which is what I put in when I set up the accounts 20+ years ago! And I have to go into the account info for each account and correct the address, as well as correct it on our computers when they auto-fill the address. Actually it was the auto-fill that really tripped us up.
  23. But when my husband renewed the year before, we had it sent to Livingston because we were moving between states and that was easiest for us. Still had to supply residency documentation. You are really hung up on this aren’t you? It is what it is. Why tilt at windmills?
  24. Blues, First, no the renewed license is not necessarily sent to the Texas address. It is sent to where ever you happened to be. Mine came to Arizona where we spend the winter. So maybe that is why they require documentation. You don't know much about people who are on assignments in various states for a variety of reasons do you? Military, students, oil workers, university personnel (lots of the big universities have satellite campuses in other states and some in other countries), traveling nurses who take 3 months assignments and then move on, insurance adjusters who go in after a major disaster and spend 6-15 months during the cleanup, and on and on. And LOTS of full timers don't set foot in Texas for years at a time. I am not sure why this bothers you so much. It is what it is.
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