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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. They will gladly take cash IN FULL. They just don't have coins in this area for change. And for a lot of restaurants where we do pickup, I will tell them to put the cash in the tip jar.
  2. Like Al said, I always use email for get mail forwarded so that I can make sure the address is correct and I get a reply THAT DAY stating that it will be shipped the next day and how it will be shipped. So I have the chance to catch if a mistake is made.
  3. Lots of smaller businesses in Mesa have signs in the drive-thrus says "exactly cash only or credit cards".
  4. Received ours today (sent out on Wednesday the 7th) , will be mailed back tomorrow. Frustating that it takes a week to get Priority Mail!
  5. Luckily more and more grocery chains are learning that touchless payments is the way to go. Our favorite restaurants also take Apple Pay. Pilot/Flying Js take the tap payment if you go inside and some are now installing new pumps that allow you to pay at the pump with the 'tap' and go cards or the smart phones. Safeway store near us just added diesel and the pumps have the tap & go emblem on them. Even Massey Truck & Diesel in Phoenix takes Apple Pay for oil changes/repairs!
  6. I don't think most people realize that things in your wallet, like tickets, etc., are on your phone, not in the cloud. I've gotten so I don't shop regularly at places that don't take payments from smart phones (Apple Pay, Goggle Pay).
  7. I apply for things on line. Electronic signatures, never print out. BUT printers are cheap, don’t take much space. Have app on phone that show insurance card in my phone wallet. Texas accepts that as proof of insurance. Your state doesn’t?
  8. Like Kirk, we both renewed our passports by mail, followed the instructions on the link he provided, and got ours in about 3 weeks after application was received. Old passports were mailed back to us in separate envelopes and came about 4 days later. Couldn't have been simpler. Please don't over think this, just follow the instructions.
  9. Got our notice today that the absentee ballots have arrived, so tomorrow will request them to be sent on to us.
  10. Well, the AZ Liquor Board is pulling the liquor licenses of those bars/restaurants that don't abide by the requirements for opening. And it was pretty dramatic the first weekend when all of the college students went out to party, filled up some well-known bars the first night, posted all over social media, and the NEXT day their liquor licenses were pulled and signs posted on their doors that they were closed! That got everyone's notice. Last week the mayor of Scottsdale and their city council reminded their mask order - which made the 'go ahead and everyone get sick' crowd in that town happy, but had no real effect since the COUNTY wide mandate on masks is in effect. All of the major hospital systems then took our ads saying how important it was for everyone to keep on with the masks, etc., since the numbers of hospitalizations is down. Numbers of new cases is spiking again, though, but mainly on the college campuses.
  11. What you don’t understand is that people with Class A and Class B licenses CAN NOT renew online and must do it by mail or in person. If you are traveling, you do it by mail. We were not in Texas when licenses needed to be renewed. Set in requested material and had them sent to Livingston. Then had them sent on to with our mail. Since I’ve done it twice I’m not sure why you are so hostile to me.
  12. Isn't that the "royal" we? Always indicating that the individual speaking is "directing" the activities. 😉
  13. Have you read this piece in the Atlantic? https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2018/09/the-new-they/568993/
  14. Yup. No gender mentioned because there is no need for it. Just like there is no need to know the age, ethnicity, skin pigmentation, religious affiliations, nor ancestors of anyone.
  15. Not the only reason. They are also practicing social distancing, hand washing, and wearing masks. Those very things that help to reduce the incidence of Covid-19 infection also reduce the incidence of Flu infection!
  16. Two different websites on different servers.
  17. Since it is listed on the website of documents you must have to renew by mail, I believe the answer is yes. And I checked, you do not have to verify residency if you are renewing online. It has been 6 years since I renewed in person, and don't remember what they asked in 2013 (renewed 6 months early) so likely we didn't have produce anything but our licenses, take the vision test and sign the statement regarding our vehicle being an RV over 26,000 pounds and get new picture taken.
  18. "Pharmacist's spouse is a dentist ...." would seem a more logical way to start the sentence. The gender of either one is immaterial to the discussion.
  19. It has nothing to do with forwarding mail from your current address to Escapees. It authorizes Escapees to forward everything from Livingston to where ever you are located when you ask for your mail.
  20. We got ours the first of September, the pharmacies were advertising as was the AZ department of Public Health. We’ll get another one in February if there is a lot of flu around.
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