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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. I guess there is a difference between doing it in person and doing it by mail in Texas. Will see in 2024 when I turn 79 and have to renew again and that has to be in person. Of course it would be in person anyway, just a couple of years later.
  2. They look at what is circulating in Southern Hemisphere, as well as other trends and make a best guess at the 4 strains that will probably be circulating. Between pushing flu vaccine early, wearing masks, washing hands, little international travel, plus lower incidences of flu in other countries, we just might have a better than usual flu season.
  3. That’s also what we decided to do this year. With Dave recovering from surgery, we just can’t risk it this year.
  4. Blues, what state? AND yes, you provided proof of residency - your current driver's license. Most states (like Texas) require more than just the current DL you have.
  5. Remember, the 98.6 is the AVERAGE temperature of healthy people. And your temperature varies through out the day. It also goes up if you have been walking outside in 114° heat to get to the physician's office. Lots of physician offices found that people's temperature went down at least 1 full point this summer in the Phoenix area after their patients sat for a few minutes in the waiting area.
  6. Al, That's always a problem with the flu vaccines, trying to figure out which of the different flu viruses will be circulating. So sorry you caught a strain that wasn't included in last year's vaccine. The flu can be really, really serious .
  7. No Jim, you did not get the flu from taking the flu vaccine. Either already had the virus in you and there was no time for the body to make antibodies against the flu (takes 2 weeks). Or it could be the case that the flu strain that you were infected with was not included in that year's vaccine - it is always a balancing act to try and figure out which flu strains will be circulating and which have mutated enough to warrant their being included in the vaccine. Generally, even if you get the flu, having had the vaccine will lessen the severity of the disease. Now if you have a reaction when you get the shot, you should investigate with an allergist because you may have a allergy to some egg protein, or something else in the vaccine. There are people that are people who can't take a number of vaccines because of how they are produced.
  8. So you are a Q follower? No, there are not hordes of people setting fires all over the west. Some have been started by people doing stupid things like having gender reveal parties involving fireworks. Have you even looked at where a lot of the fires are? Also, there were no people in a lot of area in 1926. So nothing was done to fight the fires, they just grew until a rain event happened. I grew up in a logging community, my dad towed logs down the river, and at least every other summer, there would be a lightening strike somewhere up the mountains (Cascades) in our valley that would cover the valley in smoke for a few days. All of the loggers would be furiously moving equipment that might be in the path of the fire, dad, along with this crew, would work up on the fire lines helping get things moved, and come back covered in soot. Eventually a soaking rain would come in (PNW is a lot wetter than CA) and then there would be a race to get charred timber logged off of burn sites before the heavy rains and slides came that winter. But back then they didn't go MONTHS in Seattle without rain - now that is happening more and more often. Which means longer burn times, more ash/soot in the air, more damage to peoples lungs.
  9. They aren’t kids, they are adults and they should be intelligent enough to know close contact then moving around the country leads to outbreaks of the virus, causing sickness and death.
  10. We try to move on Mondays. I love Sunday afternoons after the weekenders have left, the park becomes quite, and no hassle leaving Monday morning about 10 am, plus no line up at our next park that afternoon between 2-3 pm. Let the weekenders have the roads getting home on Sundays so they can go back to work come Monday morning.
  11. Medicare is pretty straight forward, 80% of approved charges are paid. Yes, the 20% could be huge, but once you figure your risk level, then hall of the supplement insurances must provide the same benefits in each class. Part D was added later by pharmaceutical interests in the hopes of forestalling Medicare from negotiating drug prices for all beneficiaries. There is no need for it to be this way. Worst thing that ever happened was allowing the advertising of prescription drugs to the general public! and Medicare Advantage programs are good for the companies, not for people.
  12. Yes, you can get snow after Labor Day in the Rockies. You need to watch the weather this time of year, and be prepared to hunker down for a day or 2 if a storm is overtaking you. Don’t stray to far from I-80, they keep the interstates open for the most part. And we are almost to October!
  13. With the Class A that we have, can’t do online, so had to do by mail, plus upgrading to the Real ID. Because of our driver’s license type we can’t renew online.
  14. Yes, I had to submit proof of residency to Renew. I bet you did too, just didn’t remember it? Copy of coach registration, voter’s Registration card, insurance were good enough. IIRC it took only passport to establish citizenship, but 2 pieces for residency.
  15. Go up to where you see your name (top right on my browser) click and scroll down to Account Settings. Then you will see the page to change and there will be the link to set up your signature line.
  16. In addition to telling everyone a little more about your rig are you planning on this trip NOW? Because it is September and snow is already falling in some areas of the Rockies.
  17. Her original cancer site was pancreas. She has had 'mets' in different parts of the body. No one is every 'cured' of cancer, we all just go into remission.
  18. Yup, from metro area to 'rural' area will have that effect.
  19. Since it is your first year, I would just draw a line that follows I-10 across the southern states, start at one side and work your way to the other. We bounced around doing 2-3 week stints (up to a month) the first few years to determine where we wanted to be and where we didn't want to be. Yes, we ended up in Arizona for the winter, but that's us. Other people swear by Florida, the Gulf Coast, the RGV (Rio Grande Valley), some do west Texas and New Mexico, then there are the Arizona desert areas and the Southern California desert areas, plus some mid-California areas. This year will be tricky because of local/state regulations that affect length of stays, quarantining, etc. None of us has the right answer for you because we don't know what you want to do, what you like, don't like (bugs, for me, which is why we only did one year in Florida), size of your budget, etc. Remember, you are exploring, and there will be some stops that will be on your "never stop here again", others that will be "if we come this way, not a bad stop" and eventually a few (or maybe 1) "this is the spot for next year".
  20. The old myths about becoming ill from the flu shot always remain because people don't understand basic physiology. For years most people never thought about getting the shots UNTIL there were LOTS of cases all around. It takes 2-3 weeks for your immune system to build up a sufficient number of antibodies circulating to attack the virus. That sore arm, slight fever, shows that your immune system recognized the killed virus particle and is reacting, like it should. HOWEVER, it is entirely possible to (1) already have been exposed and have the flu and not yet showing systems, or (2) become exposed and develop flu before the body has the time to react. If you notice the pharmacies now begin advertising the availability at the end of August (actually the flu vaccine is available all year round) and once pharmacies were allowed to give the shot, it became more convenient for people to get them, there was more advertising about them being available, pharmacy chains started to do TV ads (lure the kids with STICKER bandaids) to get more people in and get it started earlier. It is always a guess on the manufacturers part as to which strains will be circulating, some years they do a better job than other years at getting it right. And not everyone gets 100% immunity, but even if you do get the flu, having some immune response means you usually don't get as sick. The other thing that helps a lot of full timers is that they are not around kids all of the time. The less you are around people who are sick, the less likely that you will get sick. Australia is just finishing their flu season and because of the pandemic restrictions (wearing masks, staying distant from others, etc) they have had a HUGE decrease in flu cases this year. Turns out the same things that we do in response to the Corona Virus will also work to help prevent the exposure to the flu viruses - and the common cold (some of which are also corona viruses)!
  21. Yes, it applies in Texas. Did I say otherwise? I'm not sure I understand your second sentence.
  22. Texas also has a residency requirement, which is different from the requirement to prove US Citizenship or Lawful Presence. It appears that Wisconsin has the same requirements: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/license-drvs/how-to-apply/documentation.aspx
  23. We did our renewal by mail. Just followed the instructions, sent in the required items, filled out form, current passport, photo stapled in the correct place on the form, check for amount, and mailed it in. New passport came back about three weeks later, the old one (in separate envelop) arrived a few days later. In fact, when we renewed a couple of years ago we were told NOT to do it in person at the Post Office unless there was some unusual circumstances, but to do it by mail.
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