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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. "Could I please have the spelling of your name and the Postmaster's name for my letter to my two senators and my Congressional Representative?" I never ask, I go to the USPS website, take the city I want to use and type in General Delivery for the street address, and ask for the zip code. You can then look of the location for that post office zip code. There is usually only ONE post office in each major city that accepts General Delivery, usually downtown. Since our mail always comes Priority Mail with tracking, I have the tracking showing that was delivered to the post office. Had an interesting one last summer, the package was to be delivered to Centralia Post Office, but it ended up at the Chehalis Office (5 miles down the road) and was scheduled to be sent back to the Centralia office the next day. They called the Chehalis office, told them to pull the package and that I was on the way. It was sitting right there on the counter behind the window when I got there. Both offices were extremely nice and offered apologies and I know it was mixed up coming out of the Seattle sorting area the night before. Mistakes can happen, but being a mini-dictator like some local postmasters that isn't to be tolerated! Started full timing in 2006.
  2. From Mesa, temperatures under 80°all night, first night without a/c going! Low was 69°! First time in 110 days! High of 89° today. Will warm up to low 110s this week end but 110°+ appear to be gone. But haze in the air from fires in the mountains!
  3. Yes, that sounds about right. I finally got a hope chest - my mom's when they retired and moved onto the sailboat for several years. Gave it to my daughter when we went full timing and she sold it to her mother-in-law for something.
  4. Embroidery, something young ladies (until the '70s) did to fill their HOPE CHESTS with pillow cases, kitchen towels, aprons, etc., along with flatware, glasses, dishes, blankets. Never got mine into a chest, just boxed up when I got married and moved into our first apartment.
  5. We were under 110 yesterday in Phoenix area! Going to hit lows of around 70 tonight - -NO A/C TO SLEEP TONIGHT! Has been months - so looking forward to it.
  6. How neat. My machine is pretty basic straight stitch and zig-zag.
  7. Actually this is a better link https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/types.html There are at least 4 other coronaviruses that have been identified in animals that have the potential of mutating enough to jump to humans. Covid-19 was also identified some years ago as an animal virus that might jump, but funding for further research was stopped.
  8. I now have masks for several season, currently working on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I make them for my daughter, who is a teacher, and others at her school and keep a few for myself. Since my daughter has to wear one every day I've been making several so she has a variety and only has to wash once a week. So have a bunch in the car now to grab.
  9. Why would each state be putting out false data which can be easily checked by reporters since Death notices are public records and subject to FOAs?
  10. You take the E-470S loop that goes around the easy side of Denver instead of I-25 straight through, hopefully on a Sunday with decent weather. Or, if you have some time, take state highway 79 out of Rapid City south to the state line and pick up US 385 south to LaMar CO, the US-287 south to Amarillo and pick up I-40 heading west. Lots of little towns with public parks to stay in on the way down.
  11. Grapefruit has compounds that interfere with some P450 enzymes (Dave’s postdoctoral work was on different P450s) and these enzymes allow the liver to detoxify medications. Lack of these enzymes mean your body can reach lethal dosage levels of different dugs. Seyvile Oranges will also interfere with some P450 enzymes.
  12. Really prefer Dos Equis Amber When we could still go out for Mexican
  13. Yes, it is a 90 day average the glucose -bound red blood cells survive, but if you make a change it will start showing up about 6 weeks out. Which is why people who try the week before to lower it are unhappy with the results. Glad to hear you’re doing well. Het, Denny, in addition to carb levels we also have to read labels for sodium and potassium levels, plus onions since Dave’s lower gastrointestinal tract can not handle any unless they have been in contact it’s vinegar!
  14. One of the things to think about is no one died from measles, but they died from the pneumonia that follows and overwhelms the lungs, or the high fevers that lead to seizures and sometimes heart stopping - but measles is the cause. No one dies of AIDs, but from the HIV virus dismantling the immune system which leads to opporunistic infections. Diabetics are more susceptible to Covid-19 because diabetes weakens the cardiovascular system (vascular especially) and the Covid-19 virus seems to attack that system and cause further weakening, leading to kidney failure and death. Infections of all kinds cause the body to try and remove them and often, in that effort, leads to overwhelming systems that then fail. And I agree, talking about risk factors should be highlighted, like the risk of being infected when going into crowds, being around people who refused to wear masks, not practicing good hygiene. My hands are so shriveled it seems there isn't enough lotion to put on them to help anymore - but I can't take any chance of bring the infection home to Dave. Yes, the meters to check blood glucose really make a difference - and if you are on medicare, the testing meters and supplies are provided by Medicare with a prescription. And the use of the A1C has really made a difference in giving a 6 week look at how people are doing.
  15. Colorado Springs clear up to Cheyenne isn't fun anymore. Use to be long stretches between cities, now just wall to wall people, shopping centers, and traffic!
  16. Kirk, yes, I know that they are looking at something smaller. Just putting in a little side note that larger than 20 gallon tanks are not that unusual in motorhomes, especially larger gas and diesel Class As. And do agree with having generator run on the fuel the vehicle engine uses.
  17. "Mom, I just need to know the steps to get the answer, not how the steps were developed!" said one teenager to me during many an evening homework sessions. 😉
  18. Denny, You are going to do the things that are being asked of people, stay away from crowds, practice good hygiene, I assume wear a mask when going into areas where it's required, etc. And as you have noticed, it doesn't really inflict a great deal of hardship on you. So .......? I'm not sure what 'taking heads' you are watching. I'll listen to Dr. Fauci and to Dr. Peter Hotez (Baylor College of Medicine, he was involved in the initial vaccine for SARS) as to what what to do. Our only problem this summer has been the HEAT here in Arizona (set record for hottest month in July only to be broken in August) so getting outside to do things has been almost impossible and all large air conditioned malls, etc., were closed so no walking there.) As an aside, good for you for looking up the side effects of diabetes drugs. Dave was diagnosed with Type 2 after his stroke 20 years ago, and put on Metformin. We didn't pick up on the kidney side effects in the warnings at that time - - Dave is now well controlled on insulin (A1C is 5.9) but his kidneys are at 27%! Interestingly, one of his physicians said most Type 2 diabetics who couldn't control with diet did better on small amounts of insulin (Dave takes 14 units of Lantus at night), with less problems to other systems, but won't take it because of their fear of needles so most just start with prescribing pills.
  19. If anything the numbers are being suppressed in a lot of places so people won’t understand how easily this spreads and how many people are being infected. It isn’t that people are necessarily dying, we just don’t know about all of the long term problems people are going to face. My cousin’s husband was hospitalized the end of February in Washington state. He recovered, Was never on a ventilator, seemed to recovery easily, but now is experiencing something like chemo fog. As are a lot of others all over the country.
  20. Kirk, we have a 40 gallon propane tank, which means 32 gallons when full. That’s why we go 2+ yrs between refills, usually 20 gallons or so when we find cheap propane on our travels.
  21. What difference does it make? They are still gone and the families would still suffer. Yes, we will all die at some point, but that doesn’t mean we just do nothing and let people die. Plus, we don’t know all of the long term effects for a lot of younger people who have the disease. IT IS NOT A SIMPLE COLD. Some long term effects are just starting to be recognized.
  22. Definitely go the plains route. For example, Denver is scheduled for SNOW on Tuesday. You don't say what month, but if November or later, check the weather when you get to Santa Rosa and if necessary head down to I-10 and then take AZ 95 north just before you get to the Colorado River. Oops, I missed the September travel. Then you won't have any problems coming clear across I-40 - - except for the rough payment from Flagstaff to Kingman. Will rattle any fillings in your teeth - - and we have air bags cushioning our ride.
  23. They were all in a special study-aboard program and were being put up in the hotel prior to departing for overseas (quarantine ahead, etc.). It is a very LIMITED number of students who get to do it and therefore, they university had already committed to the costs of these students overseas and other students who would have followed the rules didn't get the chance. I can't feel sorry for them, both they and their parents KNEW ahead of time what would happen if they broke the rules - the university had sent out reminders before they ever came to school. Transition to being and adult is hard for a lot of students.
  24. And if we add another 200,000 deaths by end of year (current estimate) it will be close to overtaking cancer deaths. Seeing pictures already of people "party - hearty" parties, don't portend well for what we will start seeing in 2 weeks. I will never understand why people work so hard against their own best interests. Sigh
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