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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. They were OEM for our coach and we still run them. Usually change out at 7-8 years, when we get to Oregon to save the sales tax! 😎
  2. Yes, it could be many more than 2 million if we did nothing and just let everyone contract the virus. Does that appeal to you, because it doesn’t to me. They identified some things that work in keeping people safe while they work on a vaccine and other therapies. Isn’t that a better way for a population to respond to a threat to that population?
  3. Maybe, or your exposure time was short enough that you didn’t receive the number of virus particles necessary to become infected. You can get checked for antibodies in a few weeks. Most people are able to handle the disease with various levels of effects. But huge numbers can’t as we have already seen. If we did nothing and tried for ‘herd immunity’ through infection greater than 2 million would die. 2 million would die so someone doesn’t have to wear a mask - would you be ok with that? I wouldn’t.
  4. NO, because we have no idea of all of the problems that the virus can cause. More and more data is appearing about long term damage to the cardiovascular system to those with mild cases, of rare reactions among children, of the development of a "Covid19" fog for a lot of people who have difficulty concentrating for weeks after the infection, of an increasing in inflammatory response in joints which can lead to development of arthritis, and on and on. IT IS A NOVEL virus, we do not have nearly enough information about it. It is like what happened to Native Americans when they were exposed to measles - no background immunity passed down from mother to child as there was in the population from Northern Europe, where the population who could survive the virus had been selected for over millennia, so populations were decimated. Hawaiians were nearly wiped out by measles.
  5. Not wearing a mask PUTS OTHERS AT RISK. The primary reason a person wears a mask, like your surgeon before he cuts you open, is so you don't pass an infection to someone else! I wear a mask to protect you, you wear a mask to protect me. And if we each wear a mask, then we have really reduced the risks - keep 6' minimum distance, we've reduced it even further and one can do some shopping in stores, etc. The amount of antibodies that you might get from an infection IS NOT WORTH HAVING OTHER PEOPLE DIE FOR IT! This is a NOVEL virus, meaning that there is no antibodies to anything like it that have been passed down from mother to child.
  6. Most businesses will make arrangements to bring purchases out to car, etc. It is a pandemic, so not all people may be able to be do everything they want to do. Even people with severe COPD can usually function with a mask for shorts period of time, and if they can't then they sure as hell shouldn't be in a situation where the virus can be easily passed!
  7. Since the battery was swollen and I couldn't get the case to close, I needed to get it changed out yesterday. Amazon is now taking 3-4 days for prime. And everyone was following the rules, the store was not crowded, everyone was spacing in the store, etc. I am really now sure why the hostility from you? Guess I didn't phrase the statement correctly.
  8. As I said, our DP is 37 and works well. It does have a Queen. But it is almost (20 yrs old. Assuming you are looking at something newer, you should be able to find a DP in that range with king sized bed. Part of the fun is in the looking. Remember to go through the motion of living in a rig. Can you get to toilet, sink with slide in? Refrigerator? Can you comfortably sit on the toilet with any door closed? Kick shoes off and get in shower and go through the motions.
  9. Glenn, first that has nothing to do with masks. Yes, distance means the number of workers in a given area will be reduced, but same number of welds need to be done. Thus employers will negotiate longer completion times. Unemployment is high in a lot of different jobs. And will stay that way until we have a vaccine and/or other ways of accomplishing the tasks are devised. This is a boon to robotic development. Lots of jobs will never come back, the virus didn’t cause this realignment in the workforce, it is just hastening it. What we as a society aren’t doing if figuring out how to help people adapt.
  10. Glenn, then your beef is with the companies. Those are company directives and has nothing to do with either the virus nor the common sense public health practices. The masks didn't put you out of a job, lazy companies did.
  11. It would help if the auto-correct and I agreed on what I meant to type. I meant to type gas coach.
  12. The change in the Mesa, AZ area the last few weeks has been dramatic. And it is working, the positivity rate/hospitalization rates are down. Had to go into a Batteries Plus store today because I needed an older battery design for our MiFi, Verizon no longer carries it, they did. Big sign on door, Mask required, disposable ones available for sale inside. Everyone coming in had one on. Most had white hair, like me, as did the manager. The people doing repairs in back had theirs hanging on hooks next to their workbench, slipped them on as they brought the item to the counter after fixing. No one through a fit, it just felt like normal. I'm taking a break from sewing fall/Halloween masks for my daughter, who teaches Special Ed, and her aide. I've made several masks this summer, so we have a supply in the car to use, plus several boxes of disposable ones (Costco's) on hand.
  13. Is there a gas coat with air suspension? Do not drive a diesel with air bags/air suspension unless you are willing to go that route because the air suspension (and quiet from the rear engine) will really spoil you for any other types of coaches. Linda, Wasn't the king size bed a requirement for the owners bedroom? Which would rule out over-the-cab and the shorter Class C side beds. From reading the OP, it sounded to me like the other couple and 2 teenage daughters would be visiting at the same time.
  14. Kirk, I think Zulu was referring to the list of things that Dreamers wanted. King-size Bed jumped out at me as needing a Class A, either gas or diesel or a Super C, especially when the requirement for sleeping for another couple and 2 teenage girls.
  15. Actually longer because we know that we will not get everyone to take the vaccine. If we have 35% or more than won't, then those people will be passing the disease on to others, including the small number who can not take the vaccine because of medical reasons.
  16. Ours is 37’1” front to back, and if I could do over I would have held out for 40’. We also went shorter because of hearing about state, federal park limitation. Maybe true at one time, not any more. Plus we found we didn’t do many state parks because of the extra charges for toads if you don’t have a state annual pass. And federal parks fill up in January. So we went with membership parks and really have saved money using them. That plus COE parks in Midwest and PPA when doing one night stops. Learned to drive it in big parking lots at the university on Sundays. Figure eights, used striping for parking, backing up, etc. I’m doing 60% or better of driving now. Love air bag ride and exhaust brake for coming down mountain passes.
  17. Dreamers, if you want a Class C get a Super Class C at maybe 36-38 ft. You really don’t want a regular Class C Over 32 ft, too much overhang. Class As and Super Class Cs will likely have enclosed basement, storage appropriate to fulltiming, etc. and quit listening to people regarding what can and what you can ‘make do’ for a 2 week trip is different from fulltiming!
  18. Like many have said, we've transition into part-time because at 75 things don't always work like they should and we found we needed more time in the winter to spread out and recharge.
  19. I wasn't directing that comment to you - - sorry if I wasn't clear about it.
  20. Actually SCOTUS decided this sometime ago. Laws were passed over a century ago that gave local officials the job of declaring emergencies in cases of disease transmission - think Typhoid Mary. Thus when a epidemic occurs, it is the job of local officials to do things like quarantining people who posse a risk. Wearing a mask is a simple thing to do. But if you hate your fellow man ........
  21. But you said they couldn't do that. And some counties do have mixtures of dry and wet cities in them. How long have you lived in Texas?
  22. Boy did you blow that one! I lived for 5 yrs in Smith County, easy to spot county lines, because that is where all the liquor stores were located. At every election there was an initiative to allow open liquor sales in the county. Baptist ministers and LIQUOR STORE OWNERS IN THE BORDERING COUNTIES were the driving force AGAINST it! And to go further, it is possible to have wet cities and dry cities in the same county.
  23. I'll second Al's recommendation but correct his sentence to read "Smart people ......"
  24. When we bought our new car 2 yrs ago, I did our title/registration from out-of-state. I listed it as Year: 2018 Make: Ford Body Style: HB. (Hatch Back). On our motorhome, it is listed as MH Model: CMAX Color: WHITE Left the Texas Plate area blank Listed actual mileage Listed Empty Weight as on the door For carrying capacity I didn't list anything on the form for the car. For the motorhome, I just handed them the actual certified weight of the vehicle that I had received after weighing her that morning at a local weigh station. Doing it in person is really easier because you just hand them your previous registration, the certified weight, the inspection certification and the very knowledgable clerks fill it in for you. Most important thing is the correct VIN number You really are overthinking this. All of the people in Polk county governmental office KNOW what full time RVers are, know all about the different regulations for RVs and are super easy to work with. And they are very helpful on the telephone.
  25. Having a mail address doesn’t mean that is necessarily your residency. Lots of people have another address, but use a mail forwarder for their mail while traveling, etc.
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