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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. I told you they will list your vehicle by Make and Model. Our registration for the motorhome is 2002 ALPI Make (abbreviated for Alpine) and MH for Model. Plus the VIN number. The vin number is the key. Yes, leave Item 8 blank That will be your Escapees address. I just renewed my DL this year, and we renew registration each year. Bought a new car last year, registered it via mail. You are making it harder than necessary.
  2. Vern, it is ok to ask questions. It took a while to figure out that you were wondering about the anti-pathogens properties of a copper surface, not ingesting something as a ‘magic cure’.
  3. It only appears that there are more viruses because news about what is happening in any place in the world is available 24/7. And with better medical treatment all of the time, more people are surviving diseases and around to talk about it. Ebola use to be isolated cases in a village where someone would have gotten it, got sick & died, villagers take care of body, contract the disease and soon the whole village is wiped out, but no one was around to notice it. HIV was in the background in places but then air travel became cheap and a flight attendant became infected, flew into the US and infected a few people and the epidemic was on. Small pox use to kill millions, now it is forgotten. Polio was a scourge - I can remember the fear that would great an area in the summer when a case was found in a community. It might make a comeback because of antivaxers. Think about all of the physicians who have never seen a case of chickenpox or measles or mumps - at least they hadn't until the craziness of the antivax crowd. Those are again on the rise. And your assertion that the viruses are worse than they were in history is just wrong. Chicken pox almost wiped out the Hawaiians when it was introduced by sailors.
  4. Kirk, the problem will be the second piece of paper to affirm residency for the Drivers License. The registration/title works for one, but you need a second one. That's why I suggest changing bank account or something similar to the Texas address, or getting the insurance changed over to the Texas address ahead of time. Easiest would be something like a DirectTV or Dish statement with the new address on it. That's what I've used for renewals, in addition to voter's registration, title on the motorhome, etc.
  5. Title and registration is one form. Once titled change your insurance address. Vehicle registration and insurance with new address are used to establish residency. Your vehicle location address will be your Livingston address. Also if you can get a bank statement with new address on it, that can be part of the residency proof. Carrying capacity should be the difference between gross weight rating and curb weight. There should be a sticker somewhere in your rig with those figures. It is registered by make and model. Actually you could wait but get insurance and financial record of some kind at your new address. Then when you get there it is: inspection, go get registration/title done, with those in hand get DL and register to vote. But do plan on it taking time because of offices on limited hours, by appointment only, or doing it online.
  6. Yes, copper plating for hospital door handles shows that bacteria and viruses don't survive on it like they do on stainless steel. I'm trying to figure out where you are going with this?
  7. Yes and Yes. In registering your vehicle you will be doing one of the things to establish residency. It it helpful to get your address early, three months or more before you "move" so that you can get some things to reflect the new 'residence' as you will need them to establish residency to get your DL. You can register vehicle(s) before your actual move. Then change the insurance on the vehicle. Those will help with the residency requirement for DL and voting, which you will need to do in person in Texas.
  8. Vern, Does it say in there to ingest quantities of copper solutions? I told you that copper is effective against all sorts of pathogens and can be used to deactivate the viruses. And the copper surface will continue to do that until it is completely oxidized and has it's covering of green patina. So will iron surfaces - it is called rusting, and is an oxidation-reduction process that will deactivate viruses like bleach, alcohol, soap does. Did you not read what I wrote? But, to have the reaction going on INSIDE the body would lead to toxicity to humans and cause all sorts of problems including death. That's why there is a limit on the amount of copper is that allowed to be leached into the water at drinking fountains, etc. If you can look at your plumbing and see a long stretch of green copper tubing, you are poisoning your household and need to find out what is wrong with your water supply that it is so aggressive. We had a well in Ohio that had a pH of 2.0 (very acidic) - - we had to have a neutralization tank before the tank to removal iron and then the softener to polish the water. Our "free water" cost a fortune. The whole area had a reputation for having problems with wells and people would routinely loose pumps that were attached to rigid copper piping.
  9. Vern, Just because it is on the net doesn't mean it is true. Viruses are fragments of genetic material that need a host to replicate. Copper, like most metals, has long been known to be an effective disinfectant. If the cells die, any virus in them 'dies'. Viruses are not alive in the sense that they can not replicate themselves. Some have the ability to remain 'infectious' for days or weeks as long as nothing upsets their protective outer coat. Copper solutions will affect that coat. As will other metals and bleach and alcohol and soap, etc. The key to remember is that copper, which an essential micronutrient in the cells, is toxic when in larger quantities. Copper solutions have been used for centuries as helping to cure diseases, but often the treatment resulted in toxicity to the patient and sometimes even death. If you want to blame someone for the increase in emerging exotic viruses (and other pathogens) blame the Wright Brothers. Without air travel, most of these infections would die out when the local hosts had all died instead of being carried in under 24 hours all over the world!
  10. Actually before we branched off of the Great Ape limb - - a LOT of the virus we get are found in the wild in primates. In fact, testing on primates use to be a staple of any drug to see how we would probably react. Anything more than a miniscle amount of copper is HARMFUL TO THE BODY. Loads of people are poisoned by copper toxicity every year from water that is too 'aggressive' (low pH, etc.) and just like Lead is tested in drinking water fountains, etc., SO IS COPPER. In fact the law for testing of lead is called the Lead and Copper standard! It is 1.3 mg/liter for copper. And ANY effect from externally placed copper on the body is due to the mind of the person wearing the device. Your mind can play tricks on you. Yes, copper is a bacteriacide. Also used to kill weeds in lakes which leads to fish dying, etc. I never cease to be amazed at the lack of basic scientific literacy that we tolerate in the USA.
  11. Most won't renew for another year without having seen you - or at least do a televisit and having labs done.
  12. No, you have some incorrect information. As was pointed out, A&M Med School has been going for a few years. U of Houston's is brand new with first class entering THIS FALL. BTY, the list is from the Texas Medical Association.
  13. Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine is the medical school at Texas A&M University. The college offers M.D., M.D./Ph. D., M.D./M.P.H, M.D./M.B.A., and several other M.D./M.S. dual degree programs. Texas Medical Schools Baylor College of Medicine Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth/Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine The University of Texas at Austin-Dell Medical School The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston McGovern Medical School The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston The Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long University of Texas School of Medicine at San Antonio The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Medical School The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
  14. As you travel around, I’d suggest finding a place you’d like to return to every year, near family or something else, and establish a relationship with a physician. Stop once a year, get prodded and poked, then on you go with new scripts for the year.
  15. If you're coming to Arizona for the winter, have you thought about just calling now and getting appointments for when you are here. I can give you recommendations for everyone but a gynecologist - my interest takes care of that, and since I had a hysterectomy years ago (no cervix left) , I do not need a Pap smear any longer. We are in Mesa area. Have great internist, as well as ophthalmologist, dermatologists, cardiologist, nephrologist, endocrinologist, as well as a great dental practice a block away from our park. We went with Banner - huge system and they have a lot of clinics all over the valley, well as hospitals. Also have a joint hospital with MD Anderson for cancer treatment (where I get my mammograms every year) just down the road from us. And because this is an area with huge number of retirees, a lot of the physicians are used to working with patients who are not here in the summer.
  16. Are you talking about Texas A&M? If so, yes they have a medical school.
  17. As someone who has spent her whole adult life involved with science and scientists, I can't begin to tell you how distressing it is to hear. We live in a scientifically illiterate country and seem to regressing every year. And it is not just not understanding the science, it is the hatred showed toward scientists.
  18. That you didn't bring the flu home and infect her. That you were not around very many school age children who bring everything home from school. That she was not around other people who had the flu. That she has retained a pretty good immune system as she has aged.
  19. Yes, there are a lot of people, including the Lt Governor of Texas, who will tell you that old people should just die so nothing has to be closed up, These are the idiots who claim children don't become sick from the virus - despite even babies dying from it. I've survived a brush with death - 26 yr Ovarian Cancer Survivor - and don't expect to live forever, I just don't see any sense in making it possible that others will die when doing very small things can help everyone stay safer. The life we save may be a child instead of a senior citizen!
  20. I agree with Chad. And you are going to REALLY have to push it to get there in 3 days. 5 days would still be fast for us.
  21. We’re also still in Arizona. They re-opened too fast. And the number of people who think it is a hoax just astonishes me when so many are dying. Since Dave had open heart surgery with complications this spring, if he caught it he would likely die. I just can’t understand why people are ok with our dying when just doing simple things would help us all.
  22. Masks help to reduce likelihood of infection before we get a vaccine. If both people wear them and keep distances, etc, you end up with areas where the virus dies out, like New Zealand.
  23. Honda, The reason you are more afraid is that the motorhome sits you up and you have a larger view of what is coming. That's a good thing, but the first few times can be a little unnerving if you haven't done a lot of driving in the mountains before. I actually dislike being in the passengers seat more than the driver's seat because I always think I'm hanging over the edge. I've notice Dave is picker when I'm driving over mountain passes about me staying on the center line. That's because his point of view changes when I'm driving. From South Lake Tahoe, take US 50 North until you meet up with Highway 395 in Carson. Take US 395 north up into Oregon until you come to US 20, go west until you meet with US 97 at Bend. Turn north and at the Columbia River take I-84 into Portland then I-5 to home. Different scenery and a lot flatter.
  24. Who told you to take that route? When going to unfamiliar places, use forums like this one to ask. In addition to Mountain Directory, Allstate Camground app also has information on mountain roads. Highway 49 is not one we would take because of grades. And you can took at satellite view to look at sections of the road. Coming from Washington I wouldn’t think mountain driving shouldn’t be scary.
  25. Not for a pull through, so for those it is the total length that is important.
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