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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Since we retired and headed out in 2006, we have a sort of a rhythm. After checking in and getting to the site, 1- we walk it and decide where we want to place the coach. 2 - Then I get in to drive while Dave guides me in. 3 - Once we are in, it is electrical first, then as I go in and dump the air bags, Dave has placed the pads underneath where the jacks will land. 4 - Then I hit the level button and the coach levels herself. 5 - After checking to make sure that the coach is level, I get the items for the satellite dish out, while Dave finishes the water hookup and if we are going to be there a few days, he'll put the sewer hose out at that time. We can easily go 10 days before either tank would need to be dumped, so while in travel mode we don't put out the sewer hose. 6 -Only after everything is set up and we have everything we need from the bays underneath where the front slide comes out, do I put out the slides. Then we apply covers to the tires, etc. and by that time it's time for adult beverages. When we depart, 1- we empty the black and grey tanks the night before and stow away the sewer hose. We also put away any patio items, etc. Sometimes we also put the water hose away and run off of the fresh water tank. Reduces what we have to do in the morning, plus we can shower that evening. We also pull the big slide in before going to bed - just another thing off of the list. 2 - In the morning, I put away the satellite dish and cord, make sure everything is picked up. The bedroom slide then comes in. 3 - Then it is put water hose away, make sure all items are secured in the coach, including all doors, then disconnect and stow the power cord. 4 - Once the power cord is disconnected, I start the engine and hit the jacks up button. By the time the jacks are up, the air bags have filled, I have walked around and pulled the pads out (awning hooks are great for this) and secured them in the car. Also have retracted the awning over the big slide window during the walk around if not done the night before. 5 - We then pull out and find a place to hook up the car and go through our lights check. If we have a pull through, then the car is hooked up the night before, and we go through the light check before pulling out. 6 - Even if the car has been attached all night - with the key removed from the ignition and doors locked, we still go through the light check. If anyone interrupts us before we are finished, we go over the whole list before preceding - lesson learned the hard way.
  2. YES! Though my has really faded out over the years. My daughter, born in '76, never had one of those. Had all of the rest of the vaccinations EXCEPT chicken pox. She was in the 7th grade when she caught that disease - - two days before we were set to go to a meeting where I was presenting a paper. Our friends who were going to take care of her said "no problem, we've all had chicken pox" and she spent the week with them. Now that's true friendship!
  3. In our county it was all done in schools because so many kids from ‘up river’ never saw a physician unless they were in an accident and taken to the hospital. Our county public health organized it with volunteer physicians and nurses. By doing it at school no one was singled out for not having money to go to doctors.
  4. Which is why lots of full timers ‘move’ to states Where they can license HDT as an RV!
  5. I got my SHOT the first year the Salk vaccine was available. Almost older than dirt now. 😎 in fact we got a lot of vaccinations, testing in school. Smallpox, Diptherea, TB testing. Also vividly remember kindergarten - had measles, German measles, chicken pox, and mumps that year!
  6. What state requires a CDL to drive an RV? Some required enhanced DL, but those are Not CDLs.
  7. I think we had all lived with the fear of dying from polio or becoming paralyzed. Image of Iron Lungs are seared in my brain. My third grade teacher had an arm and leg partial ly paralyzed by polio. One of my aunts lost the hearing in her left ear due to measles. The effects of ‘childhood’ diseases were all to REAL to us.
  8. Randy, a lot of "essential workers" will refuse vaccine. Unfortunately a lot of them are anti-vexers. I am old enough to remember when Polio vaccine was finally available. In our county it was done through the schools and EVERYONE WAS LINED UP AND MARCHED TO THE CAFETERIA. Lots of quivering lips but no one was going to let others see them cry.
  9. Tentatively they have 100 million doses order for each of the vaccines under going trial that are part of the current compact. That's enough for 1/3 of the country - so it will be health care, emergency response personnel, essential workers, THEN the very high risk, including elderly and those with severe medical problems. Assuming 1/3 will refuse the vaccine, that will leave 100 million still waiting - which means people will still be dying, we will still be wearing masks, social distancing. IF we can get to a low background level, then things could open up come summer, but only if vaccinations are started in April at the latest.
  10. Also, as a reminder, it isn't the Patriot Act, as it has been amended and that section wasn't part of the re authorization, but it is a banking requirement (KYC) rule that has tripped up banks who are laundering money. There are many different ways that financial institutions can 'identify' you, and the lazy ones will have "rules" that are drawn up by CYA attorneys (usually after a regulator audit of things the financial institution was doing) and then the institution becomes rigid about it. You can use the address of a relative or friend if they will agree, and have it known as NOT your legal address but one to use for contacting. And then watch your account like a hawk, especially your mailing address to make sure they don't screw it up. Or, take your business elsewhere. There are plenty of financial institution that want your business and will work with you. That is also a good reason why people should think they have to change banks when they go full timing. With the internet, your bank that you have in your former hometown will gladly change the address on the account to keep your business and you can do everything online.
  11. We went with BOA because they have branches in just about every state, so easy access to cash using debit card, and when a credit card was compromised, it was easy to have a replacement sent to a branch near where we were staying. When we were in a state that didn't have BOA branches, we just got extra cash using debit card at grocery store. Since your wife already has BOA account, if it were me, I'd just add a checking account (joint) through them and be done with it since you would be established customers. Make sure everything is done on line - saves a lot of time.
  12. Our 'official' BOA branch is still in Tyler, TX even though we haven't lived there for 16 years.
  13. Try finding the Ginger-Lime Diet Coke. Can't find it anywhere in the Mesa area anymore. And yet Kroger keeps showing it as being on sale in their flyers and sending me coupons for it!
  14. We are about to split into two countries and replay the Civil War. All over our original sin of slavery
  15. Pull through sites, state total length. Back in sites, state length of unit plus about 5 feet to give room for toad in front. Assume you've used satellite view of park to get a lay of the land, so to speak.
  16. If one has a valid medical reason for not wearing a mask, they should not be going out and shopping, going to bars, etc. These are the very people who need to be extra careful about not catching the virus.
  17. And within 18 months or so, he will finally figure out that he can’t do a lot of things, run programs, etc, because his unit is so out of date, won’t run current software, etc. he will be looking for a notebook. We went fulltiming in 2006 and that was on the top of my list to save space and so I could be flexible. I am giving him advice BASED UPON EXPERIENCE.
  18. Plus, when in areas with low cell signal, it’s easy to grab the notebook and go find an area with strong signal. 😎
  19. Just get the notebook and be done with it. Make your life easier.
  20. If you trust the experts in infectious diseases you can’t go wrong. Never have understood people who ignore science. Yes, your neighbors may be being over cautious but they don’t have to worry about where the masks are should someone walk towards them. Plus, we now wear ours when going for walks in our sections of the park because monsoon are starting with dust storms that carry Valley Fever! There are N95 masks made for use to protect those in construction from dusts and fibers, that have the vents so the person working could exhale easily. They are not meant for infection control. Differ Applications require different PPE. Same reason shop goggles in appropriate for chemistry lab.
  21. They may spit at you. That seems to be the latest antic.
  22. Some do, and a lot are ask to get their masks back on, or are kicked out of the store and their membership terminated. Companies can have them removed and CHARGED for trespassing if they won't comply. Businesses have more power than they realize.
  23. Getting the glasses OVER the top of the mask is the best way to prevent fogging with any type of mask. That fogging means you're exhaled breath is going up and out. Glasses help to hold mask down when over the top.
  24. We feel the same way. Dave has been undergoing treatment for his heart problems. Before surgery they said we would be able to travel by the end of May. So, ok, that would still give us a lot of time. But now, maybe we would have a few weeks in August, but the though of getting the MH out in this heat, trying to load up and all for just 2-3 weeks just doesn't appeal to us. Of course in this heat, by the end of the day (even though we have Air Conditioning in the park model) we feel exhausted without doing anything in particular. It is just oppressive and at our age is not easy. Funny how when we lived here in the '70s, I really didn't think much about it - - we went to work, etc., in a car without air and just rolled the windows down. Of course when you are in your 20s you can do a lot of things we can't do now!😎
  25. Masks are to protect others near you FROM YOU. Exercise will cause increase in volume of particles ejected and the force they are ejected - some greater amount and distance they will travel. If outdoors, without no one around, you don't need a mask. Indoors, or others nearby, wear the mask to protect them. And when indoors, that increased amount means more particles into the ventilation system which can harm people you might not be able to see. We protect each other by wearing masks. Sort of like the Golden Rule that everyone probably learned by the time they were in kindergarten and quickly forgot. If you don't understand that, well ........
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