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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. What can you expect from Chem Trail Kellie’s stomping ground. They say that now. Once someone in their family dies, they will be protesting that it is taking too long for them to get a place in line!
  2. There are other types of discussions going on in this thread. If you feel uncomfortable being in a discussion that involves both ethical and scientific considerations, by all means don’t read it. Humanity has many, many times allowed expediency to overrule ethical discussions to the detriment of us all.
  3. Lots of drug studies use to be done on prison inmates, often without their knowledge.
  4. We always dump the tanks the night before we leave. We have large tanks, so not a problem to move with some liquids in the tanks. We often take in the water hose and run off the fresh water tank. Same with doing several day travel, just plug in and that’s it.
  5. Agree! Even if they determine one of the vaccines starting trials is the magic bullet and they have the factories ramped up that is still Billions of doses the world needs. We tend to lose sight of the fact that everyone in the world will be vying for the vaccine and we won't get it all. It will take probably a couple of year or more just to get it out to all of the people who want it (about 25% of people in this country will say no way until someone in their family dies) to get the needed doses and then how will it be allocated? Health care workers, first responders, etc., will be first, and then high risk (ie us 'golden oldies') and then general population? And what about costs? Assume Medicare will include it as a NEED Preventative care for those over 65, will health insurance cover the rest? I just assume we will be in this state for a couple of more years, at least. And then we can all get ready for the next one - there are several other animal viruses that have been identified as ones that could possibly jump species.
  6. It is what it is. We can’t do s anything about it. Just take it one day at a time. Since we aren’t traveling, our expenses are less than we budget for this time of year. 😉
  7. The heat is really oppressive. Cooling effect next week should get us under 110 every day!
  8. U traps don’t stop fecal flies. Better to make sure valves are closed on both gray and black tank
  9. We couldn’t leave Mesa because of medical problem, so we are just hunkered down. Unfortunately we can’t avoid all physician in-person visits because cardiologists have to list to his heart, etc.
  10. You can always tell an RV forum that has a lot of REAL RVers - - there is always a thread open dealing with sewer systems.
  11. Joel, our MH is the same. I don't use the first few links in our hose support and tend to end up with a U dip, before the hose will work on the support, but we make do.
  12. Lots of towns in Arizona (and maybe some counties) require that. It allows anyone to see small seepage from the bottom of the hose which could happen because it is against desert landscape in most cases. We have always used supports to gently slope the hose to the drain for better movement of fluids.
  13. Our health dictated that we spend more time getting physical checkups, etc., plus at our age, we decided we needed more recharge time in the winter. And this year, with Dave's surgery and ongoing problems, it has meant we will be here the entire summer.
  14. No, everything is the same for me. have you tried reinstalling your browser, or using a different one?
  15. Yes there were. Thankfully science has moved on, we have better techniques, can identified complete genomes of virus now, can look at a lot of different therapies while developing a vaccine - all is asked is that people help by avoiding spreading the disease by doing simple things like avoiding crowds, physical distancing, wearing a mask, vigorous hand washing and other actions to help bend the curve downward.
  16. We are in the Phoenix area, isolated in our Park Model. Don’t go away where except for Dave’s medical appointments. I do pickup for groceries, takeout. Luckily park is pretty empty so feel okay waking to mailbox and back.
  17. My daughter is a special ed teacher (preK-grade 5) and they have been told they will be in school come August because Governor Abbott wants the schools open so parents can go to work! Those little kids are huggers, so she's stocking up on sanitizer, I'm making masks for her and her aide, and we just have to cross our collective fingers and hope for the best.
  18. Randy, even with a mask on, we try to be 6' away from someone. And if the fabric is tightly woven (not t-shirts) then very. little gets through. Quilting cotton is a good example of tightly woven fabric as are 300 count or better sheets. And 2 or 3 layers of fabric in the masks. Even 2-3 layers of t-shirt material will improve the efficacy of the mask. Just because they aren't perfect and aren't rated N95 doesn't mean you forgo them, does it? I should hope not as few things in this world are perfect.
  19. Hey Vern, hello from a couple of fellow hermits in Mesa, AZ! Wouldn't be here except for Dave's medical treatments. I will never understand why people will not take this seriously, especially those who are a little long in the tooth. Even in the midsts of this explosion of cases in this area, I still see people all the time walking around with no masks, partying in large groups, etc. Not us.
  20. You will learn to not worry about what the lights show, but go by knowledge of your usage. If water backs up in the shower, it is full - that's the signal. Everyone too learns their lifestyle and figures out how many days they can go, and some tricks, like using a dishpan for washing dishes and then dumping that full dishpan into the toilet (don't flush while pouring as a spoon could be still there - experience is a good teacher) which helps clean the toilet and reduces amount in grey tank. Another trick is to have a small bucket in the shower and use that to catch the initial water until it warms up - and pour that down the toilet at the next flush. Often one of the sensors comes off or is fouled by soap/food tidbits. Others will give you lots of suggestions for trying to improve - my theory is I know how long I can go (it's ok at first to dump often) and just go with it.
  21. Randy, are you tilting at windmills?
  22. AZTEX I'm confused, I thought the problems you listed were at the KOA that you now find to be just fine? I'm missing something here.
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