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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. They aren't readily available and they are expensive, so reserved for right now for medical personnel. And to be effective, one should be 'fit-tested' to make sure one has a good fit and instructed as how to properly wear them. Since you don't plan to spend hours over a patient with a contagious disease, a cloth mask will provide protection for others from you and theirs will provide protection for you from them. It is making the best of the present situation. Besides health care workers and first responders, N95 masks should also be made available to elementary school teachers who will be faced with rooms full of incredible germ carriers (kids) who may never show symptoms but can spread the disease.
  2. So SnowGypsy, which peer-reviewed journals were you reading? Why does the idea of wearing a cloth/paper mask to help protect others from you, should you have the virus with no symptoms, and others doing the same to protect you, upset you so. If someone has lungs so fragile that wearing a mask causes difficulty, they should NOT, repeat NOT, be out in public. People can not wear masks and eat. It's that simple. So when they eat, if they have the virus, it is being dissipated into the air, and if inside a restaurant, it is being recirculated. Outside, it is diluted by fresh air. Inside means the same air circulating over and over because no owner wants to pay to have 100% outside air conditioned all the time. And the length of time that one is exposed is increased if you are in a restaurant. A simple in-and-out very little exposure, sitting and eating over say 45-50 minutes (or more) means a LOT of exposure. And a lot of exposure for those serving you! I have been doing just fine ordering online with pickup for things I need. I use 2 different grocery stores and if one doesn't have it, the other will. I have one grocery store that has a couple of items (onion free sauces/salsa) that I can't get anywhere else and since just ordering those items for pickup is below their minimum, I wait until I need them and then go at 6:00 am (grocery stores open early in the desert in the summer) when there are very few people, and I am in and out. I have been pretty happy with the quality of the items I'm receiving, and they are very good at letting me know what they don't have in stock, Dave is on a very limited salt/sugar diet so I am really picky about what I buy. The only thing that still is not available is yeast for baking, but it is summer in the desert so the oven is NEVER turned on. Otherwise, between the two stores I am able to get everything we need, including low salt soft tortillas. I do get a list of any substitutions (made, and I mark any ordered item that. can't be substituted) and any items that are currently out-of-stock in the morning email before pickup. As I said, except for yeast, if something is out, it is available at either the other store, or the next week. We also order pickup for restaurant foods. A lot of restaurants will bring them out to the car, others it is a quick go in and pick it up. I order directly from the restaurant. We even have a pizza place that we really like that has online ordering and their own delivery. And a lot of those restaurants let you add tip directly to the order. But I prefer to tip directly so I know the person actually gets the tips. You really can't compare to what thins were like in March with how it is right now.
  3. Well, first mistake was using Yelp. You want to use https://www.campgroundreviews.com, for a start and sign up for Passport America. Why Temecucula? You'd be much better off in Hemet, Banning, etc., places just north of you. Get out of the LA area. In fact for the amount you are willing to pay try Valencia Travel Village on the north side of LA. And loads of places going north.
  4. I take a look at any of these big gatherings and think "Dead People Walking". The idea that one can think that they won't catch it when all around them people are dying is beyond belief. I just don't understand it!
  5. Sing the ABC song you learned in Kindergarten, all the way through (including the part about "aren't you proud of me" - that's also just over 20 seconds. 😎
  6. Why people love to be ignorant is beyond me.
  7. Actually the H1N1 virus is still with us and a new mutation has been found in pigs in China. With the 'Spanish Flu' (which probably originated in the midwest of the USA, it was a case of the spread throughout areas of the world that had not seen the virus before and by the 3rd wave, there were enough people with different levels of immunity that it no longer found new hosts to infect. It is always in the background and every generation sees a reoccurrence of the virus when 'fresh' victims appear. The H1N1 vaccine has proven to be somewhat affective and if it doesn't prevent the disease then helps to lessen the effects on people. Hopefully everyone will get their flu vaccines in August/September and by practicing physical distancing and wearing masks, maybe we could have a very light flu season this year.
  8. Happy Canada Day 🇨🇦 to all our friends north of the border.
  9. Most people will not be wearing half/full face industrial respirator. They are wearing cloth masks or paper medical office masks. I am not sure why you are so against people doing such a small thing to help protect other people.
  10. I've worn them doing spill clean up, etc., for years. Hardly nuisance, when breathing in spill vapors could sear my lungs. Would you be ok with your surgical team not wearing masks during your operation?
  11. If you are staying more than 2 meters away from people, 3 meters is better, and everyone else is wearing a mask to protect you, you can go out and be a selfish ..... you wear a mask to protect others, and provide some protection for yourself. Obviously those who don’t care about their fellow man will ignore these mandates. First, make sure they are clean, then try masks with nose pieces you can crimp against your nose. For cloth masks, it helps if the glasses bottom rim sit over the cloth. Ventilators are much harder than simple masks. 🤨
  12. Hey Rich, why winter in the cold? Won’t you do the same in each area, staying physically distant, wearing a mask, thorough hand washing, etc?
  13. If you get 50% effective, that cuts off a lot of spread. Everyone in masks, careful contact tracing and isolating the reduce the transmission to smaller and smaller areas, fewer people. Better treatments mean fewer people die, and then it becomes a chronic infection in the communities that can be managed while better vaccines are in the works. But it all hinges on controlling the spread now to give health care facilities and researchers TIME. And actually suppressing the spread is a means of getting to the point where the virus can’t find a new host and thus dies out.
  14. But we've already had hotter temperatures. No one thinks of AZ for the summer unless they are forced to be here, usually because of medical treatments, like we are this year. In the Phoenix areas, the hospitals have segregated their areas (including ERs) into Covid and non-Covid areas. They treat all ER patients as if the patient is positive by asymptomatic unless the patient says otherwise while they wait on tests (tests for hospital patients are done in house in the bigger hospitals). So everyone in the ER is suited up for the worse, but they quickly focus on what the patient is showing at the time. Same would be true if you were back home. So I guess you can be cold and fearful or warm and fearful for the winter.
  15. Check again in September, that's when people will really start cancelling their reservations.
  16. When we lived here in the 70s we learned to leave at 5:00 am to head up into the mountains every weekend! Can't aways do that, but that really is about the only time it is cool enough to do things. I get up at 5, start a load of wash, go get groceries placed in the back of the car I've ordered online at 6 am, go through Starbucks drive thru and then back to Park Model. Can do a few things outside until about 10 am, then inside until sun goes down about 7:30. That's what we do except for the days we have physicians appointments - the highlight of our life right now ! Do walk in the mornings as the sun is coming up, really is pretty. And sometimes after dark we go out (very few people left in the park) for a short walk. I know it isn't that much cooler, but once the sun goes down, you can move around outside without feeling like you are in an oven.
  17. Same here. People really don't understand that the soap and water work just as well on surfaces. I have never used antibacterial soap, if I feel the need to, just smear some straight dishwashing detergent on the surface, let it sit for a few minutes, wipe off and then rinse well.
  18. Thankfully we have the park model and so far it is fine. Just don't walk outside into the furnace when it gets above 110.
  19. Hey, at least you aren't 'stranded' here in the Phoenix area!
  20. Actually they do have a SARS vaccine, but the disease killed so many, so fast, they really never got to try out the vaccine large scale. But some of the candidates are built on the work done on SARS. What I will never figure out is why doing the simple thing of wearing a mask and maintaining physical distances is so awful? If both people wear masks the chance of getting the disease from either one drops by 70% or more. One of the best example was the hair salon in Missouri. 2 stylists had the disease, but since EVERY ONE, customer and stylist alike, wore masks, none of the clients contracted it disease. Contrast that with the 15 friends that went bar hoping in Florida - all 15 got the virus.
  21. Better treatments are coming, They found out that proning (put patients on stomachs at least 1/2 the day) helps. More antiviral drugs being investigated. They are learning things all of the time. Think back to HIV and how many years it took to get to the point that there are now enough treatments to make it chronic. Yes, first vaccines will probably not be robust, but will likely help make the infection less if you 've had the vaccine to get the immune system working.
  22. We are still in the Phoenix area as Dave is slowly recovering from his quadruple bypass, which has lead to also having to have a pacemaker implanted just as everything went to hell in a hand basket. We and holed up and even if they get a vaccine by the end of the year (don't bet money on it) it would be at least 6-9 months to get an appointment for the vaccine. I'm hoping that by next spring enough people will have figured out that you need the mask, you need to stay apart, and we will be able to get out of valley for the Summer. On the bright side, Dave saw his cardiologist and since the elevator was out, he walked up a huge flight of stairs, outside (though in the shade) in 105 heat! He did need to take a minute at the top of the stairs (won't stop at the landing) but then so did I!
  23. It is ABC and CW. We are still getting PBS. Since I changed our service address, we are getting locals for this area now.
  24. CDL valid for both commercial and non-commercial driving. How do you think truck drivers get home and back to work? A lot of them also have RVs and I have know several who keep their CDLs up to date after retiring so they can pick up occasional work in retirement.
  25. Also use for tips, especially 1s for carryout that is delivered to our car in the parking lot. Some apps let you designate a tip, but if they don't I have one I then have a couple of 1st ready. Or if paying cash, I round up and tell them to keep the change. Also get a lot of 5s (especially good for takeout orders when paying for cash - "keep the change"!)
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