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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. We bought a new car in AZ last January which we registered in Texas. They did the title in AZ - a requirement of the AZ law, and we could retitle in Texas, but haven't yet. We did get credit for the taxes paid in AZ, thought we paid more than what TX charges, that is just a fact of life. Polk County makes it real easy to do, and the people in the Polk County office are easy to talk to and willing to help you.
  2. Banking regulations are separate from the ability to establish a domicile, register vehicles, vote, etc. Yes, the KYC (Know Your Customer) regulations can be hard for the minority that falls through the cracks. Most institutions take the easy way out, rather than saying, yes we know these people, they have been banking with us for 15 years. Or 30 years. Given that we know that this has become a problem, maybe it is time to line up a relative who you can use as "next of kin". And don't go making moves with new accounts that will raise flags.
  3. I'll second that. We spent about 3 years doing 2 week stays in places south of I-10. We laid out our route and then in the fall started booking for the coming months. Never had a problem getting 2 weeks or shorter stays. Agree with Linda, Arizona turned out to be the place we wanted to spend the winter and then through longer stays we zeroed in on the area we liked and finally the park where we now have a park model for our "recharge" months. When you get to the point you want to spend a month or more (usually 3 months for the best rates) that's the time to reserve the summer before you want to be there. Actually we would book for the following winter when we were leaving Arizona each spring to insure the sit we wanted.
  4. Where are you currently living? Is there a reason you can not use that, then sometime in the future do a change of address?
  5. Don't close the deal until you have 'moved'.
  6. You can't use that as a mailing address? Not as your business address, but as the address where mail is sent? Because I know that a lot of businesses use mailing addresses like PO Boxes for their mail.
  7. Are you currently an AZ resident? If so, why change if you like it? You can use any of the mailing services anywhere without changing your domicile. The three states most often cited for full timers all have a few things in common, no state income tax, state/local governments that encourage full timers to use them as a domicile and mail forwarding companies geared towards those who are on the move. In addition to RVers, a lot of the mail forwarders in Florida provide services for those who live on boats and sail a good portion of the time (as do some companies in Washington state). You could also use the UPS Mailbox stores (like those found in Arizona) to collect your mail and forward it on to you.
  8. 500 employees for a self-funded plan probably isn't enough depending upon the age of the employees. I hope there is some way they are setting aside a rainy day fund, because a couple of bypass surgeries and cancer diagnosis, or one premie, and the self-funding maybe out of money.
  9. You can own property in as many states as you want, that doesn't make it your domicile.
  10. You mean going EAST. Where are you heading? There are other routes to Show Low.
  11. Often when people don’t get the responses they want, they say the forum is hostile. Don’t ask the question if you want a predetermined response.
  12. I'm still trying to understand what OP doesn't already have a hitch on his tow vehicle from the previous trailer? New tow vehicle, then maybe the hitch should have been negotiated with the purchase of the tow vehicle. The brake controller for the trailer should have been part of the deal from the get go.
  13. AZTEX, TT does send out renewal notices for dues every year. I told you that before. As you noted above, there was a glitch in their system on a 'free' membership. Yes, years ago TT had legal problems over the 'life-time' contracts. Yes, people still believe they are stuck (false) with lifetime dues because of old tales that never seem to go away, or because they signed a PURCHASE contract that is required to be paid off before they can cancel the membership. Thousands of people belong to TT and get value out of it, follow the rules, and especially for full timers on the west coast save thousands of dollars each year in park costs. Your denigration of all TT members is a little overboard, don't you think?
  14. I've found that getting up and walking out is extremely liberating. Once you realize that there will never, ever, be something that is perfect in every way, it is easier to determine what you are willing to pay and when you expect in return, and if not forthcoming, go looking somewhere else. And who knows, maybe what I want and the price I want to pay isn't going to happen, I'll adjust my wants/needs list and look at something else.
  15. You are in control. They don't want to include the hitch and brake controller as part of the package, I'll bet there is another dealer who will. Why are you even wasting time with them. Those should be included from the get go on any trailer. I take it you don't have the same tow vehicle to use with this trailer so you need a new hitch?
  16. Whether you knew it or not, when you accepted the 'free' membership, it came with an automatic renewal. And somewhere in the paperwork you received, was the notice that on the website were the policies that you've agreed to abide by when you accepted the membership. Not defending it, just saying this is common in the membership park business. We use our membership extensively since we travel mainly on the west coast.
  17. Lots of membership parks are automatic renewal unless you notify at least 30 days before - and somewhere when you first signed up for it, you agreed to do just that. I'm sorry that you didn't realize it at the time. That said, tell the dealer that since you already have this membership, have them deduct the cost from the purchase price and then use the parks for the coming year with your new rig. And then if you don't like it, in December send them a written letter stating that you are not renewing. BTW, I always get a snail mail renewal of our zone pass in late October, it renews in December. So they do send out the renewal notices.
  18. Do you use Time Machine? Are you saying to a backup external hard drive. Did you look to see if the folder is still in the trash? Just deleting it doesn't mean it is necessarily gone unless you've empty the trash, and maybe not even then. If WD means Western Digital, did you wipe it and then format for Time Machine? If you used time machine, just connect the external hard drive, open Time Machine, and then go back a couple of weeks and you should be able to locate the file.
  19. Where did he get his degrees? We wanted to do something similar at the last university I was at, but couldn't find any schools with similar degrees to show the administration it was needed. Of course, we had the same problem at another university trying to convince them that wastewater treatment was a natural for associate/baccalaureate degrees. Higher ed administrations tend to be stuck in the 19th century! Antibacterial soap isn't needed for odor control, it upsets the microbial bed that has built up - - water and proper venting is all that is needed. I put al dishpan full of dirty dishwashing water - carefully checking to make sure all spoons, etc. have been removed, down our toilet at least once a week, even when stationary.
  20. I'm sure he does his job very well. But, is his degree I Biology at the Master's Level? You can not keep bacteria out of your holding tank. Bacteria is always present, you couldn't live without it's presence in your system. The moment you use the toilet your specific bacteria are added to the bacteria ALREADY present even in a 'pristine', never had a drop of fluid in it before tank. Both aerobic and anaerobic (with and without oxygen present) bacteria will work on wastes, aerobic being the first, but once all oxygen is used up, it goes anaerobic and a lot of sulfur compounds are produced, which give rise to a lot of 'smells'. You can't maintain a 'pristine, non-aromatic' black tank, so why try. The idea is to make sure the tank off-gasses do not enter the rig (water maintained over seal in toilet), that the fluids is contained (no leaks) until valve is opened to discharge into a receiving pipe for wastes which will further decompose either in a septic system or a wastewater treatment facility. And there will be some smells as the waste is transferred, that is just a fact of life.
  21. Some of us can go up to 2 weeks before needing to dump black tank. Actually, natural bacteria in your intestines will be continuous working whether in your colon or your black tank. Thus, some ongoing breakdown occurs. How much depends upon a lot of factors, but it will be happening.
  22. JBH, if you are getting odor in your rig then you need to look at the toilet seal and/or tank vents. Yes, in warm weather you will get a whiff when flushing, which means your black tank has bacteria working on the biomass, which is good. But you should smell it in your rig if everything is working as it should.
  23. I haven’t relied on waste tank gauges in 13 years. Dump black when it burps, dump grey after black or 7 days if using lots of water. You quickly learn how long you can go between dumps.
  24. No real reason to change banks unless you really dislike your current bank. If going to change, go with one that is found in most parts of the country, so that you'll be more likely to find a branch as you travel should you need it.
  25. Is the problem the grey tank not draining or smells from the grey tank (which can be as baad as the black tank). I routinely put baking soda in all drains to help buffer the water and 'sweeten' the pipes. Might be a vent problem (we put rotating tops on both the black and grey tank vents) or build up of grease in a pipe (do you pour boiling water down kitchen sink (draining pasta) on a routine basis - if not, do so.
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