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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Water. All you ever need to use is ample water
  2. That's because they don't have state wide vote-by-mail, that is only available for those over 65 (idea being those over 65 have a more difficult time getting to the polls). Everyone under 65 is suppose to go to the polls, so only those who are not in the county on Election Day can ask for an absentee ballot. Wish they had all elections by mail for everyone like they do on the west coast.
  3. You have to understand that EVERYONE in Livingston knows about Escapees and often things from governmental entities are bundled up and delivered to Escapees rather than mailed. When that happens, they make note of the mail boxes and send out an email like this So I wait 2 days and email my request for mail delivery to wherever we are.
  4. Our seatbelts for the couch are tethered to the floor (metal) of the slide, and slide can not be moved out while engine is on. If we are in a crash bad enough to tear those out, then none of us has survived.
  5. We send it in EVERY year around the 5th of January. Mail service just notified us that are ballots are in and we are having them sent to us!
  6. Linda, most big trucks won't have speciality designed anchors for child seats, so they have to have adaptation made, just like you would in a motorhome. Not a big deal, certainly not enough to rule out one or the other.
  7. You do realize there are 120V adapters available for Mobleys right? Amazon is your friend. Ours has been running off of house electric for 4+ years
  8. And those are 2 of the reasons we went with a motorhome. Third reason was never having to move the cats from home as we went down the road. And the first few years we moved at least every two weeks. Plus the big storage area in the basement of the DP we purchased.
  9. We've done that and then the next year, here comes a summons again. File it out, indicating our age, send it in. Have done it twice so far.
  10. Lots of us have done that through the years. I served on one jury in Livingston. I had also served on a jury in Tyler while I was still working. It is interesting and everyone should do it at least once in their lives.
  11. So run for the School Board. Get involved, raise questions at School Board meetings. Write letters to the local newspaper about how teachers are getting short changed by all of the "administrators". And why do we expect teachers to work for nothing and be happy about it. Want the best and the brightest, pay them accordingly!
  12. Public school teachers throughout the country appreciate your maligning them. Public Schools have been down graded by voters who don’t want to pay taxes. Which is why we are falling behind the rest of the world.
  13. Are you trying to come off as one screw loose?
  14. Until you get it weighed with everything on board, you have no starting point. And remember, it isn’t how much you can carry/pull, it is how much can you STOP. Please check and verify your hitch, 5000# and 10000# are common, 8000# ? How many people are you talking about? Usual measure is 1500#/person, that gives you better safety margins. And that is just the ‘stuff’, not the weight of individuals included. and no, you won’t be doing 70 down the road unless your goal is to stop at every truck stop in the country. 55 on hills, well people do have fantasies.
  15. Your physician doesn’t get a supply of flu vaccines for the year? Are you sure your insurance doesn’t pay for it? BTW, if you are getting a cold (also a virus) you are around people and could get the flu.
  16. Yes it did! Sabin vaccine came later.
  17. Some of us are so old we got a POLIO SHOT, not the sugar cube. All lined up in the school cafeteria; dreading that “huge” needle💉 we knew was coming, but no one was going to cry in front of the whole school!
  18. They are diagnosed more. Doesn’t mean more prevalent. And often people died of respiratory problems, which would now be diagnosed as allergic reaction to antigens. Diets were very limited, so exposure to different allergens didn’t occur.
  19. The amount of myths that people have is astonishing. You do not get the flu from the flu shot! depending upon the types of flu circulating in a given year (flu viruses are always mutating), they may be 60-90% effective. It is a crap shoot each year to identify which strains to include in the mix. if you have already been exposed when you get the vaccination, you might still come down with the flu , but it may be milder. the less you are around children, the less you are likely to get flu or colds. Kids are waking Petri dishes of all sorts of crud. FLU CAN KILL
  20. Ours is on for hours at a time. Shut down when we go out and every night.
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