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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. F Plan is a grandfathered in Supplement plan for Medicare
  2. Actually there is, it is labeled "Update Mailing Instructions" and that takes you to the page to update where you want the mail sent, how often ('one time only' is the default) and when you want it sent. Again, just send an email to mailservices@escapees.com with the information and they will do the rest.
  3. The answer is, and always will be, water, water, water. Use plenty of water and the problems will be few and far between. If you feel good paying for a tiny bit of some additive plus water in a bottle, go ahead, but I'm cheap, and we just use water and plenty of it. And don't dump until 2/3 full or more.
  4. The majority of boomers are now on Medicare, so the ACA doesn't apply to them. Is there some reason you feel it is necessary to make a generational taunt? If someone who is full timing needs to see a health care provider every time they stop, then they really need to re-think what they are doing. 3 times in the 9 years we were on the road full-time did we see someone beside our primary care physician. We now travel 6 months of the year and during that time we occasionally have lab work done and faxed back to our primary care physician to adjust meds if necessary.
  5. Yes, it was viral and cleared on its own. The older I get the longer it takes to get over colds.
  6. We tow a 2018 Ford CMas Hybrid. Ford now has a section in their owners manuals on how to tow behind a motorhome if the car will do it - - easy to check as you are looking at possibilities.
  7. This is the biggest thing - as we age the body starts to fall apart. Doesn't matter who you are, our bodies will not go on forever.
  8. Yes, if you want to go to a hack. Don't you care about yourself? Any physician who wouldn't even do a simple blood test, etc., would be suspect. I had a cough I couldn't get rid of. Went to a community clinic, physician assistant took history, listens to my breathing, ordered a CBC and a swab for strep before determining whether or not an Rx was in order. Also saw the physician who directed the clinic who explained that the results were negative for a bacterial infection, asked whether I wanted a cough expectorant with codeine so I could sleep, I declined, so he told me which expectorant/cough suppressant would probably work best, gave me a copy of my results so if it didn't clear within about 10 days, I could seek additional care.
  9. Blues, a lot of us get our supplemental as part of our retirement packages. We use physicians in AZ where we spend time in the winter, but all is billed using our Livingston address and never a problem, if Medicare approves, supplemental pays their portion.
  10. I guess I blinked, it is so short, because while it may not be smooth as glass, it wasn't as bad as sections of I-40 out of Flagstaff!
  11. Are you confusing supplements with Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage?). There are several national supplemental plans, and those plans must meet Medicare standards. And it depends upon what you are willing to pay out in premiums versus deductible. And a discussion of Medicare differences, is for a different thread, not this one.
  12. Since OP’s eye care and dentist is already in Travis county, he can add primary care physician for his annual visits.
  13. 287 must have gotten really bad since we traveled it a few years ago. Now I know that there is a lot of construction in Amarillo, but further north I don't remember any problems.
  14. We spend several weeks each summer in the PNW and are often at RV parks that only have 30 amps. Since it is very unusual for it to be so hot as to need both A/Cs, we never have a problem. We keep water heater on electric, refrigerator on electric, etc. Most of the time we don't need A/C, often just running fans is enough cooling. We have been in 100°+ weather with only 30 amps, which means only 1 A/C and can't get it below 90 until the sun goes down. It is what it is, you just make do. Now, if in the California Central Valley, with our size coach, no way would we be without 50 amps. Of course, we don't work camp, so we can be selective about where we go.
  15. I would be on the phone yelling at them, or at the Financial Advisor, for screwing up taxes and that they had 1 day to get it straightened out or my money walks. I don't understand why people put up with crappy companies when there are other companies that want the business.
  16. Loop 202 is now open, pick it up south of Chandler off of I10, reconnects with I10 on west side of Phoenix atround 59th Avenue. Bypass Airport and I17 mishmash as well as downtown Phoenix tunnel.
  17. Which is why you are very selective with the people you use it with. For us, it is our daughter.
  18. Cascades, not the Sierras in Washington state. Yes, on the wet side. Beautiful hummingbirds wouldn't find much on the dry side. No, it is not an 'all seasons' if you have arthritis - the damp cold is torture on the joints. Which is why 1/2 of the Phoenix valley has Washington license plates this time of year.
  19. Hmnnn, the person making all the noise about CA tax problem seems to have left this group? All his posts removed. Strange.
  20. Yes, it is a commercial mail forwarding company. Tell us something that we don't know. Why are you worried about California if you live in Texas? No, we don't all speed. Again, I'm trying to figure out why you are tilting at windmills? If a company doesn't want to deal with you, find another company.
  21. MOVE YOUR MONEY. It really is that simple. If a company doesn't want my business, then I take it to another company who does want my business. You are tilting at windmills when the obvious paths are in front of you, why? And if you have millions or billions, then you've got tax attorneys that take care of these problems and you never see them.
  22. Why make things difficult when the simple solution is move to companies that want your business. We've been with Vanguard (as have many, many others who are Escapees) for decades.
  23. We love the desert, but come middle of April we head for the Pacific Northwest - Wet sides. And others call it SunBirding
  24. Same with us, we put 15% of the purchase price into a fund and ADD TO IT EACH MONTH. Not only do we pay for repairs, but if something is worn and we find it, we have it replaced before it breaks. Or if we have two of the same thing and one breaks, we replace both since they are the same age. In addition this fund pays for yearly maintenance, as well as batteries and tires as they need to be replaced. Not for everyone, but we've been doing this since 2005 and the fund has always been in the positive.
  25. Ray, Escapees doesn't 'forward' mail, they collect the mail, pack it all together and ship it to you. Your mail is "received" at your 'mailing address'.
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