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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Have you logged into you bank and verified your mailing address on line. Did you change it online? If not, go that route and see if the solves the problem. BTW - what is the bank sending you? We haven't received anything via snail mail from our bank in probably 10 years. Same with on investments, insurance, etc. The only thing we get form Social Security is our 1099 and their update for the coming year for income and Part B insurance change.
  2. We will be spending ours in Bedford, TX with our daughter and son-in-law and then scoot back to Arizona for the rest of the winter. We just had our 53rd anniversary in September, but we weren't teenagers when we got married, we were in college and got married between semesters. Another life time ago.
  3. It isn’t humidity, per se, but the salt in the excess moisture clinging to surfaces when near salt water. Staying even a half/mile from beach can make a big difference.
  4. Are their Direct police out in RV parks monitoring which type of setup each subscriber has? We have our same setup from 2007. If you don't like the service, change to Dish.
  5. We have replaced them - while it was probably easy to install before the rest of the motorhome was built around it, it is down right HARD to replace. Took us from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm to finally get it all done and cleaned up! And when people see you working on your wet bay, especially the tanks, they will cross the street and way to make sure they are away and don't have to offer to help! 😎
  6. I love using my Apple Card with Apple Pay. Gradually more and more clerks understand when I am using the phone what I am doing, but for those who have never seen it before, the DING always startles them, and then they start asking questions. Salon where I get my haircut now accepts Apple Pay, as does 3 of our new favorite restaurants.
  7. Our retirement is in tax deferred investments, so we do have some federal tax due each year. We've reached the point where we have to take Required Minimum Distributions, so federal income tax only.
  8. Doesn't say what the charging cation is, but since it isn't labeled acidic, it is probably benign for most people. No way of knowing if it is Na+ charged or not. Certainly might be worth a try if you don't want the expense a real RO system.
  9. Most of our auto-pays are also to rewards credit cards. Our electricity for the Park Model is a direct one to the checking account as there is a charge for using credit cards with the electric company. Same with Estimated Tax Payments. Our other auto-pay is an automatic deposit into our money market account from our checking account for annual charges - that way we earn a little money on those deposits before making our annual payment, not a huge amount, but better than them sitting in a checking account for the year.
  10. That's one reason why we set our auto-pay for things that are the same each month, quarter, annual. Don't do it for credit cards because I may make payments half way through the month depending upon how much I have charged on a particular card during that month. But phone bill, health insurance, etc. are reoccurring charges that I now are coming and are always the same (or within a few pennies) each payment date. BTW, did you ever get an explanation from Amazon about their notification about not paying off early?
  11. Ray, that really isn't a RO membrane system. It really is more like a water softener using an acidic medium rather than Na+ ion exchange. Which for a dishwasher makes sense since all that is necessary is to keep Ca+2/Mg+2 ions from settling out in the dishwasher and the acidic water would be balanced by the basic detergent.
  12. I'd go with an under sink filter reverses osmosis filter or something like a Zero Water filter. We get reverse osmosis water for coffee and check the amount of Na in any bottled water we get because of Dave's kidneys (and high BP). In the summer while traveling we use a Zero Water filter. Can't do that in the winter because in AZ the water is so bad (TSD is over 500) that it blows through a filter in a week,. But there are firms all over that have RO water kiosks (we have 3 in the park) where you can get water for 25-30¢ a gallon.
  13. Sounds like your water source wasn't properly buffered. What was the source? How did you determine there was a pH difference between the Na+ and K+ ions in the water? It would be imperceptible to the skin, if there was any, which I doubt. You've got something else going on with that water.
  14. Ah, not exactly. When you set up the resin bed, you coat it with sodium (Na+) or potassium (K+) ions. When the hard water passes over, the more positive calcium (Ca+2) or magnesium (Mg+2) ions push the Na+ or K+ ions off the beads. When the bed is saturated with Ca+2 and Mg+2 ions, you then back flush with a overloaded Na+ solution, with water forcibly flowing in the alternate direction. This pushes the 'harder' ions off and then down the drain. Then the resin bed is once again covered by the Na+/K+ ions. The soft water will be higher in Na+/K+ ions, so for those on a salt restricted diet for heart or kidney disease, they should use a reverse osmosis filter under the sink to 'polish' the water for drinking/making ice cubes, etc. Yes, this will be part of the regular science quiz on Friday. 😎
  15. It doesn't other than some people are saying to write off SD or Tx if one isn't on Medicare because of the lack of 'nationwide' health insurance. And I really wonder about "nationwide" as each insurance company is registered in the state that they operate in and expect that the people who buy insurance in that state use it in that state, even if it is a PPO. While they will often pay for 'out-of-network' care, it will be less than if you are in their 'network' and I have a feeling that for expensive care over a period of time, the authorizations might be hard to come by or would only be authorized at a facility in that state (say a transplant, chemo, extensive orthopedic surgery). Now, a lot of companies will have insurance that covers all of their employees across many states, but the company and the insurance provider work out those details ahead of time, most really large companies self-insure and use someone like BCBS to handle claims. So the point was, all things being equal, and if one is fairly healthy starting out, going with an HMO might be a good option, especially if one has only 3-4 years before Medicare kicks in. But that will require that you at least pass through once a year to see your primary care provider, get any need Rxs renewed and then off again.
  16. If your first colonoscopy was negative they only have to be done once every 10 years until you are 80. So maybe 3 during your lifetime depending upon age when first one done. And prep has gotten so much better. Didn't you say you were doing monthly self-checks and had discussed it with your provider? I didn't say that your provider suggested it, but you and your provider discussed and set up what you do. Yes, your body your decisions, but you are getting information in order to understand the implication of your decisions.
  17. She is having annual checkups. I will stand by my statement that not having at least an annual checkup is dumb, especially after 40. I don't know any woman who doesn't have her annual mammograms/Pap smears or something similar done. And I know that men like to think they are indestructible, but news flash, they aren't. Linda said that she and her health care provider decided that annual mammograms didn't make sense for her, so they do monthly checks, etc., which is all part of sound practice for everyone. And I am still waiting for this list of horrendous, invasive annual tests that everyone is having done.
  18. So what do you consider invasive or painful. Yes, I know mammograms are painful And you aren’t doing them. Do you get a breast ultrasound every so often instead? Blood tests, Pap smear, BP check? I’m trying to figure out why so many seem to find the idea of a checkup so frightful.
  19. Because it is the law. You can not always see down the road coming the other way. Again, it is the law.
  20. Do it all the time. Escapees won’t accept meds that need to be refrigerated, but otherwise not a problem.
  21. I understand - if I'm using my iPad I'm never sure what will be there when I hit send as that's when the 'auto check' seems to engage. And it's idea of what I wanted to say and mine are miles and miles apart.😎
  22. No, you would reduce the payback period because if you are using more with incandescent, then that will cost even more over the 10 years.
  23. Chronic conditions are a relatively new phenomenon for humans. Our ancestors died early compared to now, because communicable diseases depleted the population and then, without decent diets, simple medications, etc., heart disease and cancers soon killed off the rest. Once we conquered communicable diseases, thanks to vaccinations and antibiotics, the medical community turned their eyes on other conditions and have developed medications/procedures so that a once diagnosis that was once a death sentence, is now a managed condition. People now don't worry about dying, we all know that will happen, but the process leading up to death. And after 70, people do tend to spend more time each year with checks and modifying maintenance medications. If all of the people you know just talk about medical conditions, then see if you can't get them involved in some volunteer work, or doing something simple like geocaching focusing on level 1 (parking lot) caches. I have noted that when I get together with my cousins, especially on my mothers side, we all do compare notes on who got what hereditary condition from our grandparents. My sister, like several of my cousins, have Grandpa Fred"s 'shaky hands', which is essential tremor that is inherited. It really is quite evident who got those genes and who didn't. And I have great grandmother Angevine's feet problems (from my dad via his mother), and my sister doesn't. Recently one distant cousin found some photos from the 1890s and it is easy to see some familial facial features that have come down through the generations.
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