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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. Do you disagree that we are a scientifically illiterate society? Is that the divergent point? I will admit that I'm continually amazed at how people will believe pseudo-science and reject actual science.
  2. Correct, for us, and for most full timers who go the motorhome route, it wasn't enough room.
  3. Ryan, are you suggesting that those who haven't dropped dead from vaping are ok? Or that there is some kind of safe vaping? Because there isn't. Yes, it seems those that are trying to vape weed are the ones getting sick earlier, probably because of the solvents used. Does that mean others won't have trouble - no. It is climate change, which occurs all of the time, but which has been altered because of industrialization and the lack of a willingness to use other forms of energy besides fossil fuels.
  4. Jimmy61, if you didn't want information on Class As, why entitle your thread with an 'or'. If all you wanted was agreement that a Class C was the best thing for full timing, say so. And the difference between shorter gas Class A and a Class C might be the storage in the basement area - limited though it would be. Nor did you mention in the original post that you were single. As to all of the different comments, that's how threads go and not all of those comments were directed at you, sometimes other posters bring up a question or mention something on a tangent and someone will comment on their post. Your use of the word extravagant to try and denigrate people who have a different view of full timing didn't help. Do Class A owners like their rigs - of course, they wouldn't have them if they didn't like them. I loved our Class C, we had loads of fun in it, it was very forgiving as we learned all about RVing and great for short trips. But for two people who were going to full-time it didn't have enough room. Somethings that would be a problem for someone wanting to boondock for extended periods of time would be tanks that aren't enclosed in the basement of the rig, so no heating from the furnace. Not a problem if you chase the 70° mark, but could be a problem. We had tank heaters on ours to help when it got cold. Small waste tanks - if you want to do a lot of boon docking, you need fairly good sized waste tanks. Same for freshwater tanks. Most class Cs have just one 12 volt house battery (12 v or 2-6v) which means running generator more often or installing solar. Just some of the things to consider.
  5. Did you read what I wrote? If one has a minimal basic biology/chemistry education one knows that any thing introduced into the lungs except moist air, has adverse effects. There is no good vaping. And if you vape, you are doing harm to yourself. How much will be based upon a lot of things, but harm nonetheless. And we don't know what effect that vapor has on those around you. I am quit sure that we will see second-hand vapor damage, just like second-hand smoke damage.
  6. Who said that everyone on this forum (or any other forum) bought their DPs new? A lot of us, especially those doing research on their purchases, purchased used DPs. Why must every thread go the "who can full-time for less" route?
  7. I believe that the Arizona one may be changing in that they are now part of a medical school that gets federal funding, plus they need to have a certain number of patient population in order to keep accreditation.
  8. No one with any scientific background (ie someone who passed basic biology and chemistry) ever thought vaping was good - - you have to get it into vapor form and that into the lungs - unless it is moist air it will hurt the lungs! What health issues? We're 20+ years into using cell phones, where are all of the cases of cell phone caused problems. Where are all the cases of microwave radiation problems from having them in homes - remember that one? Everyone who ate carrots in 1890 died. Doesn't mean carrots was the cause. That's the problem with epidemiological studies that try to make causal relationships; without a mechanism of action, it is just coincidence.
  9. Jimmy, why did you start this thread? I agree with Joel, you were looking for validation. And that is ok, but don’t get mad when someone states the obvious.
  10. Well some do, for an additional premium each month. All in the tiny print that no one can read. The FREE stuff is to suck you in.
  11. As long as it isn't rush hour, we never found I-10 through El Paso to be any problem. We've done the alternate route, more hassle than any perceived time saved.
  12. Exactly it isn't at no additional costs. That was their original proposal, but then they've gone back to congress again and again and get MORE than just the Part B premium, which means everyone is paying for these 'added' benefits. That's my philosophical problem with the Advantage Plans. And every time the add "more" benefits, it means they have lobbied and got extra from government to add these benefits - more our our tax dollars. I want more transparency that what we have gotten!
  13. Most convection ovens run on a 20 amp circuit - same as the microwave. We run ours on 30 amps with no problem - just don't have another 'heat' generator, like a floor heater, going at the same time.
  14. They get your PartB premium. PLUS extra amount to cover you. Originally the said they could do it just for the premium, got lots of people signed up and then went back to say they needed more and got it. So all taxpayers pay for it.
  15. Get the onboard generator fixed. You won't regret having it working when going down the road in extremely hot weather - you can keep the whole rig cool with the roof air conditioner! If you are going to boondock, look at adding solar and good inverters, plus at least one more 12 v (2 6V) battery.
  16. Does your generator run off of your engine fuel tank - if so, then you have to have at least 1/4 of a tank, maybe even more, or the generator will act just like you are describing. Fill up your tank, then try again and it may take a couple of tries to get the fuel lines full again. If that doesn't work, get the generator service (should get that done anyway) and as part of service they will diagnose/fix problems. If you don't have an oven I'll bet the microwave is also a convection oven. I love mine, works very well, just takes a little getting use to.
  17. Remember, Medicare Advantage Plans assume ALL of the health care costs from Medicare for Part B. The Medigap plans just pay the 20%.
  18. Bet it is the people who own property/houses there and have internet via their cable service. Wonder how much longer the Care Facility will be there. A way to help fund it is lost. Sad.
  19. Memorize? I have ours on the iPhone. I no longer remember telephone numbers, license plates, etc. I also have it written down someplace in the coach.
  20. Easiest way is to send an email. Put in where you want it sent, and the correct address you want it sent to. Doing it by email means no problems with someone not hearing the exact address correctly. You get an email back that evening saying it is set for either the next day or on the day you specify and then you get an email when it is sent. I haven't called in probably 10 years - just so much easier with an email. Yes, they have having growing pains. It was always a corporation. I get great service and have been happy with the service for the past 14 years.
  21. If you start the process you will see you select either PERMANENT or TEMPORARY. Select the Temporary and it is good for 6 months.
  22. Go to low humidity area for the winter, ie desert, no condensation!
  23. Check your electrical connections. Ours wasn’t heating as hot, then wasn’t heating at all because of lost connection. Everything reconnected and tightened, back to normal.
  24. We paid over the equivalent of $6.50/gallon in Nova Scotia in 2008. Then it went down again after the crash, and has risen over the past 10 years. Plus new sulfur regulations went into effect, and most of the world runs on diesel, so supply and demand, etc. affect the price. Didn’t you notice the price of gasoline going up? It seems like a huge percentage of the costs because you packed a lot of driving into a short time frame. To do 8K miles would be several months for a lot of us. Over that time frame, fuel percentage costs would go down and campground, food, etc., costs would go up. Thus fuel will be a much, much smaller part of the total costs.
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