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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. We purchased a 3 yr old used DP when we started. Had everything we wanted, and have had it for 14 years now.
  2. Except that 50 amp service is really ~ 100 amps so you lose ~ 80 amps you said some jack*ss had to say it, thanks for self identifying
  3. I guarantee you that a big Class A isn't tippy. Ours is on the smaller size and at 31K pounds we don't get pushed over by passing semis like we did with the Class C (29 ft)we had before full timing. And since we have airbags, we never worry about the bottoming that we had to be careful of with the Class C. Actually on the Class C we had skid wheels, or something like that, in the back to help with the dips in lots of Texas roads. I loved the Class C and it was great for long weekends, short weekends, 2 week vacations, but wouldn't be great for full timing. I wanted to travel in comfort, with a w/d, a convection microwave, etc. Pass through basement storage, never worried about not having enough storage space or worried about carrying weight. Also, our Class C didn't have slides, which meant it was pretty small on rainy days - - and when you spend a few months in the spring in Western Washington, having a little more room for off-days becomes a 'need' not a want. Plus our tanks are so much bigger. We have 100 gallon fresh water, 100 gallon grey water, 80 gallon black water and 100 gallon diesel. We can go for 11-12 days without dumping. The ride on the air bags is superb and the view very good going down the road - and the exhaust brake makes coming down steep mountain grades in the west easy to do. I drive about 1/2 of the time and the view makes it easy for me to see what is going on around me. As to sun in the after noon, you do sit back a little and we've never had a problem.
  4. How did you NOT know it would cost money to move a house with a truck down the road? I'm not trying to antagonize you, but didn't you do some preliminary estimates on what your fuel mileage would be pulling the 5er? Did you not look at the total distance you were going to go and have a rough idea of how much fuel you would need? When we are in 'travel' mode (going from point A to point B with only overnight stops) we know that every other day we will need to stop for fuel (we get 8.75 mpg for the motorhome) as we never like to get much below 1/2 full on our fuel tank (100 gallon tank), or somewhere between 45-50 gallons at each fill-up. I know that is going to happen and have planned accordingly. And I also know that when we are doing are typical 2 weeks, then move to next area we explore for 2 weeks, that we will fill only once a month because each move will be 200 miles or so. In the summers that we spend in Washington state, it is not uncommon for us to go 6-8 weeks between fill ups because we only move 50-75 miles to the next area with the rig. Now the toad will get much more use running around as we visit family and explore an area, but at 45 mpg that's easier to handle. Overnight stops we try and use Passport America parks. For longer stays (especially on the west coast) we use membership parks. Remember, full timers aren't in vacation mode, they are living a life, just changing where they sleep every few weeks.
  5. Couldn't agree more with Bill, once you get use to having 50amps, you always feel like you are having to make do when on 30 amps. Particularly when it comes to A/C. In 100+ temperatures, it is so nice to have both A/Cs running, and the coach is at a very pleasant temperature inside. When on 30 amps, just one A/C running, we can maintain inside temperature at around 90 with an outside temp of 116 (no, not in the desert, that was in Cloverdale, CA - northern Sonoma County - 3 years ago on Labor Day) - you can exist, with extra fans going, but it isn't pleasant. Now, if we are not in someplace with temperatures near 100, we can get along on 30 amps with just a little tweaking of our normal routine. Things like switching water heart electrical off and only using propane, or turning A/C off (compressor part, keep the fan going) while using microwave. Of course when it is that hot, cooking is done out on the grill, use the w/d only at night when A/C isn't running or use park Laundromat.
  6. We learned years ago, never been in an area where winterizing is necessary for stays. Our wet bay (well really all of the basement) is heated when the furnace runs, so the only problem might be the hose. If we are in an area when freezing weather is forecast, we just unhook the hose, put it away, and run on the fresh water tank.
  7. And if they do that, then I get an immediate alert telling me that a transaction has been made before I get a chance to initiate the charge. And if it is a smart phone, how are they going to get my fingerprint to initiate the transaction? With the chip, doesn't the merchant still gets the credit card number.
  8. I still get the rewards when using Apple Pay. Just select the credit card and hold the phone near the terminal (which takes a few seconds to find the correct corner) and I hear the ding! That's it. I always have my phone on me, why wouldn't I use it rather than digging through my wallet? And yes, I've had my phone with me in the bathroom - - you don't know my daughter, but when she wants to unwind she'll vent to mom and dad. Before we had speaker phones, we would hand each other the phone so that she would have someone saying "uh, oh, I'm sorry, great, hmmm, ...." as needed.
  9. Yes, because writing a check means a savings to me. It benefits me. If I had to write a check and still pay "rack" rate, then no, they wouldn't get my business. My money, my right to choose. And it is all about choice. I'm not sure why Kroger thinks this is a winning strategy.
  10. Yes, but then they have to realize that there will be a reaction to their decision. They don't accept smart phone pay apps, so that means that very, very seldom will I shop there. Now they have another thing they won't accept. Other stores are doing more things to make it easier for me to shop - they will get my business.
  11. Agree that out of state purchases are a hassle in Arizona. And the people in Livingston are great to work with!
  12. Here's the link to the forms you need on the Escapees website. https://www.escapees.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Passenger_Car.pdf We did this last January when we bought a new car. Hardest part was waiting to get the Arizona e-title notification, once we had that just sent everything in (called and they answered the couple of small questions I had) and within less than a week we had our plates.
  13. Well Kroger is doing all it can to ensure that it won't get my business.
  14. Tag axle on a 22K motorhome? How unusual.
  15. That's because they had the necessary information already on file and their "gold star" license fulfill the federal requirements. Most people who renew will automatically get the "star" because they have already given the needed info before and now that the new 'compliant' licenses are available will get the new license. If your old license doesn't expire until after next October, then you will probably get a notice that you might want to renew ahead of time. Why is everyone making a mountain out of this nothing burger?
  16. And the banter about cars being towed south, with all of its connotations, have what to do with pulling a toad behind an RV?
  17. And you determined that how? You can't see the supplemental braking system we have for our toad - it sits beneath the navigator's seat. There is nothing visible from outside. Some states require all cars to have supplemental system when being towed, some it is dependent upon wait. If going into Canada they require all to have it and (as I understand) are know to pull out the break-away to check to make sure it engages. Why would you not want to have one? Yes, I know they are expensive, but .....
  18. Yes, we still have slides rules just in case electronic calculators turn out not to work correctly.
  19. Escapees Co-Ops are really different than general Escapees parks/Escapades. A lot of the Co-Ops are darn right hostile to those who are traveling - even though they NEED Escapees who travel to at some point buy into the co-op. I've never been able to figure out why. It isn't just you, it is the nature of the co-op lifestyle I guess, where they become so isolated they forget what it was like to travel and be the new kid in town. Also, almost all Co-Ops are 55+ and a lot of older people aren't very tolerant especially when it comes to people who represent change. One of the most welcoming to us has been Timber Valley, in Sutherlin, Oregon, which is why we usually stop. But I have noticed a definite chill this past year.
  20. Or have attended Escapades in the past and after the first couple, it was always the same cliques and nothing really changes. We're not conservatives, we don't particularly like country music, we don't drink to excess and with Dave's diet restrictions, we really don't eat out much, don't do potlucks, etc. So if you have already done the 'bootcamp', and all of the intro things, there really isn't much reason to go.
  21. Carlos, we only have cell phones. And I had Discover hold a purchase of a computer (this was a few years ago) until they talked to me and verified I was standing there in the store. We had never put a computer on the card before, just loads and loads of fuel (during 5% reward time) as well as RV maintenance/repairs.
  22. Maybe because you two are talking about different AmEx Cards? Carlos as I read the site, the 6% is for "preferred" blue cash care with an annual fee, white the other one is the everyday card with no annual fee.
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