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Everything posted by Barbaraok

  1. So Social Security (Medicare) uses NO (for number) instead of # and they put it on a separate line. Still gets to me, so I don't worry about it.
  2. If you read the USPS rules it says you can use either PMB or # in front of your box number. Since being on the road, we have opened accounts at different institutions, have not had a problem with our address, including last January. Now we did stay away from those institutions that I read about hassling other individuals on these forums - which would seem the point of spring information with others.
  3. In 13 years we have never used PMB. Just use # in front of our mailbox number.
  4. 65 feet is also max for motor home towing trailer
  5. Arizona wants snowbirds to spend money. They know most will soon be parked and they have wrong way drivers to worry about!
  6. Joe, how long has it been since you have had a speeding ticket? $100 - you should be so lucky.
  7. I notice that nobody bothered to review section 41-4001 of the Arizona code, which contains the definition of recreational vehicle. Being a recreational vehicle is an exempt to the 'trailer' length for other types of trailers, and as such it is 40' in Arizona with motorhomes having a max length of 45'. Overall length for trailer+tow vehicle is 65', same as for motorhome pulling something else. Notice, this is for registering in Arizona. I don't know that they would pull you over if you are over length going through the state. Also, isn't it a given that if it is something about an RV that AAA will have it wrong?
  8. Our cardiologist was 48 (in practice with his 70+ yr old father), no family history of heart disease, in great physical shape, out mountain biking with teenage son and had a massive heart attacked and died.
  9. I remember 50 as being the year for black balloons, black streamers, etc. 40 - just hitting my stride!
  10. And you will be a year closer to limited mobility or death. I am so glad we took early retirement. We couldn't do today (13 years later) what we could do when we first retired. More money doesn't mean more happiness or ability to enjoy what you have worked so hard to accumulate. So many friends have died working that "extra year or two" and never got to enjoy anything.
  11. Oh to be so young as to not remember when everything was done by hand and slide rule.
  12. We have the same on all cards. It isn't about it going undetected, it is about REDUCING the chance that your card will be compromised because when it is it is a hassle to get a new one if you are traveling. And in same states (AZ and Texas this year) the problems with pump scanners is real. That's one of the reasons I have taken to going in to prepay, plus the fact that if I go in, I can use ApplePay (or whatever is on some other phone) and reduce the possibility of my card number getting in the wrong hands. And some of us are so old that we remember when each month we had to check statements against receipts (I know, we're talking ancient here) and hand enter them into our home accounting book - everything done on paper!
  13. Who said I paid cash? You were amazed that some people used cash, I gave you a reason why. We mostly use whatever credit card has the best cash back with our GoodSam/Pilot-Flying J card so we get the cash price for diesel plus some cents off and then between 3-5% back on the credit card. Yes, sometimes Flying J/Pilot is more expensive. But when I take everything into account, including getting in and getting out, things even out for us. Getting in and out is more of an issue for us than the few cents difference between places.
  14. Jim, when you are pumping 50+ gallons of diesel at a time, the 5, 6 or 7ยข difference adds up quickly.
  15. I also get an alert for each and every credit card purchase over $0.05! Yes, means I get several texts when we are traveling, but that way I always have 'proof' that I just made the purchase. So far this year I've found that Every Flying J and Pilot station we've stopped at has Apple Pay (as well as the other phone pay systems) in place and Loves also has it. I use that whenever possible as I said before.
  16. I usually take a couple of pictures to get the 'best' view, but it can be a hassle. Not so bad at truck stops that have covers for the trucks, but the RV islands at Flying J are usually not covered so glare is a constant thing!
  17. I take a picture of the pump face showing gallons pumped and total amount.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  18. Lucky that you've never had a card compromised at a station. There was a large problem in the Phoenix area and also around DFW this spring and we got hit twice. Another time it was a station in Bangor Maine. When you keep separate cards for fuel it is pretty easy to pinpoint where it was compromised.
  19. I would never use my debit card to swipe at a fuel stop - too many cases of scammers being attached to pumps. I go inside, 'prepay' an amount that I believe (based on how far we have traveled) will cover the fuel, then we pump, and when completed I go back inside and get a revised receipt. I do this because we had TWO cards compromised in April after making fuel purchases. And I also, whenever possible, use Apple Pay for purchases as the card number for the transaction is generated for THAT TRANSACTION only. The seller (and their staff) never see the actual card number, etc. and it is never swiped through their system. Paranoid a little, maybe, but I really like using that as a way to help protect ourselves. I get enough hassle from banks when traveling through California and purchasing $150+ of fuel, I have found that if I switch cards so that I only use a card every third/fourth day, then the texts of "is this you using your card" don't appear.
  20. Nice thing about visiting wineries, we pick up replacement wine glasses as needed, often with logos which ensures conversations during happy hour
  21. Al, so you are saying that the rest (plan F and drug plan) cost less that $1000 a year for both of you?
  22. Al, it would be helpful to indicate what that includes. For example, does that include the Part B costs?
  23. You know most people don't count the Medicare Part B premiums in their budget because they never, ever see that expense - - they just base their 'income' on the amount that is deposited into the account and maybe at tax time enter the correct amounts.
  24. And when is your wife talking the test? You both drive, correct?
  25. We renewed ours last year with our Livingston address, not a problem. Downloaded the forms, made copies of everything requested, attached picture and sent it all in. No speaking to anyone,just sent it in and took note of check being cashed so knew they would shortly be on the way.
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