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Everything posted by rynosback

  1. Not yet, my reply was based on your first post, which there is no link in it. But I plan on reading it.
  2. But for you to gain access to an Xfinity hot spot, you need to be an Xfinity customer. I do not believe they are open networks.
  3. So you think that a 50 amp pedestal has 100 amps to it? Because at 50 amp ones there is a 30 amp and a 20 amp 120 plug usually. This is how I came up with 100 amps. But another thought is that you would need to have a longs 50 amp extension cord. As most pedestals are at the rear to middle of the site.
  4. I place limit orders. This way it will buy at the price that I want it to. Sure you can sell stocks that you just bought. You can even set up that order when you buy the stock. Heck you could only want to own that stock for minutes if you wanted. I trade myself online.
  5. This was my thinking also. But thinking about it, is there 100 amps being supplied to the CG pedestal? If so you could switch the rig over to 30 amps and hook the car to 50 amps. But then you would want another Autoformer to carry also. I say that because I would think that you would want good clean power as you would not want to damage the charging system of batteries because of possible low voltage. I say this because where I am now the voltage seems to drop every night to 105-108 volts for several hours. Not sure why as it is winter in the desert and there should not be a large demand for electricity.
  6. So having the satellites being closer to the earth would have no effect? From what I read these are the lowest orbiting satellites currently.
  7. I cut this from an article I read. As SpaceX eyes an initial public offering for Starlink, it has a lot going for it. It enjoys widespread name recognition and has entered pop culture and discussions of space exploration the world over. There will likely be no shortage of investors willing to throw money at the project. As a result, I would expect this offering to be oversubscribed in short order, with a valuation built on the same lofty expectations and assumptions that garnered SpaceX its current private valuation of more than $33 billion. A public offering will force SpaceX to disclose more financial information than it has in the past, which could result in new information emerging. However, I do not anticipate anything that could derail this particular offering. Enthusiasm for SpaceX is high, as it is for the entire burgeoning space economy. One need only look at the stock performance of another space flight company that recently went public, Virgin Galactic Holdings Inc. (NYSE:SPCE). Virgin Galactic's market capitalization has surged to $5.6 billion, far outstripping any sensible valuation based purely on the addressable market for space tourism.
  8. I wonder is clouds and weather will effect the signal like satellite TV. Or does having the satellites in a lower orbit help the signal?
  9. We bank with Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Never had a problem getting cash.
  10. Sorry to hear that the model 3 is not working out for you. You seemed very excited. Glad to hear that the model Y will work for you.
  11. You are correct, I have always stayed there with hook-ups. It used to be 2 weeks a year, but it looks like in 2020 they changed there rules to 28 days with hook-ups.They even offer a weekly rate now. I was there in December 2019 and it was just $$ per day with no weekly breaks.
  12. You are correct that she did not ask about Elk or Moose Lodges. But since a “Free” camping spot was not an option. I suggested a low cost option that might work for her. As I have found camping in California to be very $$$ per night. The Elks lodges have given me a lot of savings over commercial campgrounds. I have stayed in about 15 Elks Lodges just in California over the past year. Some lodges do not allow RV parking all the way up to FHU 50 amps. Each lodge is different, so you need to plan accordingly. My wife stayed at one while I was across the country for 3 weeks. She felt safe and welcomed. I’m sorry that you have had bad experiences with the Elks. They always seem VERY friendly and welcoming. But the poster of this thread is looking for “free bondocking” around “Riverside California Park”. Even with all of the posts, nothing has been found that meets her criteria, not to mention that she has not even chimed back in saying anything.
  13. True, but I think there is a limit that you can stay there. I think it is 2 weeks a year. Another option would be to become a Elk or Moose. Camping there is about as cheap as it gets in CA. And I think the Moose have a woman’s Moose that is only $10 a year to join.
  14. It is a nice and friendly park. But it is not free camping.
  15. Thanks. Yes we have current passports that are going to expire mid April 2020.
  16. We are SD SKPs but use the Livingston address for everything. Can I use the TX address on the passport application or does it need to match my drivers license? My current license is not updated to the SKPs SD address yet. I was with Terry Lund and they closed there doors very quickly. Thanks for any insite.
  17. That is a big advantage that makes other car manufactures just entering attractive. They will have federal and maybe state rebates/credits over Tesla.
  18. An email from Daily Wealth. What the $#&%*! Tesla?! By Briton Ryle Written Feb. 05, 2020 So some wingnut was out yesterday morning saying that Tesla will be doing $1 trillion in revenue by 2030. A trillion!!! Shares were up over $100 (!) in premarket — and why not? I mean, $1 trillion in revenue is pretty awesome... Now, you can't just say this guy is lying. It's a forecast... 10 years out... there's gonna be inflation... and maybe Tesla's selling diamond studded cars by then... Besides, I'm pretty sure the Constitution protects our right to make wingnut forecasts — which it should. Cuz where would America be without wingnuts? Seriously, we are a nation of wingnuts. We take on ridiculously lofty goals and make them real. See that stupid rock a million miles out in space? Watch this, I'm gonna go stand on it, hold my beer... Other countries can add all the STEM curriculum and violin lessons they want. That's not what this is about. The U.S. will still have the most innovators, the most people with vision, and the actual against-all-odds belief that they can make it happen. It's because we nurture our inner wingnut. We are batshit crazy, and it is awesome. Maybe I should put it like this: During this coronavirus outbreak, there was this video of police drones flying around China. One flies up to this old lady and scolds her, tells her she should have a mask on and that she needs to get back inside. She quickly scurries off... Can you imagine that scene happening in an American city? A drone flies up to some lady here and starts to tell her what to do, she's gonna knock it out of the air with a stick and go about her business. That's how we roll in the US of A! Anyway, I'll take the other side of that Tesla bet. I'll tell you straight out: There is no way Tesla is ever pulling down $1 trillion in annual revenue, unless we're talking Confederate dollars. Go ahead, call me crazy. I'll take it as a compliment. For Your Eyes Only Your internet speeds are about to get a revolutionary upgrade. And it'll pass thanks to a little tech firm that I almost guarantee you’ve never heard of. The new generation of internet is finally here, and I’ve figured out a way you can ride this wave for over 750% profits... But only if you get in right now. Click here to see why your internet is about to get 20 times faster and to discover the little-known firm behind it that’s leading the charge. Sell Sell Sell! At this point, I need to highlight the fine line between wingnut and plain stupid. As of yesterday, Tesla stock was up $300... this week! Elon Musk and any investors that are still (?) holding shares after this mind-boggling run are textbook wingnuts. "I'll give you $700 for your Tesla stock that you bought at $250." "Nah, I think it's probably going to $900, you know, next week sometime." But being short Tesla shares? Actively betting that the stock will go down? That's just stupid and dumb... We have an ongoing debate here at Angel about whether Tesla is a true powerhouse company that is changing the world or whether it's a circus led by a carnival barker. I told you what I thought a couple weeks back in an article called "Great Company, Bad Stock": Ford and GM are better companies in just about every way you can think of. They sell way more cars, take in more revenue, earn more profits, pay very nice dividends, have been hitting sales records for like five years running, and both sell electric and hybrid vehicles. Yet, investors will tell you that Tesla is more valuable... [and] the market remains steadfast: Tesla is the better stock. Huh, whaddya know, nailed it. Coulda made a lotta loot, too. At this point, Tesla is a cult stock. There's nothing rational about any of this. It's all belief. Either you believe Tesla is the future, or you believe it is a fraud. For this run, the numbers for Tesla's business do not matter one bit. Revenue, production, profits — irrelevant. But there are some numbers that do matter here: 13 million, 27 million, 25 million, and 140 million for starters. The Short Squeeze of the Century Now, 13 million is the average number of Tesla shares that have traded on a daily basis over the last three months. Twenty-seven million is the number of shares that were sold short on January 15, 2020. If you don't know, when you sell a stock short, you actually borrow the stock from somebody else and sell it for whatever the market price is. At some point, you will have to actually buy the stock to replace what you borrowed. The idea here is the same as "regular" investing: buy low, sell high. I expect the investors that had sold 27 million shares of Tesla short as of December 13 probably felt pretty confident that they would be able to buy shares to replace the ones they borrowed somewhere below $350. That was the high for Tesla to date. And we've pointed out repeatedly that even $500 was a pretty outrageous price, valuing the company at around $70 billion. Big Defense Stock Buyout to Produce 2,500% Gains Boeing, Lockheed, Raytheon... They all want a new, non-lethal device that’s promising to end mass shootings and terror attacks. The holder of the patents? One tiny new defense stock that trades for $0.50 and just IPO’d several weeks ago. It’s already surging 120% on major buyout rumors... No less than 2,500% gains are on the table. I urge you to act quickly. Click here to get started now. By January 15, only 2 million of those shares had been covered. Tesla stock had rallied to $518, and there were still 25 million shares of stock that needed to be covered. Now I get it: You have to have some ego to pound the table about a trade when you think you're right. You gotta be able to channel your inner wingnut. But there's an old saying that the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent. And there are a bunch of investors who have learned that lesson the hard way over the last few days. Last Wednesday, Tesla shares finished the day at $580. Shorts said, "Oh, that's gotta be the top." Friday, it closed at $650. Shorts said, "Oh, people will come to their senses over the weekend. Maybe I'll short a little more..." Monday shares opened at $675 and ran to $780. Shorts said, "Please, God, make it stop." The thing about a short sale is that it often involves margin. Your broker will essentially lend you some money if the trade goes against you. But if you hit your margin limit, you have a choice: You can add cash to cover the increased margin expense, or your broker will start liquidating. Yeah. It can be bad. This margin call thing happened to me when I was a trading greenhorn and I can tell you firsthand: All you want is for the pain to stop. This is why you don't fall in love with a position. And it's why you don't argue with the market. Crazy stuff happens every day. Sadly, sometimes it's a good idea to rein in your inner wingnut, or you'll be chasing bitcoin or weed stocks or whatever the latest mania is. Sometimes, it's best to just sit back and watch. Until next time, Briton Ryle
  19. Maybe you have mis-understood me, I love Tesla and there product. I think the Cybertruck is going to be a HUGE HIT! I would love to own one, but being full time make it much tougher as my rig takes 50 amps, so I would need two spaces to charge my car. And that is not cost prohibitive. So you are saying that if 128.5 million households added an extra 50 amp service in there home that the grid and power companies could handle it? This is a good read about over all pollution https://www.politico.com/agenda/story/2018/05/15/are-electric-cars-worse-for-the-environment-000660 This all started because you posted Tesla’s gains. And they have been going parabolic for no real reason. Reminds me of the dot com era. It is just to fast in a short period of time. I might jump in when it tests the $300 floor. A guy in options made 20 MILLION dollars in five days from Tesla stock. And that is not CRAZY?
  20. Down to $738, I would think people taking profits and I would suspect there will be more tomorrow. To have 15% swings daily is to rich for my blood.
  21. Here is Tesla’s lifetime chart, you tell me what you see. I placed two lines of defined tops. When they brake though, it is commonly known as there new support. https://www.m109riders.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=386694&d=1580884287
  22. I agree that the electric car is the future. But the energy/pollution used to make an electric car, including the battery’s is a lot more then a gas car. Not to mention the the charging networks need to expand GREATLY. Not to mention more power plants need to be built and the infrastructure needs to be updated to accommodate the amount of electric cars that are coming. I have not driven a Tesla myself, but believe in there mission and journey. But this still does not justify the stocks CRAZY rise.
  23. And it closed at $887. So it lost almost $100 in 15 minutes. It has gone parabolic and that is not a good technical sign. As there was no news that has dictated this HUGE price increase so fast. Some say that it might even test the resistance level in the 300s. I would be selling with such a quick rise in price as it is not realistic.
  24. This was due to Panasonic’s reporting qaurter. The stock is going up to fast to quickly. I bet the ride down will be just as fast. It is going to make investors feel bipolar.
  25. I have read some CRAZY number on people are thinking 5k a share in 2025. Those shorts must be really getting SQUEEZED. As Tesla has 18.64% of floats shorted. That is a HUGE red flag when investing. Makes me wonder what the shorts know that I do not. I have always loved Tesla and the goal of them.
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