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Everything posted by rynosback

  1. We have the blue water filter then the hose. Goes through a regulator then is filtered again before the water goes through the house. All drinking and cooking water also goes through a Berkey gravity water system. It works AWESOME!! this way we are not creating a lot of waste in plastic bottles by buying bottled water. https://www.berkeyfilters.com/
  2. Welcome to America. Once McDonalds paid MILLIONS for serving hot coffee, the flood gates opened up for frivolous law suits.
  3. Well if you do not have a camper of any sort, why buy a gps? Download Waze, the BEST free gps app out there hands down. But if you are going to get a rig, go Garmin Dezl. It is an awesome gps.
  4. I can tell you that MD does not care what they bought it for. They look up the book value and that is what you pay tax on. I believe transfers in direct family waves the sales tax. And condition of the item can change it when documented. But every state is different.
  5. Thanks, I noticed that 5 posts under when I posted the above. And even acknowledged how cool that technology is getting better for us right after his post. I was just commenting on information that you provided and did not want to speculate anything.
  6. Very cool, have to love how technology is giving us more options.
  7. Not sure what the manufacture is going to tell them about which dealer to buy from. I think that they would ask where you are located and tell you what dealers are closest to you. As I would be pissed if I was the closest dealer and they did not tell them about me. You might be able to ask them which dealers are there high volume dealers, sells the most. Go to the forums of the one that you like and ask about the dealers from people. If you were looking for a DRV, I could tell you were to shop them, as I am on several forums for them and keep up with the latest news.
  8. I added a little more to my post after you replied. Also dealers with what you want in stock are great dealers to include in the three. As the dealer does not want to have a unit just sitting there if they can move it quickly. There are several variables that you need to look at to plan out the best way to do it is. I said build sheet as I had a 5th wheel built with two pages of custom modifications.
  9. Not to sound sarcastic, but a fair deal is what you and the dealer agree upon. I narrowed my choice to one particular model. I then contact what I thought where the three largest dealers. Gave them my build sheet and asked them to price it out. I informed them that I was doing this so let’s not do any back and fourth. I then picked the cheapest dealer and bought my rig. I full time so no matter where I bought it I would more then likely never be back there for service. Some dealers PDI a rig MUCH better then others. They in my opinion are worth paying a premium on. As your rig will have less problems when you pick it up. Because they spent the time to go over, find and repair issues before you even show up to pick it up. Don’t listen to people making a blanket statement, ya you should get 25-40 percent off. And the will even say OTR, on the road. But what people seem to lose site of is every state has different tax rates and fee’s (title & tags and what ever other fee’s the state charges). Supply and demand can also dictate the price. That is why shopping 3 dealers really gives you an idea. Getting a fair/great deal is state of mind. If you think you got screwed then that will be your mindset. Even if you got the best deal on the planet. When I sold cars, my Happiest customers where the ones that paid the most.
  10. But if people just want to use the mailing service, I would think that they are keeping there state issued drivers license. There was a form that I had to fill out stating that my intent was to come back when applying for a SD drivers license.
  11. When Teri Lund shut her doors, they were all be referred to one of the other mailing services, and it was not Escapees. As far as the Sensis, I believed we are qualified as Simi Affluent Street People, as we do not own or rent a home. I even named my WiFi networks SASP for that very reason.
  12. It was a guesstimate statement. Is the Escapees number just people that use Escapees mailing service? If so, there are several other SD mailing services.
  13. Not sure where you got the 1,000 new residents a day. But OK, so you are saying 365,000 for the year. Are you aware that 203,353 died in Florida last year? http://www.flpublichealth.com/VSBOOK/pdf/2017/Deaths.pdf So now you re at 161,547 for the year. I would think there are at least 500,000 full timers or more in the state. By those numbers it would take you over 3 years to get back to were you are now. I personally think there are more the. 500,000 registered there. I also bet that more then half of the full timers that are registered there only go into that state once every 5 years. So let’s not be fooled. Florida is making good money on us full timers. Maybe they think pot is there new cash cow and want stoners instead of full timers? But they will require some $$$$ in services from the state. But we are free money. It is a no brained to me. Do you vote? Why bother as you are only one vote. It all matters. We ALL matter. Sorry for the rant but that comment was INSANE!
  14. But if every full timer left the state, I would think that Florida would feel it. Kind of like Spring Break. The big spot used to be Ft. Lauderdale, I think. That city basically did not want them and did what ever to make it not happen there. They moved to another Florida city. Then Fort Lauderdale wanted them back as they did not realize how much $$$$$$$ they were making, or I should say lost the following years. But as long as there are other options, it is OK. It is Florida’s loss of possibly Millions of dollars every year. I tried to Google to see about how many full timers are registered in Florida, and got nothing. I think us full timers out number the residents of SD. It supplies a lot of cash for a not very populated state. They are just worried about the voting issue. As if full timers all voted in local decisions we could shape things there. I have planned many motorcycle meets, and each town have wanted and loves our business. I have gotten police escorts from the towns also. Between the hotel, restaurants, gas stations, liquor stores they made good money on our short visit. Heck there are people who work for small towns that travel the country to get motorcycle groups to come out there.
  15. One business day latter it is $168.10. 6 weeks to 4x your money. CRAZY!! I think this stock is going to gown as fast as it went up.
  16. They have been talking about voting issues for a couple of years now. But I have not heard anything about not renewing DL’s and tags like FL is doing. I thought I mentioned that about the sales tax in the post above your. But thanks for confirming it.
  17. At least South Dakota and Texas will still welcome you with open arms. To my recollection the switch to South Dakota should not even cost that much as if you have paid taxes on your rig/vehicles of 4% or more. They do not charge you sales tax when registering.
  18. And here I thought and many other traders thought that Beyond Meat,BYND was a crazy evaluation when it IPOed on 4/29 @ $46 and 5 weeks later it is sitting at $138.65. Must be vegetarians out there then I thought.
  19. That gets to me also. Sad to say but there are a lot of people out there that are CLUELESS about there surroundings and just have one thought, them.
  20. I agree completely. The worst part of that is quite a few stations make you go in for a receipt after pumping. I think there goal is to get you in the store to buy items.
  21. Or just run the card again at the pump. Two transactions.
  22. Buckle up everyone. This is going to be a bumpy ride. Is this a buy the dip or another December sell off?
  23. We picked up a couple of extra big bowls in the old pattern at a flea market down in TX.
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