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Everything posted by Striper

  1. WOW Lee, you sure know how to get everyone's attention. Really as long as your ok, everything else is just "Stuff". Joe
  2. Got my pin loose and even managed to move it a little ways today. all of 70 miles and that's to the NORTH. No SNOW here, no RAIN here, no HAIL, here and no WIND here. What is here though is some of that BAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey. That stuff helps on to ignore all the "EH's" you cna hear from where I'm sittin. Joe
  3. Hey Steve, You were right, if we pulled the ole Bait and Switch on them it would go through. They fell for the Open Container just like we planned, and all we lost was just enough of the BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey to give a few of them a good hangover. Now that you have the required amount there you can fuel up and let her rip. That Ice Cream machine will be so well hidden they ain't never finding it. However you do need to watch your step, I picked up a rumor in the Time Warp about them sneaking up on you and using some of that BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey instead of Water in a kind of Waterboarding on you to get the location. Joe
  4. Hey Steve, You were right, got Lee cornfused and now he don't know whether the Ice Cream Machine is down there, up here, or somewhere in the Space Continium. Glad the transfer of BAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey got done afore anybody caught on jess what was happening. Hope you and Carol had a GREAT Anniversary. Joe
  5. Now Lee, I'M SHOCKED that you would thinkI'd stoop to out right trickery. And I know you ain't into that there BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey, so really if'n I were to try something as cheap and low down as that I'd prolly have mentioned something about the 30 cases of "Cranberry Juice" in the Cranberry Juice Room out in the shop here at Spiker's RV Resort. Joe
  6. Lee, even though Steve has now posted that he's alright, I think you best be "Sneaking" into town. Steve, when you said you managed to hide the Ice Cream machine, the least you could have done was tell me you were shipping it here and PAID THE SHIPPING. Joe
  7. Toni, not a problem there. Lee, I'm thinking all that wind and being to close the them Flux Capacitors have caused some serious problems in your time continiam. You really need to get over closer to Steve and see if'n you can't get that straightened out. Sun is shining and it's Shorts and Tshirts here today. Heck if'n this kinda change keeps happening the PNW could become the next "Snowbird Haven". ROFLMAO Joe
  8. Hmmmmm some of the class is stuck in the snow, others are hunkered down trying to keep the wind from blowing them away while here in the PNW we have been pretty much having GREAT weather. Yesterday I rode along with a friend up to Canada. She needed to restock her supply of Cranberry Juice. While up there we visited a great Japanese Restaurant for lunch and happened to have guests show up to meet us. Had a great lunch with Doug and Toni and of course we talked about everybody that wasn't there. While lunch was GREAT, the company was even better. so in closing I just need to say one more thing; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONI Joe
  9. Dang it Lee, I thought we agreed not to tell anyone about that. Since you done let the cat outta the bag, I found I was clear over in Richland, WA and my sinus are clear. Steve, tell them boys down there they can cap that well. Got the "gusher" fixed on the Doghouse. That pin came free this time with no more than a gentle nudge. Joe
  10. Linda, guess you sleep a bit later than I do. 2 cups of coffee so far this morning and nobody but me is here. Jeff, not really in a hurry but I had planned on taking 2 days to travel the next 350 miles on this trip. Now I'll be trying to do it in 1 day instead. Joe
  11. Got some more practice moving the ole pin today. Yessir moved it all of 3 blocks. Seems that Cat Parts in Portland messed up the parts order and didn't send the gasket needed to put things back together again. So I'm now locked in the shop for the night. I can say the neighbors are quiet though. Joe
  12. Toni. sorry about Doug. I really think he's faking it though, just doesn't want to head back yet. Joe
  13. Went for a walk by the Port this morning. When I got there, there were people all over the place. TV Vans set up, you name it, it was happening. Finally heard they think 3 trawlers are missing and most likely sunk in the channel. Bringing Divers in to check the channel now. Whew sure am glad I wiped that bottle down before I left it there. But I must have missed at least one print cause I heard the cops talking about Steve? someone. Joe
  14. Yesterday when I got back from lunch there was a bottle of BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey sitting on the steps to the Doghouse. When I saw it I thought, "Wow what a GREAT bunch of Elks". ILuckily I set it aside and checked the boards where I saw your message Lee, THANKS FOR THE WARNING. At that point I figured I'll be a good citizen so I took that bottle down and just set it on a bench along the waterfront. As near as I can tell this morning there hasn't been to much damage down there. One of the cops I talked to said something about 20 trawlers out in the bay Drag Racing. I check it out a bit more later. Joe
  15. Good news, the Elks RV spots were all empty. So right now I'm parked there with a GREAT signal for both internet and cell. Out at the park I was lucky if I could even get online the signal was so bad. Also I think I'm close enough to walk into Old Town for lunch at the Rogue Ale Brew Pub, might need to take a taxi back though. Good thing about this spot is that I'm real close to where I need to be on Monday morning. Close enough I can take the MH in and walk back for my truck. All you Elks might want to note in your books that the Newport Elks have raised their price. It is now $15.00 per night for 30 amp and water. (the State Park was $22.00 per night for the same thing) Joe
  16. Hey Jeri, original "Jello Ball" plans had me a bit farther south and being there for another week. Didn't work out. Was supposed to be heading back into Salem today and over to Tri Cities tomorrow. Now I'm just waiting for Monday to get things fixed then I'll head somewhere. I am planning a trip over to Pac Beach late next month, but that is really in the Jello Ball right now. As soon as I get some breakfast in me I'm heading into Newport to see if there are any vacant spots at the Elks Lodge. Joe
  17. Jeff, your right about this putting a hurt on the credit card. As for the weather, well it's the COAST. Yesterday was mostly sunny, today who knows. I'm working on that pin moving thing, just have to be careful how I do it. Congratulations on becoming an Elk. Lee, Yep your feelin better. Sure hope that stuff you got doesn't find it's way up here. Glad Steve was able to figure out how to help you though. Hmmmmm kinda sounds like maybe we need to change his sign off from ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ to Medicine Man. Steve, no need to send me any of that there fake BAAAAAAAAAAAAAD Whiskey. The BAAAAAAAAAAAd Whiskey I have is BAAAAAAAAAAD enough. Now to figure out how ti get out of moving out of this space today. Park is full, Spring Break, so they told me I can stay but will have to move to another sight. Should have gone and taken a good look at the other sight before I paid, it's a 45 foot semi circular pull through and "the Doghouse" is 43 foot long. Just ain't gonna work. Joe
  18. Steve, must have "Over Torqued" the flux capacitor when I was pulling that dang pin. And it's still not located right. Actually it seems I've lost a gasket between the Block and the Oil Cooler\Filter connectiong plate. Nothing that 5-6 hours in the shop, and a Credit Card, shouldn't take care of. But the sun is shining and the Beach is calling. You all take care douwn there in HOT country.
  19. Thanks Jeri, found out what the problem is. Can't get it fixed till Monday so will just have to tough out the weekend here at Beverly Beach State Park. At least I have plenty of "Cranberry Juice". Supposed to be 36 here tonight, but right now the sun is shining so I heading for a walk on the beach. Joe
  20. Lee you need to get a couple of them "Cowgirls" to take care of you for a few days. Seriously, take care and get better real soon. Jeri, I saved a space for you guys up here in Newport but guess the pull of the "Grape" there in the Valley was just to strong. Hopefully I'll get the Oil Leak problem resolved today and be able to head inland tomorrow to better weather. It has pretty much rained everyday I've been here on the Oegon Coast. 2 12 hours periods reported near 1\2 inch of rain. Joe
  21. Did a little bit of traveling today, but dang near ripped the hitch off the Doghouse trying to get my pin to move. Honked at Jeri and Terry as I motored through Kalama, but got no response. Oh Well, maybe next time. Joe
  22. Hmmmm maybe I'll see you on the Oregon coast later this week? Joe
  23. Hey Steve, There are still some opening's here at Spiker's RV Resort in July and August. Only charge is helping restring some blinds. And the Crabbing should be good then also, Joe
  24. Hmmmmmm at your current rate of progress you should make it to Portland sometime in summer 2014. Joe
  25. Oh Ya you need to look around. Just got the bill for my local lodge and it's $108.00. Recommend you find one with cheaper dues then re instate your membership and transfer. Just my .02 Joe
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