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Everything posted by Striper

  1. Welcome back. We have a bit of RAIN scheduled for you. Interesting thing, when they built that Walmart they put up sign "No Overnight Parking". That seems to have changed in the last year though as most, if not all, of those signs are gone. Joe
  2. I tried, really I did. Been so long since I worked up in the Blaine area I don't remember any of the places I used to eat there, sorry. Joe
  3. Just got back from a week in the sun of Kauai, Hawaii. While it's not raining, YET, the sky is gray and the wind is blowing 30+ miles an hour. Oh well, break out the foul weather gear and go for a walk. Joe
  4. Here in the PNW we started out with just clouds, then a little rain, then back to just clouds, then SNOW, then SUNSHINE the rest of the day. And supposed to be SUNSHINE all day tomorrow. Nothing in the world like a day with SUN in the PNW. Joe
  5. Supposed to be ALMOST as good as that BAAAAAD WHISKEY. Of course it's made up with all kinds of SECRET stuff also. Jeri, you might want to slow down, had SNOW here yesterday. Joe
  6. HAHAHA your right it wasn't any warmer up there and over all the weather was way worse. We traveled through SNOW, RAIN, SLEET, and ended up in SUN with dry roads on the last 1\4 of the trip. Dang those folks in "EH" land know how to empty a persons pockets. Now though the FUN begins, Cranberry Juice for next Winter, oh and just maybe some of a special drink called "Skeeter Pee". Joe
  7. Woke up to a WHITE world this morning. Only about an inch of that funny COLD white stuff laying around, but more than I like to see. Heading up to "EH" land today, need to restock the Cranberry Juice makins. Joe
  8. Greetings from the WET Pacific Northwest. Just so ALL of you folks sitting down south in the WIND and SUN can feel good, yes it is still raining up here. And for Monday the forecast is possible SNOW. Just heard a rumor that this RAIN thing is predicted to last through May. The good news from all this though is that the MOSS on my back is nice and green again. Sorry for all the 4 letter words, but ................ Joe
  9. OK, but it only snowed for about 20 minutes and now the SUN is shining. Going to be another FANTASTIC PNW day here after all. Joe
  10. Greeting from the ALMOST frozen Pacific Northwest. Just thought all you folks down there in SUNSHINE land would like to hear that it's SNOWING here at Spiker's RV Resort this morning. :-) (I managed to keep from using ANY 4 letter words :-) :-) :-) ) Joe
  11. I yanked my pin out and moved it yesterday. 21 hours and over 3,000 miles between beds. I'm prteey sure I'm going to take a Steve here real soon.
  12. I can vouch for the fact that there are two 3:30's in each day. My day started before the first one and by the second one that pin of mine was flying all over the place. Ya Steve, I heard a rumor that the roads in the Hampton's need painting. Joe
  13. Trust me Steve, there are two 3:30's every day.
  14. Glad to hear Jim is doing well, just tell him that Fishing Season has been Closed due to a Red Tide.......err something. Joe
  15. Thanks, You all Jess come on down.......err up.:-) :-) Joe
  16. Sounds to me like house guys are having way, WAY to mch fun. I'm sitting here at home now after a fun filled drive home. First my computer died so had to switch to the Tablet, then SKP board wouldn't take my password so ended up getting a new one this morning. Had a minor problem with the Motor Home in N Komieforna' but did manage to escape that state. Weather here is normal for this time of year, meaning no more Shorts and T Shirts for a while. However it I'd good to be home and I'm looking forward to diving into a couple of projects here real soon
  17. Sorry to hear about Lee, will keep his family in my thoughts. On another note, that pesky pin almost flew to it's new location. All set up in the Hospital parking lot here in Loma Linda. Joe
  18. Wienie Roast went off GREAT. Was a nice evening so we were all able to sit out around the fire and you talk about conversations. I guarantee if you weren't there to protect yourself, your ears should have been burning. All in All another GREAT evening with lots of friends. So today I get to see if I can break my pin loose on the map and move it to a different location. Going to be covering a bit of country over the next week, but will try to keep that pesky pin updated as I go. Joe
  19. Seems the wind decided to blow yesterday afternoon and into the evening so the Campfire got cancelled. However we found out that you can fit 12 people into Freddie and Delcie's rig. Great time with the group and yes we did talk about everyone that wasn't there. Today is an Off Day, so will start getting things around the rig ready to travel again. Also get a couple of things set up for tomorrow evenings Camp Fire\Wienie Roast. Joe
  20. Steve, You guys need to go to Algodones, Mexico. You will find good food and lots of friendly natives there. Joe
  21. Add Joe and probably Lynda to that gathering. Steve, got you and Carol as well as Freddie and Delcie, Terry and Jeri added to the list for Saturday Night. Joe
  22. Actually it is going to be a Hot Dog Roast. We will provide Hot Dogs and Buns as well as the Fire to cook them on. It will be BYOB and if dishes are needed to share I'll post soon. A head count would be nice, hope you can all attend. I'll be heading west and north the following morning. Joe
  23. Interesting day here in the Yuma area. First off, Steve managed to get up well before 11am . Him and Carol met us at the "Q" for breakfast, well there were a couple of other folks showed up to. Jeri and Terry, Kay and Dan, Joe and his friend Lynda and her daughter, aka the Kid, as well as Connie and her husband. Then tonight Jeri, Terry, Lynda, and I all met up at The Texas Roadhouse for dinner. Dang seems like all I've done today is EAT. Later, Joe
  24. Last couple of days here in Yuma have been pretty windy. So not much has been happening, well other than a Steak feed around a Mesquite fired Open Pit BBQ for a group. Heading back to Mexico today with friends for lunch, then probably just kick back the rest of the day. Starting to get things ready for a move the end of the week. Dang pin is stuck so hard in the map I may never get it loose. Joe
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