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Everything posted by Striper

  1. Sounds good to me, now I just have to remember it. I'm heading for Mexico today with a small group of friends. I'll really, REALLY try to stay out of trouble. That said my "Date" for the day is a beautiful young COWGIRL, so who knows what might happen. Joe
  2. Dang, that's what I have planned for today. Hope I have better luck than your having Lee. So far not to much happening down here in the Yuma area. Went out in the desert for a Bonfire\Wienie Roast the other night. Then yesterday we had wind all day so I rewired a couple more flourscent fixtures to take LED's. Now have the main light I use in the coach changed over to LED's, so should help with battery usage when I'm dry camping. Joe
  3. Ya we ended up having a fire anyway. Then this morning we had Breakfast Catered in. Shortly after that we had to head for Mesa, AZ and more adventures with friends. I'll be back out there to check up on everyone on Thursday. Joe
  4. "The Doghouse" is heading that direction today. Not as early as it usually gets on the road, but earlier than "Bessie Bus" hits the road. Jeri, stand by for a phone call looking for a "Follow Me" guide from the Entrance. Joe
  5. Whew what a day. Met friends from home at the indoor Market in Yuma. After wandering around that for a while, we headed over to the Arizona Market Place for the rest of the day. Boy did that Adult Beverage taste good late in the afternoon. So today guess I go out to where they are staying and pick him up for a trip to a Gun Show. Never can tell what you might see at one of them. Joe
  6. Whew, there for a while I thought your RV had put down roots. Welcome to AZ. We'll see you soon. Joe
  7. Well I think we need a vote on this, you know there isn't anything in Q to compare with Da Boyz. Yep I saw them sitting beside the road waiting to make sure I wasn't going to return after my trip into town. Joe
  8. We took a little ride today and ended up in Q. After a phone call to Jeri, I looked up to see a Lime Green 4 wheeler with a semi crazy lady driving. So I followed her and darned if it didn't turn out to be Jeri, not some crazy lady after all. Had a good visit with Jeri, Jim and Sandie, Denise(?), Lee, and Mr and Mrs Coldsmoke. Then it was off to the big city of Quartzsite for a bit of shopping before returning to the more settled area of Winterhaven. Yes we talked about everyone that wasn't there and decided on lots of things. However we didn't talk about a Group Night Out for Dinner. So I'd like to propose that we have Dinner at "Da Boyz" once again. Ok, bout time for Happy Hour so I gots to run. Steve the Baaad Whiskey supply in in grave danger. Joe
  9. Dang, sorry to hear this. Glad your safe though. Joe
  10. YEEEEEHAAAWWWWW. Heck at the rate your traveling you will pass Steve and Carol sometime tomorrow. Weather down this way is great. Joe
  11. Hmmmmm just looked at the long range forecast. Maybe Sunday after next. But that's alright, I'm soaking up you guys portion of SUN for you. Not much going on today, just a quick trip over the border for Glasses, Med's, and some Great Looking Shrimp. Dinner tomorrow will be Procuitto Wrapped Shrimp on the Barbie, MMMMMMMMMMM. Joe
  12. Ya Right, you been saying that for 2 months now. I'm guessing you guys could be stuck up there in the frozen north for the duration now. Jeri and Terry just managed to get out in time. Joe
  13. Oh I have those days to, yesterday was one of them, 3 hours and I was off the road for at least a month. Then the planned move is less than 2 hours. Joe
  14. Thanks Paul, I covered 2,250 miles in 5 days. Took a day off from driving in Casa Grande so I could get some laundry done. No, not a retired truck driver, just have always been one to get behind the wheel and GO. I really do need to slow down a bit and check out some of the things there are to see along the way. Joe
  15. Made it to the Yuma area yesterday. I think I've used up my dilithium crystals allotment for this month, so will just settle in for a spell. Probably stay here till time to head up the road to Q for the gathering. Joe
  16. HAHAHA I think so. However it was interesting and I'm sure there was a lot of socializing went on after the structered part of things. However I'm battling a nasty cold so I just returned to the Doghouse and relaxed. Jeri, glad to hear you guys made it back north without weather problems. I'll try to soak up your portions of SUN while your gone. Joe
  17. Yes A\C was running. My rig is parked with the windshield facing the sun, so it got pretty warm in here for a couple of hours today. Then I went to Happy Hour at the Clubhouse, hmmmmmmm guess my idea of Happy Hour is considerably different than theirs was. Anyway the lady that was running things called the newcomers by name, from a list, and asked them to talk about themselves. WOW my name wasn't on the list so I got away clean on that one. I did pass Toni's greetings on to a couple of the people she mentioned though. Tomorrow it's on to Yuma and a month of relaxation. Joe
  18. Got the laundry done, added my name to the list, and never once ran into anyone named Mary Lou. I still have to attend the Social thing this afternoon though. I think I have something good to tell them about Toni and Doug. Yep it rained here and then it got cold, well at least cold enough to need long pants. But today the sun has been shining and now the A\C is running. Joe
  19. I'm heading for the laundry room at the Roost now. As for the "Live in Maid", maybe I need to rethink that one. It has stopped raining, but there are lakes everywhere. Heck I left the PNW to get away from the rain. Joe
  20. Congrats to all. So does that mean you are now free to roam around the country? I'll try to make Happy Hour, or what ever they call it, today. IF I get my laundry done in time. Hmmmmm gonna have to see if I can find me a "Live in Maid" to take care of that kind of thing. Joe
  21. Oh Snap, does that mean I have to go to the Social???????? If I can find my BOAT, I'll try to make it over tomorrow. Going to stay here 2 nights then move on to Yuma for a while. Drove in RAIN almost all the way today, time for some of that BAAAAD WHISKEY and a Steve. Joe
  22. Made it to Las Cruces yesterday and had dinner with friends here last night. Had interesting weather for the last leg out of texas. Started with mist, then fog, then sun and back to mist. That kept up till about 50 miles out of El Paso when finally the sun came out and things warmed up. Plan on heading for the SKP park in Casa Grande today and hope to spend a couple of nights there before heading on into the Yuma area. Joe
  23. the Doghouse seems to have gotten the reins in it's mouth these last couple of days. Made it to Ozona, TX last night, boy talk about being in the middle of nowhere. Should be in Las Cruces tonight and hope to stop in Casa Grande tomorrow night. Only time will tell though. Joe
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