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Everything posted by Striper

  1. I'm sitting in the Beaumont Elks this morning. Something got into "the Doghouse" yesterday and musta really twisted it's tail. We did about 3 weeks worth of Steve's traveling all in 1 day. However there was light at the end of the tunnel, managed to meet up with, actually they came and picked me up, Jerry and Janice for a great dinner. Then Jerry downloaded a bunch of stuff onto my GPS. Boy that thing is really gonna take me places now. I did my dead level best to convince them to join everyone in Q, but don't think I really made much headway there. Oh Ya WE talked about EVERYONE that wasn't with us. Joe
  2. Steve, yep got it fixed up and ready to rock. Turned out to be nothing more than a bad sensor. Way cheaper than an injection pump. However in my other travels I seem to have caught a nasty cold. Now I'll just have to see if I can't get to AZ in time to share it with everyone. Plan on starting to move the pin tomorrow. Joe
  3. Yes it is, however once you get through Houston it's HAMMER DOWN. Joe
  4. Dang it Lee, you need to stop this pain nonsense. Hope you get it figured out soon. Jeri, sorry but the repair place said you need to send more money. Tow truck is scheduled to show up before 7 in the morning and take "The Doghouse" to the shop. They say I should be on the road tomorrow afternoon sometime. Just in case I paid for another night here at Hidden River. If I get delayed much longer I'll just have to make the run through Texas in one day. Joe
  5. Thanks Steve, I am trying to reach Jeri now. Really want her to mix a bit of the real thing in with that monopoly money though. Now about "The Doghouse", got a tow truck scheduled for 6:30 Thursday morning to tow it to a Cat Dealer approx 5 miles from where I'm sitting. They think they can have me up and running again in 1 day. So I get an extra few days with the grand kids and the Baaaaad Whiskey. Joe
  6. Thanks, I'll see if I'm gonna have time to stop there. Was a Bad Day at Black Rock, or rather Hidden River RV Resort, today. Was gonna go have the propane filled and "The Doghouse" wouldn't start. Just sat here and cranked over, but refused to fire up. Seemed like the more I tried, the more it said, I ain't gonna run and you can't make me. Fast forward a few hours and the diagnoses is a now defunct High Pressure Fuel Pump. So tomorrow it's gonna get a tow to get that taken care of. Looks like I'm just gonna have to stay here for another few days. Ok, now it's time for some Baaaaddddd Whiskey. Joe
  7. Managed to squeeze on more trip out of the warp drive yesterday. Back in Florida now preparing to head back west. Not real sure of my route or stopping points yet. Only plan is to be in Yuma the 15th. Steve, not a lot of Christmas lights out yet. I really don't understand what makes people put up with living that way though. Joe
  8. Oh Ya, but I'll be back in warm weather again soon and headed back west. J & J, put Bandit in doggie jail for this trip, but the show and view was great. Steve, yep the Warp Drive is really cook in now. Sounds like you guys were at Sunset State Park. That's a really great place to watch a storm also. Joe
  9. It seems that hitch itch got to me the other day and before I knew what had happened I found myself sitting in Radio City Music Hall. Their Christmas program was GREAT. Then we took a short walk to Times Square and finished off the evening with dinner at "The View", a rotating restaurant I the Times Square Marriott. Then yesterday found me in Oyster Bay doing a tour on Teddy Rosevelt's place. Not sure what adventure in on the horizon for today, but the weather is a bit on the cool side. Joe
  10. Reading about all you guys moving finally got to me. Went to Wally World and got a fresh supply of Dilithium Crystals, cranked up the Warp Drive and hit the road this morning. Didn't go as far as Jeri and Terry but I did manage 10 miles. Actually the great little County Park I was at refused to let me stay over the 2 week limit that the Commissioners have instituted. So as of this morning there were 3 of us in a 40 space RV Park and now there is only 1 left. On the bright side though, for $1.00 more per day I now have full hookups and satellite TV. Joe
  11. I saw where there were some new records set for rain fall. Glad I'm not there right now. I'll be here till around the 6th of December. Then I'll be working my way back to Yuma. Current plans are to be in Yuma till the middle of January. Joe
  12. WOW, did Cory finally kick you guys out? :-) I'm still in Florida enjoying the grand kids and warm weather. Travel safe Joe
  13. Hmmmmm well now that you mention it, Good Fresh Water would be nice. There are reasons for us needing to be elsewhere shortly after the 15th. Joe
  14. Current plan is for us to arrive on the 15th. Might only be there for the one night though. Joe
  15. Things down here in Florida have been pretty low key so far. Well other than the High Humidity and the Heat. Having fun with the Grand Kids and managing to turn some white skin brown all at the same time. Took a trip to Lazydays yesterday for a couple of parts and they actually had them. They actually said " Yep we have them, HOW MANY DO YOU WANT". Pretty big operation there. Looked like lots of rigs to choose from. Were a lot of folks there looking also. Had a very small reminder of home today when it decided to rain for about 20 minutes. Now it's all dried up and looks to be time to head out for a bike ride. Between the Grand Kids and the Baaad Whiskey, LIFE IS GOOD. Joe
  16. Oh Ya, let's hear it for the Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddd Whiskey. Heck I didn't tell them about going into Waldo Lake up on the Summit either. One of the most pristine bodies of water in the US They say that on a calm day you can see over 100 feet down into the lake. Ya we painted our way into, and out of, there to. Our answer to anyone asking what we do is, "Painting the World" That is just a beautiful area and one could spend way over 5 days exploring it. Joe
  17. Steve take a drive up Hwy 58. There is a fantastic Waterfall up there called Salt Creek Falls. You will need to walk in, but it's worth the walk, because the Forest Service had locked the gate. Trust me there is NOWHERE on that road to turn one of our rigs around with the toad hooked up. Need I say, Just don't Ask me how I know? The only restaurant in Oakridge worth eating at used to be the Mexican Restaurant. Also if it hasn't snowed in the high country you could take a drive out of Westfir over to Cougar Reservoir and Blue river then back on that road into Eugene. But I'd stop at the Westfir Ranger Station and check with them for road conditions first. The road is 57 miles long and is a 2 hour drive, but some of the country up there is beautiful. I learned about it because I painted it. Joe
  18. Might end up staying here for a bit. Seems they would like to have a camp host and the spot I'm in would be the one supplied. Joe
  19. Oh No not the ORANGE ribbons again. I'll see if I can't manage to spend at least 1 night there with everyone. Be a good place to see some and meet others. Joe
  20. I know NOTHING. Maybe you can get Steve and Terry to stand guard. Joe
  21. Geez because of that I had to sneak outta Texas today before Jerry and Janice could offer to buy me another dinner. The 3 of us did manage to have Breakfast though. Now I'm not gonna tell you where I landed for the night, but it's way cooler than I think it should be. Hmmmmm maybe tomorrow I can sneak through Miz Holly's old stomping grounds without any trouble. Joe
  22. Sheesh, you told me you would keep that secret. Joe
  23. Made it to Beaumont, TX today. Sitting here in the Elks Park and guess who showed up. Well at least Jerry came by so we could go to dinner. Guess Janice had more important things to do. :lol: Joe
  24. I'll try, but do I have to be by myself if I show up? Joe
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