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Everything posted by Striper

  1. Hmmm I might just drop in for a day visit since I'll be in Yuma at the time. Joe
  2. Made it to Las Cruces, NM yesterday. Since they predicted 30 degree temperature for last night I opted to stay in an RV park rather than Walmart it. Decided on Sunny Acres and on check in was told they give an SKP discount. At $19.70 this is not a bad park. Bit on the dusty side but again not bad. Met up with friends and we went to a GREAT little Brew Pub for dinner, heck could have walked to it from the RV Park. Now today I get to start my journey across the wilds of texas. Look out Jerry and Janice I'm headed your way. Now if the dang weather would just warm back up. Joe
  3. Left Yuma yesterday and headed east. Made it to Benson where I almost had to put on LONG pants again. Temperature here is 31 this morning and not supposed to be much better in Las Cruces tomorrow morning. The SKP park here is nice, but was a bit surprised when on top of the nightly rate, which was a bit higher than the new book listed, they are also charging for the Electricity. Not to likely I'll stop here again. Joe On edit, I double checked the book and found I had miss read the rates. That being said, I disagree with charging Electric on top of rent on a Daily Rental. Had I wanted to leave early this morning things would not have been good. So I'll stand by my statement about staying here in the future.
  4. Had a good day on the road yesterday, made it from Pahrump to Winterhaven. Hmmmmmm managed to beat Steve and Carol to the warm weather. Sure am enjoying this Shorts and T shirt weather here in Yuma. Actually I'm in the Rivers Edge RV Park just across the border from Yuma. Joe
  5. Toni I know you would rather be on the road. Any idea when you are going to get moving? I made it to Hawthorne Nevada today and set up in Whiskey Flats RV Park. Pretty nice place, I've stayed here before in another life. And it's full hookups, except cable tv, for 22.50 with 50 amp. Joe
  6. I finally got my map pin freed up and yesterday it went from Salem to Susanville, ca. I'm trying to beat Steve and Carol to AZ. However found out there are NO sites of any kind available in Beatty Nevada for tonight so I'm just gonna mosey down the road to maybe Hawthorne today. Some of you folks need to find a different excuse for not traveling, breaking things is way more expensive than being in the road. Joe
  7. Heck I didn't sneak out, fired up the rig and let it run for what seemed like hours. Then fired up the truck as well. Think I even hit the air horn once or twice, but NOTHING from Bessie Bus. It was good seeing you guys and I really feel good that someone is gonna be behind me on the way south. Hmmmm wonder who is between Salem and Yuma that I can sneak up on next? Got to Salem early and got everything stocked up that I needed. Went and visited a friend that is a gunsmith. Actually had in mind picking something up from him, just didn't want a 12 guage. That thing was sweet though......maybe on my way back through in the Spring. The Salem Elks, by the Airport, has really been working on their RV Park, got a space with 50 amp, water, and sewer for $17.00. They are putting in Concrete patios, etc. Joe
  8. Dang, a whole 170 miles??????? Sorry to hear about the windshield, are you gonna try to get it fixed in Bakersfield or when you get to Phoenix? Joe
  9. Well so much for sneaking up on Steve and Carol. I no more than parked to unhook and there was Steve. I got the rig parked and went over to their place and caught Carol cleaning for company. Had a GREAT time visiting, then they put on a big ole Spaghetti Feed MMMMMMMMMMMMM. We about half expected to hear IYQ knock on the door for that. Gonna have a hard day on the road today.........moving approx 70 miles. Joe
  10. Yes they do, sad for some though. HAHAHA but just think, your gonna miss out on the Cranberry Juice, Baaaad Whiskey, and WE get to talk about YOU. Joe
  11. It sure is a good thing I plan everything by looking through the Jello Ball, or by using some of Jeri's Chalk. I was supposed to stop at Champoeg State Park in Oregon this evening for a visit with friends from Texas that are work camping there. However late yesterday afternoon 2 light planes decided to have an arguement over air space and one of them crash landed in the park. Just minor injuries in that plane, but not so good news from the other one that crashed just across the river. So now the park is closed for the investigation. Plan B is now in force, Sneak up :ph34r: on Steve and Carol at the Vancouver Elks. Joe
  12. Finished the last bit of WORK today at 2pm. Boss said have a GREAT vacation so I headed south. Stopped at the Ole Homestead, finished loading a couple of things and made it on the 4:30 ferry to Pt Townsend. Taco Night here at the Elks, but I'm gonna pass on that and just go for some of the Baaaad Whiskey. Next stop some crazy named state park around McMinnville to visit with old friends that are volunteering there. I understand they had a plane crash there in the park today. Now if that back hoe did it's job I can move my pin. Joe
  13. Yep got them Spies workin full time, well at least from 10 in the am on. Pin kinda got stuck back here at the ole Homestead, but I gots a back hoe coming to help dig it out. Patience Grasshopper. Joe
  14. Managed to get my Pin to cooperate today and now it's back at the Ole Homestead. Got the Spies out checking that bunch down around Portland though. Hope to head somewhere Wednesday, South would be a nice direction to go. Gonna be interesting to see if I can keep that Pin under control once I do manage to get back on the road. Joe
  15. Hmmm sounds li,e both Lee and Steve need a good Oriental Massage. On second thought maybe just Lee neds that, think Steve would get in trouble. :-) Hope both you guys get feeling better soon. Yesterday I took a nice ferry ride and managed to get a couple of pictures, all of more area in the close viconity of where my pln is. As for the Wineries..... Don't Ned Jeri's Spies, heck they couldn't find me anyway. :-) :-) Gonna try to move my pin again tonight, maybe I can get it in an area where folks will actually believe that it's for real. :-) :-) :-) Joe
  16. Jeri, what the heck it's only $$$$ :-) :-) Yesterday was very interesting. Took a ride around the east end of an Island that I'm not on, just ask Jeri, and saw a place that I'm not striping, aka Steve. :-) The wind was bad, real bad, so ended up getting sand blasted at the beach. Then watched a Sail Boat that was out in some real nasty water for a bit. There were rep.s from several Law Enforcement Agencies as well as several Coast Guard members also watching it. Will try to find out today if the boat made it or not. So today it's off to visit Wine Country. Joe
  17. Hey Jeri, well if that's where the map shows me to be, who am I to argue. :-) :-) :-) :-) Steve, more like Riverhead and Manorville. Think maybe I'll try a bit of Beach combing today. All I can really say is that New RV I took for a Test Ride sure can cover the miles. :-) :-) :-) :-) Joe
  18. I moved again today. Then I moved my pln. :-) :-) :-) :-) Don't think Jeri, Terry, Steve, and Carol have to worry about me sneaking up on them for a while. :-) :-) :-) :-) Joe
  19. Not gonna work. Got the SPIES keeping track of things down there. :-) :-) :-)
  20. Yep, already gone. However it's just for a few days.
  21. DeNada, however that being said I could just change my mind and Sneak up on all you guys. Joe
  22. Lee sorry to hear both about your friends bad luck and your pain. Hope both resolve themselves real soon. Hmmmmm last I heard the cities of Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR called out the National Guard to TRY and control the goings on of 4 Escapees. Also heard that you can now find pictures of them at most Post Offices. Managed to get my pin rescued from the wilds of north central Washington and returned to the ole Homestead. However since I'm gonna move just a bit south later today, and use the Tablet to change the location, I wonder just where it might end up showing me. I'm not gonna get far enough south to get in Jeri, Terry, Steve, and Carol's way though. Joe
  23. OK, while this Tablet is good for keeping up with what's happening it sure sucks for moving pins on the map. Spent several minutes messing with it and all I really managed was to end up somewhere north and east of where I'm actually sitting. Hmmmm on second thought that could really be use full, make it a whole lot easier to "sneak up" on folks. :-) Lee I'm way ahead of you, I already filed with the board for a Sympathy Waiver. Allows me to Whine, etc. for 2 more weeks and can be extended if needed. :-) :-) :-)
  24. Yep I was right, get all you guys together in the same place and there is gonna be trouble. Now I think I'm gonna get to move my pin on the map later today. Going NORTH for another days WORK. Just going to take the Tablet along, so will see how much trouble it is to change locations using it. I will start heading south on Sunday, just won't get any farther than the Ole Home Base. Now starting Tuesday there is just no telling where that pin might end up. Lee I've decided to join you with the pain thing. Been going the the Chiropractor for the last 2 weeks working on my lower back. At least now I can bend over far enough to tie my shoes again. Joe
  25. Hmmmm Jeri, Terry, Steve, and Carol. In the same spot IN WASHINGTON. Stand by, this is gonna be interesting. :-) :-)
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