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Everything posted by sailbad

  1. Hey you two.... Unless you are planning on staying high in the mtns of Arizona. I wouldn't rush that direction. Even after Labor day, it's hot down there. I had a place for years just North of Parker and found the temps didn't drop until the later part of October.
  2. That's wonderful news. The less time spent around doctors the better.... Those fires in Arizona are bad. They really have their hands full. I spent last summer dodging the fires and smoke in New Mexico. I think most of the state burned. I hope Arizona doesn't have that type of summer this year.
  3. Well, let's get all this bad stuff finished up this year so you two can go back to wandering. I will be praying for a fast and complete recovery.
  4. I wish I'd been there. We had steady winds at 45 and gusts somewhere north of 65. I was in the middle of a sand storm for 3 or 4 hours. Could not see over 200 feet at times. I did pull in the slide when it became really strong. Millie really didn't like it. It was blowing too hard for her to fly.
  5. Well I guess it's time to come out of the brush.... I started getting sick about Jan.5th and it got progressively worse until I finally went to the Parker Hospital Feb.17th. There the Doc. loaded me up with antibiotics and steroids. Bottom line, I missed the reunion in Quartzsite. I finally left Quartzsite March 5th and intended to head for the Tourist trap. I made it to Benson and got winded in. Finally left there this morning, fully intending to stop in Deming. But I hit a little snow, a little sleet, and a misty rain and decided to go on to Las Cruces. Of course once in Las Cruces, it was only another 175 miles to go.... So I drove the rest of the way. Now I'm tucked away beside the Casita at the Tourist Trap. Those roads can freeze tonight and I don't have to turn a wheel.
  6. Well I'm starting to feel better and almost ready to join the frey. I do think I'll have to pass up on the camp fires though. Lee the nearest Honda Generator shop is in Parker. I bought one from them last year. They are a good shop.
  7. Jeri, California has a floor tax. If the vehicle is on their lot Jan.01, they have to pay tax on it. That is why They are parked here in Arizona. I don't have a grinder or beans but I do have a cup!
  8. Well, finally getting caught up. Today is a run to Parker Wal-Mart. Sure glad I have a truck. I haven't been there in over 60 days. That's a lot of dog food. I tried out my new sewer valve yesterday. It fits on the very end of the pipes and when closed it allows me to equalize the 2 gray tanks. That will give me a couple more days before having to dump.
  9. That's wonderful news Terry...... I agree with others, Soon.
  10. I can use a couple of those extra minutes. I went to the doctor yesterday and got a clean bill of health for another year. That will lead to a trip to Parker to fill the new prescription. Also it's an excuse or requirement to go to Wal-Mart and reload. I haven't been since before halloween. So the shopping list will start with 60 cans of dog food. Gotta keep Millie happy. Today I was behind the Jerky store refilling a propane tank when I noticed Mike had moved his Michael's Quartzsite Glass Co. into a building there. I had a small chip and decided to have him take a look at it. It needed repair but he had a couple of cars in front of me. I told him I'd bring it in later but he wouldn't have it. He asked where I was parked and told me he would come out and fix it here. Which is exactly what he did. There was no service call charge and he accepted the insurance company's payment without question. I've known Mike about 10 years and I would not let anyone else do the job. He's not a traveling vendor his shop here has been open for 20 years.
  11. Let's see. I haven't posted in a while. But today it has been raining off and on and I finally ran out of excuses. Last week I replaced the Blue Flame but that wasn't all. I have had a kitchen faucet dripping for a year I decided to have a crack at it. I fully expected to have to replace it. I took it apart and discovered it had a canister that held the valve inside. Who knew? I took the canister to Herb's hardware. I explained what I had and a very nice man guided me directly to a replacement. That was an easy job. Then there's the slide. I had a weld fail on the frame at the end of the ram. Fortunately it failed while I was re-spotting the trailer after a dump run. So I was with empty tanks and full water and a trailer that wouldn't move without repair. I discovered that the only welder in Quartzsite had gone out of business. That might have been a good thing. I had to call in a welder from Blythe for the repair. It took a few days for him to get a spot in his schedule for me. It was worth the wait. That guy really knew how to lay out a bead. It's a lot more solid now. Also, I had just settled in for a nap when Terry and Jeri knocked at my door. I'm afraid I wasn't very hospitable during their short stay and I apologize. It was a case of the elevator not going to the top floor where the manners are kept.
  12. We can move the reunion! We're on wheels! what room is he gonna be in?
  13. Jeri, Grandma's has the 10k or 20k units. I have the 10k and it works well in my 5er. Two things: I think he is buying 2nds by the truck load. There is nothing really wrong with them. Also he guarantees the units for a year and he really stands behind his units. I had a problem this year with one I bought last year. It was at least a year old and he replaced it immediately, no questions asked. I couldn't ask for a more fair deal. Grandmaw's is in the north end of the Pit Stop's parking lot.
  14. Oh the thrill of fulltiming! A couple of days ago I took the rig and dumped the tanks. Brought it back to my spot and set it up again. While extending the slide I heard a funny popping sound. It turns out the bracket that holds the ram on the bottom of the slide frame tore loose. Fortunately the slide is out. But I cannot move the trailer until it's repaired. There is NO mobile welding unit in Quartzsite. I had to call Blythe and make an appointment to have them come out and repair next week. As an added thrill, I was looking at my Blue Flame heater last night and noticed it had 2 pilot lights burning. That seemed to be one more that it needed so I decided to give it a closer look. It turns out a seal on the side of the gas valve had began to leek and ignited. This allowed a small flame to erupt on top of the valve directly beside the incoming gas line. It certainly didn't take me long to disconnect that sucker. So it was off to the heater store this morning to get a new heater. While there, I told the fellow about the heater failure. He says to bring it in and he will replace it. Ya can't beat that! I wanted a second one for my "K-LINES Casita" anyway. Now, there is supposed to be a major storm coming tomorrow. High winds and all that stuff. So if you are not in Quartzsite, you might want to wait a few days. Lee, you don't need wrist braces. You need hand cuffs! They will help you stay out of that ladies drawers!
  15. I think this is the one you are looking for: http://www.rvnetwork.com/index.php?showtopic=90708
  16. So here I am, parked in the pucker brush, when I find this couple lost in the desert. I guided them back to the hiway and they rewarded me with a fine lunch. Jeri, Terry and I had a nice chat and I will look forward to seeing them again soon. Have you noticed, every time someone comes to visit, it cost them a meal? Now if I can keep the rest of you spaced out right, I should be well fed all winter!
  17. I thought Millie and I would show up about Nov.01.
  18. Hey Lee, can we pry you out of the slabs for this bash?
  19. It will be a long drive....... But Millie and I will be there!
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