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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. And take a look at Brazil, with sits on the equator. Brazil hits record high for new coronavirus cases
  2. Welcome to the Escapee forums! It would sound as though you must have done something if everything worked before and now doesn't . Are you saying that it does work on gas or 120V but not on 12V? Also, if you could post the model number that might help. You can probably find a copy of the service manual for it by visiting Bryant RV Service website.
  3. One other consideration is that if you will not be towing a car, the longer RV could be more difficult to find parking places for when you go out to see the attractions or shopping.
  4. The same was true along much of the Oregon coast and also at several of the national wildlife refuges where we have volunteered.
  5. I guess it has been changed with one of the updates! I just looked and mine has all of those now also. I hadn't set them as it didn't back when we got it and with our little travel trailer it really isn't a big deal.
  6. MS Surface pro 3, Core i5, 8G ram, 500 G SSD I'm a little surprised by the number depending upon Windows Defender. Consumer Reports only gives it a 62 of 100 and there are 6 free programs which they rate better. PC Magazine has similar ratings.
  7. For the registration, it will depend on what state you are dealing with as some states do not change the registrations for vans. As Linda said, check with the motor vehicle registration office to see what the regulations are. For financing, the best place to start is with the bank that you have an established record. If you are paying more for the van than what it would list for as a used van because of the conversion, you will need to establish what the van's value is with the lender in order to get them to loan more than book value. That same thing will be true for insurance on it. For insurance it is called an "agreed value" policy. The bank will probably want pictures and a statement of appraised value from some RV professional.
  8. We use a Garmin, RV 770 LMT-S but none of these do anything for weight limits or length, as far as I know. A good GPS will help a great deal fut you still need to use good judgement and none of them are completely fool proof.
  9. We were fulltimeers for the years 2000 through most of 2011. In 2009 Pam had major surgery on her ankle and the 6 weeks that she was not to put any weight on that ankle taught us just how difficult it is in an RV if one must use a walker and have assistance in using the bathroom. For that reason we started to shop around to see what we could find and moved into a home-base in 2011. In 2012 we sold the motorhome and replaced it with a small travel trailer, which we still own and use (or will when covid19 is controlled) and probably will for several more years. To put it simply, health issues increasing with rising age was the reason we left the fulltime lifestyle.
  10. I hadn't thought about it for years, but when I was on submarines we used something similar anywhere that electrical cables passed through a pressure tight wall or the hull. There were tubes that were welded into place during construction and you put any wiring through those tubes and then filled the ring full of a silicone based material that we called monkey s(poop?) and an nut was then screwed into each end of the tube and tightened to specified torque. I would think that applies here as well.
  11. I would suggest you also bring a volt/ohm meter with you as it wouldn't take a lot to see what voltage is reaching the motor if you can access the leads. With one you can also see what the voltage from the battery is and check for poor electrical connections.
  12. The last time that I had a conversation with anyone in upper management about growth, the most rapid growth was coming in the X-scapers, which are still working and generally younger members. Travis indicated some interest in something more directed to that group but it didn't sound like it was very close.
  13. That is an interesting comment, as the following comes from the CDC website. Here is a link to a post from a scientist who is studying the spread of COVID19, and his recommendations on what to do that will lower your risk when going out. The Risks - Know Them - Avoid Them
  14. Welcome to the Escapee forums! I am not sure that I understand your question but will do my best to respond. Escapees happens to have a CEO who is an attorney and he also has an extensive background in dealing with issues of domicile. His legal office is just at the edge of the Rainbow's End RV Park, which is also the headquarters of the Escapees Inc. and of Escapees RV Club. I have known Shawn for a number of years and he is always happy to help and he has an associate who works with him in the office who is also quite experienced in such matters. For legal help I suggest you contact them at Loring & Associates by phone of email. If you just have some basic questions about the issue of domicile, I suggest you start by reading this article from Escapees. If you then have specific questions relating to domicile (or anything else), feel free to return and post those questions on these forums and someone here can probably either answer your questions or direct you to a good place to find help.
  15. My thought is the same as Birdman. But make sure that everything is clean and lubricated as well. You should be able to see if the drive shaft is turning but not engaging the gears by having someone operate the switch while you observe the gears.
  16. There are several reasons that a shear bolt will break, from normal wearing to some sort of mechanical bind. Because their purpose is to prevent something more serious from breaking it is important that the proper shear bold or pin be used. I know someone who used a hardened steel bolt to replace one that kept breaking and the result cost him more than $1000. It could be that the problem was a fluke or it may just need some type of maintenance or lubrication. I would check everything carefully to avoid it happening again soon.
  17. Since the question of more co-op parks was recently brought up, I thought that this article might be helpful to those not familiar with it. The Escapees Parks System: 1990 – 1991
  18. I have just upgraded to a new computer and it got me to thinking that I haven't seen any discussions on such programs in quite some time. I have recently been checking out reviews by Consumer Reports and several other sources. My question is, do you still run antivirus software and if so, free or purchased and what program?
  19. It has been a week now and if the poster has been back, they didn't sign in.
  20. Today is the 18th so am wondering if your park is now open?
  21. Please, lets discuss this subject without degenerating to arguing over who started it, what it should be called, or any of the other subjects that seem to cause tempers to flair with contributors here. I just saw this article about the proposed smart phone app for helping to keep control of COVID-19 and found it very interesting. It does sound like something that could be helpful. Here's How Contact Tracing Will Work on iPhones and Android Phones
  22. We just order from them online and then go up and take advantage of their no contact pick-up service. In fact, I just finished putting in an order for Tuesday. Since we are 5 years older than you and have some health issues, we are being very careful.
  23. That was true of the Ford chassis that we had but I've not checked them out recently. After a few years I added air bags due to some settling of the springs and I wished after that I had done so sooner. I just looked at the F53 specs online for 2020 and it seems that is still the case.
  24. What happened was that she deleted all of her posts and part of the housekeeping that we volunteers do is to hide deleted posts. Much the same as is done with spam posts. That is where she went.
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