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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. For some reason, there are a few people on these forums who want to argue about everything related to COVID19 and they seem to divert every thread possible in that direction. I was quite surprised that this one got as far as it did before that happened. At least the regular contributors who are guilty of starting that seemed to stay out this time but INDEPENDENT LADY appears to have returned just for that purpose. I remember her from a couple of years ago when she joined the forums to ask about becoming a fulltimer with no previous RV experience. She fought anyone who disagreed with her plans and eventually announced in anger that she was leaving the forums. Aren't we surprised that she wasn't happy on the road?
  2. It could be just a stale smell from lack of ventilation. That is particularly true if you don't open them very often. You may want to just try letting some air into them.
  3. Since this is a forum for people who RV I will make the following post for my fellow RV travelers. If you hate RV travel, don't bother to read it. This is a pretty good article about the problems folks are currently experiencing. Sheltering in Place in an R.V. Is Not as Fun as It Sounds
  4. If an RV is your only home, which is true for many Escapee members and a growing number of families, it becomes critical that a place is provided for them when you ask them to stop traveling about. Because full-timers are such a small portion of the total population, politicians and government officials often overlook them. As you say, it may not help but at least we are trying. Some posts demonstrate that the author has no grasp of the issue for full-time RVers and are a perfect example of why they get overlooked. With this being a forum that is open to the public, you will always see ideals that are intelligent and some that are not.
  5. Coronavirus in the U.S.: Where cases are growing and declining
  6. Welcome to the Escapee forums! Did you sign the petition at the link above? In addition, you could contact your elected representatives about the problems.
  7. Welcome to the Escapee forums! New versus Used There is no question that you can save some money by choosing a used RV, if you buy one that is in good condition. On the other hand, a new one will come with a warranty where used ones rarely have any warranty at all so condition becomes of vital importance. You can mitigate the risk with a used RV if you buy an "extended warrant" which is basically a health insurance policy for the RV. If you choose to do that, shop very carefully to make sure that you get a good one. Gas versus Diesel You will find that many here will tell you not to even consider a gas powered coach, but there are many who do choose gas and use them quite successfully. We lived fulltime in a gasoline powered coach for 12 years and the people who bought it from us spent several more years on the road with it. Diesel coaches do have some clear advantages, but for the price difference they clearly should. If buying used, the condition becomes even more critical if you buy diesel as repair costs for diesels are far higher than gasoline. To me, the biggest single advantage to the diesels is the air ride with is by far the best ride in a motorhome. In some cases the diesels also have a higher cargo capacity, but not all of them do so be careful. In addition, diesels usually have more and better pass-through storage. If budget is not too limiting, then choose a diesel but if you need to save funds then a high quality gas coach will serve well. Private Party versus Dealer There can be advantages to either choice, but if you buy from a dealer you could have some recourse while a private sale is over as soon as title transfers. In addition, if you are financing that is much less difficult if buying from a dealer. As you are shopping, don't forget to check out the consignment dealers as well. If you buy from a private party it is very important to have the coach professionally inspected before you pay for it to make sure that you are getting a good RV. Even buying from a dealer that is a good thing to do when buying used. COVID19 At this time travel is rather limited and finding a place to stay can be a problem, but it look like thing are starting to improve. As we listen to the various reports, there is a good possibility that things could get more difficult this winter if we get a new outbreak as some scientists expect. It is difficult to tell you what to expect in the immediate future, but I think that if I were in your position I would move very slowly in making the change now. It is really a matter of assessing the risk and choosing what level of risk is acceptable to you. If you do this, have some sort of plan for what you will do if you should contract covid19.
  8. While we didn't consider joining Jojoba Hills, we did attend one of the potential member tours, just to familiarize ourselves with the park and what it has to offer. We were there visiting friends as we know several of their members quite well. While I don't know their reasoning for requiring you to visit, with the length of that park's wait list I can't imagine why there would ever be any special effort to "hard sell" anyone or weed them out. The only effort to weed out people that we saw was they emphasize the importance of member involvement and the expectation that new members find something they would enjoy helping with. Why not contact them and ask their reason for that policy rather than think of negative reasons? For anyone considering a California co-op park, I will tell you that even though we have no interest in joining Jojoba Hills, we were very impressed with the park and the friendliness of the members. We have spent time in most of the co-op parks and Jojoba clearly has the most to offer of any park we have seen. They are the only park that we have visited which has a shooting range or several other of their features. The members are very friendly to visitors and they are also proud of their park. They seem to have one of the highest rates of member volunteer involvement of any park that we have visited and it shows. While their memberships are expensive, they also have more to offer than any other co-op that I am aware of.
  9. Nashville District provides update for 2020 recreation season Is there some other information source on Nashville District? I got the link for this from my son who had reservations canceled. I just texted with my son who lives near Ft. Knox and his reservations for Memorial Weekend were canceled and he indicates that Louisville District will be opening day use facilities on 5/15 but camping remains closed until further notice. He has reservations in Louisville District that are on hold for possible cancellation.
  10. Your biggest problem will be to keep warm and plumbing from freezing. We began our married life in a small mobile home in Blackfoot and later spent 18 years in Wyoming. My best advice is to move south for winter.
  11. Where ever did you get such an idea? The club is for all RV travelers and some are full-time, some part-time, snowbirds, and pretty much any RV user or wanna-be. There are nearly 20, 000 memberships representing about 2.3 people each. There are currently 9 parks that are owned and operated by the club and 11 co-op parks that are owned and operated by their members with Escapee affiliation. The total number of sites in the two systems combined would not come close to accommodating all members at the same time.
  12. Iā€™m not sure of the size they bought, only that the second was larger. There are those who can live quite happily in a 25ā€™ unit but I would get the 30ā€™ model.
  13. Any used item comes with a degree of risk. With vehicles, when you buy from a rental company there is usually a warranty, which is not true when buying from a private party or from most RV dealers. Since you will be in the western states you might be wise to use a TX address as there are not many states that allow registration using a mailbox address.
  14. We have friends who bought from Cruise America and they were happy enough that they bought another when they went up in size. Since you will need an address here to register and insure the RV, I suggest you join Escapees RV club and use their address service.
  15. I should have said that or go on to Needles and take I-40 to Barstow and then cut over through Bakersfield to I-5.
  16. Having grandchildren in Sequim, we have traveled to it many times from many different places. Unless there is a particular reason that you want to take US95, I would leave that route at Quartzsite and go west to I-5 in CA.
  17. He is probably intending to reference "The Ranch" at Lakewood, NM.
  18. Ft. Worth District, May 20 Nashville District, closed through May 30
  19. We used Express Scrips for years with good service and no complaints. The health care plan provided by my previous employer required that maintenance prescriptions be filled by them as they had some sort of contract. Since the ACA forced my employer to change coverages, we are now on a plan purchased through the Medicare part D list and now have CVS/Caremark and we now pick them up directly from CVS. Service has been good at most CVS stores and is outstanding at some that we have used but it does vary quite a lot.
  20. I just saw several stations here in Mesquite, TX that have diesel at $1.95.
  21. We were at one time on the list for Lone Star Corral but went elsewhere before they had an opening. I would consider Jojoba Hills to be the nicest of the co-op parks that we have visited (there are 2 we have seen.) but it is also the most expensive. We liked Park Sierra also, but wouldn't want to settle in CA. We really liked Evergreen-Coho too. I think that if all eI would probably put Saguaro in Benson, AZ at the top of my list.
  22. To be very honest, I didn't completely watch any of those videos on dumping tanks, because it is something that I have been doing from time to time for more than 30 years. I have no idea why anyone would make that comment as the dumping process is the same on all RVs. There are minor differences in where the hose is stored and some RVs also have a flush system for the waste tanks but everything else is pretty much the same. I think that before you make any expenditures for an RV, you need to spend some time looking at RVing videos. A good place to start would be YouTube hooking up an RV videos but there are videos available about pretty much any RV subject.
  23. This is the statement that is being asked about. How about some evidence that the Good Sam group caused it?
  24. Just to be sure that you understand what we are talking about, here is a link to information about cassette toilets and how the must be emptied. It is important that you realize that any RV which has a bathroom will also have waste water tanks that the owner must empty periodically. In most cases there will be two tanks, one for gray water(from sinks and shower) and another for back water(from the toilet). The smaller RVs also have small tanks which must be emptied more frequently. If you do not realize what is involved, check out this video to see what it takes.
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