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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. And split up rural routes to every other day deliveries. Half of the route on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday while the other half gets mail on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
  2. The Onion - Wikipedia The Onion is an American satirical digital media company and newspaper organization that publishes articles on international, national, and local news.
  3. I'm not sure what happened, but it is now repaired and working. COVID Link
  4. The answer depends on the configuration of the RV involved. I have used a plastic tub, but that isn't ideal. My preferred method is to mount an 8' length of PVC pipe that is about 1" larger diameter than your sewer hose to the rear of or the RV, or in some cases you can mount it under the RV. I secure the caps on either end of the pipe with a screw and I drill several holes in the bottom of the pipe to allow it to drain any moisture. Some travel trailers do have a square bumper that is designed for sewer hose storage but the one you have chosen may not fit inside of it, if your trailer has one.
  5. How a COVID-19 Vaccine Might Work. Plus, How Quickly We Could Get There
  6. Our plans were to leave our base in mid May, make several stops to see friends and relatives along the route to our staff job at Escapade in Rock Springs, WY and after that we had plans to continue traveling for several months. Now all of those plans are pretty much scrapped. We are still hoping to be able to travel from TX to a Kansas farm in our family at some point in July, but even that is not a sure thing. Like Joel, we doubt that normal travel will resume before fall and may take even longer. I would expect that some of the park campgrounds will be open in a month or so, but my guess would be that even then they will be limiting the use to keep visitors well separated and that attractions will be limited in access and availability for the entire summer.
  7. Congratulations on your first RV! Since you have no previous RV experience, I suggest that your first trip be to a location that is close enough to home to enable you to run back and get whatever you may have forgotten that is vital to your experience. As a single traveling alone it would be a very good idea to take the trailer to an empty parking lot and practice backing and other maneuvers. If you will have a regular traveling companion, develop your own standard language for backing directions and use the same terms all of the time. Avoid right and left for driver's side and passenger side. Do not hesitate to stop and go look as often as needed.
  8. First, welcome to the Escapee forums! As others have said, there is absolutely nothing wrong with his process at all. There is a very small chance that sewer flies could enter the gray tank while it is left open, but probably not to any significant degree in only 30 minutes. If you should choose to leave the gray tank valve open in the manner Denny mentions (which I also do if staying for more than a few days), then I recommend that you create a small U shape in the hose to act as a P-trap like all sink and shower drains have built into them. Doing so prevents any sort of bug from entering into your tanks to breed there.
  9. Where is it that they are paying this money? I have tired to find out more about it but can find no evidence in my searches. Can you share a link to such information?
  10. Because some voters want them to and others let them get away with it.
  11. if that reset button is located on the boiler/burner area, it is probably the safety device that Dometic added in an effort to prevent an overheated boiler from causing a fire. While you are in the back of the unit, look closely for any signs of a yellow powder or mud that may indicate a loss of coolant, which would prevent the refrigerator from cooling and also cause that over temperature device to open. If that is the case, no amount of electrical parts will help, you need a new cooling unit, or possibly a new refrigerator. How old is the refrigerator? Most cooling units last for about 10 years.
  12. I do agree with this part of your response. It is far more than just retirement funding that Congress requires. Congress is the reason that there is still 6 day/week mail deliveries, the reason that so many small, under used offices stay open, and a long list of other edicts which make it impossible for the USPS to operate within the income that they have. We need them, but Congress should stop blocking them from making good business decisions.
  13. Welcome to the Escapee forums! We are here to help and will do our best o answer your questions. The owning of real estate of any kind as no direct bearing on where your domicile is or on your status as a fulltime RVer. There is no definitive definition of what or who is a fulltimer and that really only matters to your insurance underwriter. It is important that you carry insurance on the RV which is designed for those who live in it all of the time and so be sure to discuss that with your insurance agent and if your current policy doesn't have a clause for fulltimers, shop for another company. Since you are thinking of TX, I strongly suggest that you start by joining the Escapees RV Club to get the benefits that will provide and then sign up for their mail service to get an address that is legal for all purposes in the state of TX. In the process of doing those things you will find that Escapees have a step by step procedure to follow to establish yourself a TX domicile and they also have numerous articles that explain what determines you domicile and what that means.
  14. I think that he means Kirk & Pam Wood. 😊 We did visit the subject location but it has been more than 10 years ago.
  15. I have worked on a 2852 but not the 2862, but suspect that they are very close. If it were me, I'd measure between the red and orange wires to see what you find there. it is possible that you have a different lower circuit board as there are more than one version. I found another source for manuals for the refrigerator that you have which may be helpful.
  16. Welcome to the Escapee forums. if you are trying to log into the jobs board, that is on the members website and you must be a member of the Escapees RV Club in order to access it.
  17. Welcome to the Escapee forums! It seems the person who started this thread has not been back in several days, but we will do our best to help you. Since you did find power on the terminal block, am I correct to assume that you mean the in the rear of the refrigerator where power enters the harness of the refrigerator? Is this the instruction that you are reading in the service manual? What color are the two wires where you did find 12V power? Physically trace those wires to the plug on the refrigerator circuit board and verify power there and what pins of the plug they connect to and verify that 12V is there. All control functions and all lights of your refrigerator are supplied by 12V so don't be concerned about 120V power until you resolve this issue. For safety reasons, I suggest that you pull the plug for 120V.
  18. Maybe, maybe not. Why does that even matter? My youngest son, located in KY received his on April 14 and a friend located in eastern TN got theirs on April 13, so it clearly began prior to April 15. But that was not any part of my question and please keep politics out of the conversation.
  19. Isn't' it just a little bit ironic that on the date we are usually expected to file our taxes, many of us receive a direct deposit from the IRS? I have been thinking about the fact that even those of us who have not been financially impacted by the current situation are receiving the financial boost. I'm thinking that perhaps we who are in a position to do so, should spend that money promptly in order to give the troubled economy a boost? If we do so, the next question is, what do we spend the money on? We are both considering an upgrade of our computers.
  20. i don't understand this part? Do you intend to cut the top corners to fit the curve of the trailer walls? If so, then why not modify the existing H mounting to sit at an angle to sit under the new table top shape?
  21. Since the new CARES act has suspended the RMD requirement for this year, do you plan to take advantage of that action, and if so, in what way? I have been reading various "authorities" on the subject and just wondered what those in the forums plan to do?
  22. In this part of the country (north TX), supplies are starting to improve. Our local CVS had both store brand and Scotts in TP and Bounty & store brand in paper towels. Our son reports a good supply of store brand paper products at Sam's Club.
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