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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. It might be under the battery manufacturers warranty but the RV probably only has a 1 year warranty. Do you do periodic maintenance on your battery? If not it probably has low electrolyte levels.
  2. I believe that they are only stopping LA vehicles. I know that they only do so coming from LA. If you come on I-30 you shouldn’t have any problems.
  3. It sounds like your RV battery is bad. Have you checked the actual voltage with an accurate volt meter? If the device is chirping it means low battery. An alarm is loud and constant
  4. When you ask about buying a used generator with no additional information the answer has to be maybe. How many hours does it have, what condition is it in, and what is the price? I owned a Honda 2000i which I got at 3 years of age. It was a neighbor who was selling because he got a larger generator. He had given it good care and I did the same for 6 years and it served well and never failed to start when needed.
  5. If the battery is off gassing excessively that also will cause an alarm. In our motorhome the batteries were under the step and the LP detector was just above. It usually was my first indication of a battery failure.
  6. Welcome to the forums. I know that there are programs available to do such a layout for home construction, but am not aware of any that are intended for an RV or a park model. Here is a list of free ones from Learning Hub.
  7. I don't get that remark?? In 2010 we received our form in our mail packet from the Escapees and we filled it and then mailed it back. For me, English/Welsh and for Pam, English/German.
  8. Sound advice, but don't completely block the lower air intake, for safety. I have used a light bulb to keep mine working in subfreezing weather many times.
  9. I have never spent a summer in AZ but have on two occasions experienced summer in a motorhome with temperatures exceeding 100 degree daytime highs for an extended period. Your considering an RV cover would make a very big difference in reducing heat gain as direct sun contributes far more to the problem than does outside air temperatures. Consider the effect that sun has on a closed up car. If a cover can fit into the budget, I think it a wise choice, especially for the time you will occupy the RV. That cover should allow you to have some windows open to the outside light. If you don't have one, get yourself one of the sun reflecting windshield covers as well that go on the outside of the windshield to keep that heat energy outside, rather than trying to reflect it back out. Anything that you can do to prevent thermal gain will be a big help. We found that when in direct sun with 50A & 2 a/c units, when high temperatures exceeded 100 we struggled to keep interior temperatures below 85 degrees.
  10. Escapees RV Club Admin · Yesterday at 4:30 PM This morning, our Escapees Board of Directors and our Escapade directors made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Escapade. Like many of our members, we look forward to each Escapade to reconnect with friends, make new friends, and enjoy our time together. However, we are confident that this is the best decision at this time based on a number of factors regarding the ongoing concerns with COVID-19. The health and safety of our members is our top priority. If you were registered for Escapade, you will receive a full refund. You do not need to call or email to get your refund. Refunds will be issued automatically. We are currently working with minimal staffing in order to do our part in limiting the spread of COVID-19. Please be patient with our staff as we are working through the refund process. For more information on how you will receive your refund, you can visit www.escapade.escapees.com.
  11. Escapees RV Club Admin · Yesterday at 4:30 PM This morning, our Escapees Board of Directors and our Escapade directors made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 Escapade. Like many of our members, we look forward to each Escapade to reconnect with friends, make new friends, and enjoy our time together. However, we are confident that this is the best decision at this time based on a number of factors regarding the ongoing concerns with COVID-19. The health and safety of our members is our top priority. If you were registered for Escapade, you will receive a full refund. You do not need to call or email to get your refund. Refunds will be issued automatically. We are currently working with minimal staffing in order to do our part in limiting the spread of COVID-19. Please be patient with our staff as we are working through the refund process. For more information on how you will receive your refund, you can visit www.escapade.escapees.com.
  12. If you look to the upper, right hand corner of the window of the Escapee header you will see your name and a down arrow. If you click on that down arrow a menu will open, click on account settings there and another window will open down the left side with a series of choices. Go there and click on signature and you can set up a signature your signature which will show at the bottom of each post that you make. You can make a link there to you website or one or an email to you, or pretty much anything you wish to put there, within reason.
  13. We are currently at our home-base and will be until this thing gets an "all clear" to go back to life. The main thing that I think of which we are now doing is to get our groceries and supplies by shopping online. We always rather enjoyed going to to shop, usually stopping at more than one store, followed by lunch or dinner out. Now we shop online, getting things delivered or brought out to us and then go home and wipe everything down before we put it away. No more casual lunches sitting in a restaurant.
  14. When you don't have any more hair than I do, it really doesn't matter how it gets cut.
  15. Let me add that in the current situation it is in all of our best interest to stop this virus from infecting anyone who is in the country, no matter what their legal status may be.
  16. It would seem to me that the more completely we keep the present restrictions, the more quickly the actions will be effective.
  17. My opinion is that you would be wise to stay where you are until things improve. Nearly all states are now doing things to discourage travel. You are much more familiar with the area where you now are and so should be able to do things like social distancing much more effectively.
  18. Welcome to the Escapee forums! I am not sure but I assume you mean to tow with a truck that also has enough cargo space to be able to haul freight while towing the fifth wheel? If that is correct, I'm not aware of anyone who does that but I would think that it could be done. Perhaps someone on the forum has done this?
  19. I am thinking of the person who wants direct coaching. If need be, someone on the phone as he works to talk him through the process.
  20. We did so yesterday and our nearest Walmart was able to fill our order with only 2 substitutions. There were no paper products in that order, so don't know about that part. I was very impressed with the service, as a first time user. It was all done with social distancing and the worker placed everything into our trunk.
  21. No question about that. We with a solid retirement do clearly have the advantage in this time. I will agree that the length of time we do this is a valid issue.
  22. First of all, this subject was not my idea but rather one that a fellow Escapee thought of and because he felt it might be a need that some of us could fill, he called me to discuss the idea. After a couple of days of brainstorming, we jointly came up with this idea. In this time of crisis there are bound to be some fulltimes who have problems with their RV. At least some mobile RV services are becoming reluctant to make calls and many of the repair shops are closed or may close, leaving some of us with no available repairs. The idea is that there are a number of us on these forums who have enough background and experience to be able to assist those who have problems via email, text, or perhaps by phone. If doctors can do this, why not RV repairs? For that reason I am starting this thread and asking for everyone to help us make this work. For those who have technical skills, let's list a brief but painfully honest range of what we may be able and willing to assist another RV owner in self repairs while travels are restricted. If we do this right we should be able to keep RV failures to a minimum. Let's list a way for the person who has a need for repair help to contact us and perhaps we can then fill that need, remotely. There are several different possible ways that we could be reached, and each one who volunteers will need to determine what they are comfortable with. You can ask people to use a private message, you could put in an email address, or for those who are comfortable doing so, a cell phone number. For myself, I have a 40 year career of doing electrical/mechanical repair work for a living and almost that many years of RV ownership and doing most of my own repairs as well as a lot of helping other RV owners. My expertise is probably strongest with things like furnaces and water heaters, window leaks, minor structural repairs, and most RV electric systems. I have little experience with slides and mostly Big Foot leveling jacks. I have also been off of the road for several years and back to part time so my experience with the newest technologies of the cutting edge is pretty limited, but troubleshooting has always been my strong suit. You can contact me via email at woody(at)1tree(dot)net. I check email at least 3 times per day. If you leave a cell number I will call you. How about some of you others joining in this list?
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