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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. I think that the major part of this is the fact that so little is known and we have been living in an information age. It has always been true that what you don't know can hurt you but we who live today have little experience with life conditions that nobody, not even scientists have any idea where to look for answers. Many of the current directives will only be effective if the majority of us obey them, since there is little enforcement effort and probably never will be. I think that much of what is being directed comes from fear of the unknown and the belief that too much is better than too little. My own view is that we need to support these efforts to the fullest extent, at least long enough to see if it really changes things. Historically, disasters and wars have been a unifying force in our country and I pray that this works out that same way. There seem to be some early signs that it could be the thing to bring our splintered society back together again.
  2. Actually, the executive order includes all persons traveling from the tristate area of NY, NJ, and Connecticut. NO has also been put on the quarantine list. While it is self quarantine, the TX HP will be verifying it.
  3. I have cleaned and disinfected as well as washed my hands so much that I think my system must be absorbing that stuff! This morning when I went pee it seemed to clean the toilet!
  4. The TX governor has ordered that anyone traveling from NY or NJ must be in quarantine for 14 days.
  5. We do not have any planned for this summer but our friends who have been going to a COE campground in Minnesota for years have been told to come even though the campground will be closed.
  6. It is that and in most, if not all states you have to deal with a long string of laws because they do not define what makes you a resident and most do not ever use the term domicile in any of those laws. For example, here in TX there is a law about registering your automobile, another for your driving license, another for voting, another for fishing & hunting licenses, and so on. None of those laws ever uses the term domicile and all say resident. That is pretty typical.
  7. As a transplant to TX, I too have struggled with the idea that the leader of the county commissioners is a judge, but it is simply a title and in reality the commissioner's court is exactly the same as the county commission in most states. It is rather like Louisiana where then call political subdivisions that we call counties a parish.
  8. This may replace toilet paper and waste tank chemicals as the hottest topic!
  9. I would think a little bit about the purpose of the census. The #1 item is to allocate US Representatives. Would you no choose that to be where you vote?
  10. No Escapee owned RV park is closed. (Rainbow Parks) Some of the co-op parks have closed to non-member visitors while others have not but they each make their own decisions by the board and the Escapee management has no control over them. Escapee management has done what they can to influence them to stay open to fulltimers, but that is limited. This lack of ability to control is one of the reasons that they no longer take part in creating more co-op parks. Have you not bothered to read the notices the club is sending out?
  11. The Walmart in east Garland, TX is at $1.57 for gasoline and $2.18 for diesel this morning.
  12. You are correct, although there are some financial institutions that have been reluctant to deal with the federal laws that require either a permanent, physical address or an alternative address of some close relative who will always know where you are. Here in TX and especially in Livingston most of them do know the difference and have learned how to deal with the issue. The statement that no mail service is good for banking is not correct, even though a few investment firms have been very reluctant to use the alternative address as provided by current law.
  13. They are not the only states that allow the use of a mail service for registering vehicles, keeping a driver's license, voting, etc. but there are no specific things which create your domicile although those are key items. If you have not done so, you need to read some of the articles published by Escapees to explain what it is. For most people the listed things are the most important parts. What is unique about those three states is the fact that they are the only ones that do the items listed and do not have any state income tax. I have never seen a listing of all states to accept the use of mail service addresses for such things, but I do know that the list would be pretty short. Unless things have changed, both TN and NV also accept a mail service address. Absolutely! Owning real estate has nothing to do with domicile. Domicile is a legal term that is generally determined by the courts if a dispute should arise. The dictionaries say that it is where you live, or where you plan to return if/when you travel.
  14. That is the purpose that is stated in the Constitution and the quote above which also states that comes from the bill under which the Census Bureau operates today. "The returns must be made available within nine months in order to apportion members of the House of Representatives to each of the states. "
  15. I have always thought of it as making sure you are who your insurance is covering, but I'm not so sure that they wouldn't ask if the D/L address and the insurance plan didn't match? On the other hand, none of my health related cards have my address on them so............🤔
  16. Clearly it is good enough for you. Since I don't have a dog in this fight, it doesn't matter to me and it wasn't me who questioned your opinion. I only know what we experienced and we never had any problems but we did keep our primary care physician in the same state as our domicile. We did have many occasions to visit doctors along the road with no problems from Medicare or our Medigap but most of that was prior to the ACA. I asked for documentation in an effort to clarify because I would like to be sure that we are sharing accurate information.
  17. We share your joy and appreciate you sharing it with us! Thank you and best wishes to you both.
  18. There are quite a few variables in what is best but if you leave an RV refrigerator on it will shift to propane only if it has the battery to provide 12V, should you lose shore power. If nothing is left on then I would probably lift the negative cable from each battery to isolate them. I also like to use a float charger if available.
  19. The only thing I can offer is an opinion but I too think you are doing the right thing. As former fulltimers, we are glad that we aren't among those forced to move at this time. Many areas are concerned that new arrivals will bring the virus into areas where it hasn't been before. I have cousins living in a rural county that has only a very small hospital and they are trying to prevent travel into or out of the county for fear of overwhelming their medical capabilities.
  20. Viki, have we answered the questions that you have, or at least helped a bit?
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