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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Thank you for joining in the thread! I suspect that you have more real knowledge of what is really happening than do any of us. I was never really active in he club side, even though we were members for about 10 years and we did visit several outings with different chapters and never found one that we were a good fit. Since the topic was the Good Sam Club and not the retail complex, I would like to hear more about the changes in the club.
  2. I did 10 years ago when it was my domicile address but now I have that and another that is my domicile I used it.
  3. I am wondering if you could point to some of those people who have had problems? Is there someone that you can have come on the forums to tell such a story, or is this just what you conclude could happen?
  4. It would not be, if that was all that the device was. In fact, the safety additions by both companies amount to little more than that and they sometimes help. The ARP-RV device is far more. It has a temperature sensor on the boiler and another on the tubing up above and it monitors and tracks both and keeps a record that the owner can step through and read is they wish to see what is happening. When installed the device is allowed to monitor for a period of refrigerator operation and then is custom adjusted to the normal operating temperatures of the particular refrigerator that it is installed on. The one that I have also conols a fan in he hot air exit from the top of the refrigerator, The fan operates as needed and fan speed is adjusted based upon the temperatures inside. When temperatures get too high it removes power from the refrigerator, much like it would if turned off. If you are interested, follow the link to learn more about the device. After a 40 year career in electronics, I was happy to pay for his device and would not operate an RV type refrigerator without one.
  5. The answer is probably that they don't want to pay Paul for what he has developed. The same is true for Norcold. I have spoken with Paul about this and even observed a conversation that he had with a Dometic representative at an Escapade. Paul does hold a patent on his device and has offered it to both companies.
  6. I'm not sure that some of the expansion of data wan't mandated by Congress at various times, but however that has come to be, they are the main source of data about our people. I visited the site usconstitution.net and found the following information.
  7. That is a blanket statement, such as you sometimes protest in other subjects. I dropped out of Good Sam well before he bought the organization and I stopped getting RVservice from Camping World due to a very bad experience, about the time that he took over. I have gradually stopped shopping there due to the changes he has implemented and politics has nothing to do with my opinion of the company.
  8. Welcome to the Escapee forums, Viki! While there have been some discussions of where you should use for an insurance address, I believe that most fulltime RV folks do as we did and signed up for our Medigap policy using the same address as ou domicile and our mail service. It has been a while but we were fulltime before we were eligible for Social Security and Medicare. Upon reaching age 62, we each signed up for SS, and we used the mail service address which was also how we had been filing our income tax for 5 years at the time. Upon reaching 65 each of us signed up for Medicare and again used the same address, which is what we used for everything. I believe that our Medigap assumes the address used for Medicare. A member of the forums, Mike.gibble is an insurance agent so perhaps he can join in and help.
  9. Welcome to the Escapee forums. Since this is an old thread you will need to get current prices.
  10. Which is exactly what we did and and what all of the fulltimers I know have done, to the best of my knowledge.
  11. Dallas Co. is now on a shelter in place order at least until April 4. I expect to see that happen statewide in a day or two. KY has also gone that way. If you doubt the need, check the reports out of Italy.
  12. It was announced yesterday that effective 11:59 pm tonight all of Dallas County, TX is on a shelter in place order. Only essential businesses and services will be open. The order expires at 11:59 pm, April 3 if not extended.
  13. That is probably true for many of us. Pam & I discussed just what we should put into that box. Not only are we not completely sure of our origins, but how many different nationalities do you put in? What we eventually did was to put in a hyphenated combination of the two we have heard most often for each or us. I used English/Welsh and for Pam we did similar but we both have several others that could probably have been included. That is the one question which I felt was unclear. It may be that what they really are trying to track is how we think of ourselves, in which case for us should be American.
  14. And that is probably our best hope to stop this from heading in the wrong direction. It is too early to know how well it is working, but I view it much like putting on my seat belt when I drive.
  15. Welcome back Mike! Since you are in the business, what I would suggest is that you add a signature line that includes a link to your Facebook or web site. Having someone with a sound and current knowledge of insurance is always a good thing and we are happy to have you here. While advertising is forbidden, putting such into a signature like is find whether it is a personal site as in mine of a business site like some of us have.
  16. We didn't get many visitors coming aboard once at see so everyone was in quarantine. If you heard a knock on any outside door, it wasn't a good idea to open the door and let them come in.
  17. Yes. I just located it also. It does leave a possible out for a fulltimer in the last line. I would doubt that order would impact the state parks, if there are any in Brewster Co.
  18. That kind of surprised me also, but the other question is, does it harm anyone to share that information, especially since it would be a "to the best of my knowledge" answer for most of us.
  19. I just read this article from RV Travel Is Good Sam finished as an active RV club?
  20. Exactly. And if we were to contact him would he give you information, or try to sell insurance? It is a very fine line sometimes. The fact that he has not posted again or any way of contacting him tends to lessen that suspicion, but unless he comes back we will never really know. It does make me wonder??? As one of those charged with removing spam, I always look closely as such posts but I can assure you that Mike has not been blocked and could return to contribute at any time.
  21. What county is that? If you mean Travis County, I just read the order and it closes all county parks but does not address closing campgrounds.
  22. Your source is a bit sensational and making things bigger than they actually are. I have cousins all around that area and was sent this link to the actual order that they use as an excuse for their sensationalism. This is serious enough but not what that rag claims. Johnson County, Kansas EDIT: Just to prevent rumors, I am holded up at my home in a Dallas suburb. It is a growing problem here also with most public gathering places now closed but vital stores are open. They have rationed toilet paper like most areas. Most stores are now making their first hour open a "seniors only" time. All who are able are asked to work from home and schools are closed but sending work home and online and providing meals to those who need them. It is very serious here and growing, partly due to far more testing and actions are being taken as prememptory to slow this thing to manageable levels. At 77 years of age, I am pleased at their actions and support them.
  23. Every 10 years this discussion comes up on Escapees and most other forums. Since I have never been one to believe in government conspiracy, I have always willingly responded honestly as I can to whatever has been asked, but I am also a person to check things out and so I have done that with the US Census several times over the years. While it can be a lot of fun to speculate on what they ask and why the ask it, you could learn more by visiting the US Census, What We Do from the internet. As near as either of us can remember, the time we got the booklet sized questionnaire it did ask most of the questions others have suggested. If you are interested you can discover what the data collected is used for, but the census is the source of data for the division of nearly all federal money for specific projects for things from road construction, to economic improvement funds, to supporting of the arts, building parks, to funding senior centers & medical centers, caring for the homeless, facilities for veterans, and a very long list of other things. I will say that the question of national origin for each of us surprised me but it doesn't frighten me to respond as it might lead to some interesting statistical data and I am comfortable in the knowledge that Lou Schneider will be able to learn that I have only 1 bathroom and where I live or what income range we fall into! It is what they call, safety in numbers. If you mix my answers in with those of 300 million other Americans, I really doubt that Lew or anyone else can learn anything personal about me. That is interesting as I just took the following information from 2020 Census at a Glance.
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