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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Are you near there and going over? It would be interesting to hear a general report if you go.
  2. We were sent a second, more detailed questionnaire once, I believe it must have been 1980. I know it was mailed to us and as an addendum to the original form that had been previously mailed in. It was too long ago to recall any specific questions that were asked, but I do remember that it was a booklet that was pages long and I believe it took about a half hour to complete. I do remember that it asked about our type of housing, veteran status, ages of people in the home, and a lot of other general information.
  3. His name is Paul Unmack. I have known Paul for several years. He has done several seminars at Escapades on how RV refrigerators work and how to troubleshoot one.
  4. There is a new Facebook page that has been started to help connect the fulltimers who need a spot to sit this out with other Escapees who have a place that they are willing to share. If you are in either of these groups, visit Facebook and look for Displaced Nomads. Another Facebook resource is Boondockers Welcome. Another site which should be of help is State by State Campground Closures & Responses to COVID-19
  5. How old? I had an experience in those days which should have prepared me for this. In 1964 the SSBN 600 (blue) had a new supply officer who chose to make his mark on his commanding officer by showing how much money he could save by not buying excessive amounts of expendable supplies for our next patrol. The result was that 6 weeks into a 9 week missile patrol we ran out of toilet paper. Even 56 years ago, submarines didn't have a single copy of the Sears & Roebuck catalog!
  6. He sounds like a spam generator, but so far he has not signed in since his 2 initial posts.
  7. It is the same problem that fulltimers have had to deal with as long as the practice has existed. They are such a small proportion of the total population in most areas that government and other officials tend to overlook them, if they even realize the lifestyle exists. A few states that are impacted in a major way economically do take note. TX is keeping state campgrounds open, while closing facilities in the parks, from the latest that I have heard here.
  8. I can find nothing to indicate that truck stops are required to stay open, and I have done extensive searching for such an order, law, or directive. However, there are several reports from trucking industry publications that indicate that most truck stops are open and very busy and last night on the TV news they reported a long list of companies that are hiring and trucking companies are on that list. This is a link to Transport Topics with the most recent report on truck stops in this emergency time and it was posted March 20. How Truck Stops Are Serving Truckers While Keeping Them Safe They also report that most states have their rest areas open.
  9. Interesting.... I got my first one on March 12 and went online to complete it a day or so later. I just got my second notice on March 19. Makes me wonder if the reminders are all automatic even if you have already responded?
  10. And that is the primary reason that I took the advice of Mark Nemeth and put one on our RV refrigerator.
  11. That was the original plan for 2020, even before the COVID-19 problem came up. I got mine a week ago and took care of it the following day. It takes no more than 10 minutes.
  12. I grew up on a farm and still have family and friends who farm so am familiar with that challenge. My wife is a city girl but worked for a time in an office that did a lot of farm returns, so got quite a lesson. 😊
  13. I just copied this from the Escapee Facebook page.
  14. And their location as there are some cases of parks that share a name. Even Rainbow's End is not unique to Escapees in Livingston, TX. There is also one in Sequim, WA.
  15. I used the Surge Guard 34950.
  16. Or make a new one from a piece of angle aluminum that can be found at Lowe's or Home Depot.
  17. There is no Kenneth Crosby listed in the data base of current or past members of Escapees. Do you have any more information about him that could help?
  18. This is another example of the root of many problems for fulltimers who have no real estate home. They are closing parks to try and get people to stay at home and not travel but fulltimers are so small a part of the total population that they seldom are even considered. The concern is that families will take school closures as an opportunity to travel with the kids, much like the college kids are doing on the FL beaches now. Nobody seems to consider that some people live and travel in an RV all of the time.
  19. With a little luck, Tcwndsr will see this and return to let us know if his problem sayed away. I really can't see any reason why a generator problem would cause your GFI to trip, but I suppose it is possible.
  20. No question that you are correct in that but have you ever tried one of the income tax programs? We have done our own taxes for many years and we shifted to a computer program in the early 90's, when our taxes were more complicated and the programs mostly helped to fill out the same forms and you had to print them out and mail them to file. Over the years since then the programs have become much better and they cover more things with very few situations today which a good program does not have built into it. You may be the exception, but my son the financial analyst estimates that perhaps as many as 60% of those paying to have their taxes done could do their own if they realized it. For those that don't want to prepare their taxes online, downloadable versions of the tax software are available: TurboTax: $39.99 to $109.99. TaxACT: $24.95 to $124.90. H&R Block: $19.95 to $79.95 plus the cost of state returns and state e-file. On the other hand,.....
  21. Don't tell anyone, but I have had the same dish washer for more than 50 years and she still does a great job!
  22. Since the names come from the World Health Health Organization, that seems much more probable.
  23. Where did you t?the information that they are not? The news posted by palmaris does not indicate that and each co-op park is managed by it's own board of directors. Please share your source of information. If you plan to visit one of the co-op parks, I suggest that you contact them yourself to see what is happening there.
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