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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. The same is true for us. With the increase in the standard deduction, few retired people on fixed incomes gain anything from filing long form. We have friends who continue to pay someone for doing their taxes, more from fear or lack of understanding than anything else. I really think that most people who use a computer at all would be surprised by how easy it has become. Nearly all of the software today will interview you and you just supply the numbers and it figures out the most beneficial way of filing. Unless you have more than $12,200 per person in deductions, you can use the standard deduction and it even determines if you SS will be taxed and if so, how much of it. Many of us qualify to use the IRS, free file option that takes you to various company programs to use with no cost at all.
  2. The Census Bureau information says otherwise.
  3. An accumulator is not really necessary for any RV water pump but I still recommend the use of them for several reasons, no matter what pump you have. The use of one will cause the pump to run less frequently and sometimes it helps to quiet the operation. It also removes the danger of excessive pressure in the water lines if your water heater should lose the air bubble that is normally in the top of the water heater because it will then allow for expansion without a significant increase in pressure.
  4. We have eye appointments on Thursday and both offices contacted us today to verify that we were not ill and to have us check for any fever. Asked us to take our temperatures before we go in on Thursday. What we really found interesting was that both asked pretty much the same questions and one was a civilian opthamologist office while the other was the VA.
  5. Don't forget to do your computer and your phone! ๐Ÿ˜ On TV they keep reminding us of those two but I am wondering, why do my computer if it has not left our house? And how often must we do all of these things?
  6. Our son in KY got an email from Recreation.gov that canceled his reservation for a COE park there stating that the park will be closed through May 16.
  7. Our son in KY just received an email from Recreation.gov that cancels his reservation for one of their parks scheduled May 8. It said that the park is closed until May 16.
  8. We are near Dallas and don't see how we could do this but want to help if possible. Have you put this information on the Escapee Facebook page? If not you should or I'll be happy to do so.
  9. I am wondering if there is any sort of time constraint in the desired trip? It is really a little bit early to return to Missoula as they will probably get more snow before it is over for the year. In addition, the current COVIC-19 situation is a potential problem.
  10. It seems to be a strange combination of panicked people and non-believers who think it a conspiracy. I am in the cautiously optimistic group. I am living cautiously but remain somewhat optimistic that the measures will work. I don't know anyone who admits to hoarding products, yet the stores are having problems keeping their shelves stocked! We usually shop for most things to last 2 weeks with a supplemental run in between trips. We do now have an extra package of TP, but only 1 extra and not a room full. We do have more than a 2 week supply of cleaning products, but only because we normally buy in larger quantities. I suspect that such buying is a snowball effect in that when some people see that an item is in short supply they buy more just in case.
  11. Kirk W


    That would depend upon the size and weight of the trailer to be towed.
  12. Rebuild kits for that pump are available at most RV supply parts departments. There are reviews for several different pumps on Amazon's website.
  13. The Escapee News said that they would. I know that they did 10 years ago as that is how we were counted then. If you are concerned, call the office and ask them. (936)327-388
  14. Isn't it possible to get the maintenance done where you are or along your route? For the medical & dental you may have little choice.
  15. There is no need to panic or to hoard toilet paper but doing those things is no more foolish than it is to deny that the problem is real.What is needed most is logical thinking and good judgment. This isn't a political ploy nor a world wide conspiracy. There have always been those who choose not to believe and this is no different. If most of us choose to take all reasonable precautions, progress in controlling COVID-19 sould soon begin to become evident. Once things are resolved, the doubters will consider our success to be proof that they were right. Let all reasonable folks follow the recommendations and then smile when we hear "I told you!"
  16. The best place to find that information would be in the RVs, Tows and Toads For Sale forum.
  17. On NPS closures, I found this information on the NPS, About Us pages stating as of March 15:
  18. Will a standard diesel pickup accept the larger nozzle of the truck island?
  19. Are saving 82ยข per gallon at the current prices? Here in north TX most diesel is between $2.60 & $2.20 per gallon. That would make it less than off road diesel is selling for.
  20. I know where there are some bikers that you cold start the process with! ๐Ÿ˜
  21. We too have plans for summer, with our planned departure in May. Everyone has to make their own decisions but in my opinion it is much too early to start canceling plans for summer. While the potential for major problems with this COVIC-19 is far greater than with the annual influenza outbreak, it is really the unknown which is creating the nervousness of our health care community. Probably the most dangerous thing at present is the part of the population who are not taking things seriously, even though I don't see the need for panic or hoarding. For me the fact that it is being taken seriously and that people are taking actions to curb this before it becomes a national disaster is very encouraging and I expect that we will see things under control within a month or two. For that reason I am not changing any of our plans, yet. I can tell you that as of today, plans for Escapade are proceeding as normal. I think that you should at least wait for May 15 to start changing your plans. We will all know a great deal more about the impact of COVID-19 at that time.
  22. That must be the problem. I do recall having seen a person leaving Walmart with a shopping cart full of TP early last week, so that must have been the start of the run on things. In this area it has also extended to cleaning supplies and some food items.
  23. Do you keep your emergency contact numbers and medical information in some easily seen, readily available location for anyone that might find you?
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