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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. We lived in WY for 18 years and neither of us were ever called, but after we moved to Ft. Worth in 1989 my first forwarded mail included a jury summons for US District Court in Cheyenne. By the time that I got the mail my reporting date had passed so I called the court and explained, no problems. But that has always left me wondering about a jury summons from federal courts??? Anyone have any experience with them?
  2. But have you checked to see if they will cover the truck when you drive it without the fifth wheel? We have friends who were leaving Nashville heading for Crossville, TN with their Ford F450 when the fuel system failed. Coachnet did not cover the truck because it wasn't towing the trailer. That seems to have become the standard answer.
  3. We will be there when you arrive, since I'm part of the advance team. I'll look forward to greeting you! Have you considered coming early and attending RVer's Boot Camp?
  4. I have used the USPS far more than any of the other services and in that time I have had only 2 serious failures that I can recall. In my career we used both FedEx and UPS and still do use them on occasion. Neither of them have proven to be perfect either.
  5. When we volunteered in PolkCo. court it was to be a murder trial for a guy who beat his wife and she didn't survive. As it happened Polk had 3 jury pools to fill for 3 different courts and by random drawing we were both in the same pool,with Pam as juror #7 and myself as juror #14 of 24, so quite in the range to possibly serve. In TX the jury pool member are numbered, 1 through however many are called and the jury is #1 - 12 with the number of those serving moving up each time that a juror is removed the number rises so we could easily have been on the same jury. Someone noticed our common address and we were each called to the bench and questioned about our ability to serve and not discuss outside of court. The judge then released both of us. We did follow the trial and the defendant was convicted.
  6. I would consider the class A motorhome to be the most comfortable to travel in, but it is also somewhat less flexible. The fifth wheel probably has the most living space while sitting still and a travel trailer has the lowest cost. The class C is somewhere in the middle an truck campers have their advantages too. Ultimately none of us can tell you what you will like best. I suggest that you spend a lot of time at a large RV show where you can test all of the various choices. Take everyone who will travel in the RV with you and do a pantomime of the things that you will perform when living in the preferred RV to see how it will work.
  7. In the current issue of Escapees Magazine, there is an article about jury service and it touches on the history of it. That interesting article got me to thinking about the subject, and it's relation to RV use. My own experience is that I was called several times over the years but only served on a jury one time, and that was before I retired and so I was a part-time RVer and the week that I spent didn't interfere with our travels at all. While we were full-time, each of us received a jury call from Polk Co. which was then released with just a phone call. We did notify Polk Co. Court when we stopped at Rainbow's End for a couple of weeks and were then both on the same jury panel but neither of us were chosen to serve. We did feel some obligation to Polk Co. for the easy release that was given, once to Pam and twice to me. Looking back to the one time that I did serve on a jury, it was one of the most educational experiences of life. I have never regretted that experience and it gave me some degree of confidence in our system. I think that it would be interesting if Escapees would share their experience with jury service and it may even be helpful to some of those who may be called to serve in the future.
  8. There aren't strict rules about where to post things but you may not get many answers here as you would elsewhere. If you do try a different forum, I'd suggest the general one. We tow our travel trailer with a Dodge, diesel, 4 door, 2500 too and we do have a cap on the bed that was made by Leer truck caps. My truck is a 2003 so it doesn't have a backup camera, but wish that it did. We don't try to cool the cargo area as our dog always rode in the back sea, but she passed a year ago and we no longer have her. I have been very happy with the cap we bought but they aren't inexpensive.
  9. When it cones to locating an RV site, I have owned RVs for a lot of years and I don't find it more difficult to find a place to stop, but it is different. With the advent of cellphones and online camping guides we have changed how we locate a place to stay but we still only make advance reservations if going into an area of high RV use of a major tourist spot during the busy season. We don't just drive around and look for a place to stay, we we did back in the 70's & 80's, but we also seldom make reservations before starting to travel. Most of the time we start our day not knowing how far we will travel and then about noon we choose a few possible stops and then call ahead to save us a spot. Very seldom does it require more than 1 or 2 calls to find a site. It has always been less difficult to find a spot when you stop early than if you start to look for a site in late afternoon or evening.
  10. How did you fasten the mudflap in place?
  11. While I know what we felt served us best, that is a very subjective question with as many answers as there are people responding. I would need to know much more about you, your family that will travel with you, how you plan to use the RV and the length of trips that you have in mind before I even venture any suggestions. We have owned 6 very different RVs over the many years since we began to travel by RV and each one served us very well for the time and purpose which we owned it. The reason for the changes of RV and RV type came because of changes in our family and in our lifestyle. What type of RV will best serve you will be much influenced by those factors in your life.
  12. That sounds like the problem to me also. In case you aren't familiar with them, here is a picture. Typically they are wired so that if one trips it takes them all out. You may have a small current leak in your Keurig that is causing the problem, especially if it should turn out to be a GFCI problem.
  13. That is good. After a 40 year career in electrical service work I am always concerned about safety ahead of other things.
  14. We are no longer fulltime either and while it is important to weigh the RV, I doubt that you will have an excessive amount for your trip. A lot depends on the length of the trip so be careful in what you take but since you'll not be carrying all of your possessions, I would think that you could keep things down in weight.
  15. That is pretty normal. Keep in mind that the 120V alternating current is lowered to 12V of direct current and the ratio between voltage and current remains the same (less a small loss) so the 6 a at 120V is supplying nearly 60 a at 12 V. Regarding the explanation of what you believe happened, I think that you really do not understand how electricity works but that you probably do not have a serious problem in your power supply. I hope that you will get qualified help before you do any modifications of your home's electrical system. One of the greatest causes of home fires is armature electrical modifications.
  16. With about 1200 full hookup RV sites available and plenty of areas for dry camping, we hope to have lots of people coming from all directions! If this is your first Escapade, be sure to attend the reception for first time attendees!
  17. I don't really understand the problem you are having, but it sounds like you may not understand electric issues. The first thing is to realize that a GFCI outlet does not offer any purposeful type of overcurrent, nor overload protection.. It trips on a current imbalance between the hot & neutral legs of the circuit. If you have a ground fault circuit breaker, those do serve both functions. As Chad said, your RV's batteries play no part in the operation of the circuit breakers but it they are discharged the converter or inverter that you have may be recharging them and that would increase the total current drawn from your shore power supply. You didn't say where you got the 23a and the 2.4a readings?? What device are you using to read current load? No 20a circuit breaker should supply a constant load of more than 20a if connected and working properly. You may have a dangerous situation and should have things checked by an electrician.
  18. Having spent quite a bit of time in the vicinity of Riverside, CA, I can't think of any locations with free camping, at least not that are near to the city.
  19. Sadly, you are correct. 🙄
  20. In my experience, many of those who claim to be RV technicians are actually just parts changers. They just swap parts until something seem to work. Often they have very little by way of specialized test equipment and don't always know how to use what they do have available. I believe that most independant RV technicians are better qualified than the typical tech at Camping World or most large dealerships.
  21. OK, that is helpful. Sounds like a circle route, more or less and that makes more sense. Traveling from Mt. Rushmore, if you have the time I strongly suggest a visit to Custer State Park while there. To stay in that park you will also need to make reservation soon, but not far south of Custer park is Angostura SP, which is usually less difficult to get a place to stay. SP Heading toward CO it would also not be far off your route to visit Devil's Tower NM, which also has camping. From there south I'd travel via Cheyenne, WY and if time allows you will pass close to Rocky Mountain NP. Southeast of Denver is Cherry Creek SP with camping. While we have stayed in RV parks in the Colorado Springs area, it has been too long for our advice there to be of much value.
  22. Aldi stores are in 35 states including most of the states west of the Mississippi.(I last shopped in one in TX yesterday). I suggest that you visit the Aldi Store Locator.
  23. Welcome to the Escapee forums! I would agree with the previous suggestions for an RV park near Yellowstone NP but also have a couple of comments on your route. You don't say where in Colorado you are going, but if it were me, I would change the route to visit Co. and then Mt. Rushmore, then go toward Yellowstone NP with a stop at Devil's Tower NM in route and also one in Cody, WY. Doing it in that order could save you some 400 miles if coming from the east or south, unless you are coming from the far northern part of the country.
  24. What concerns me is the assumed weights that you are using.... The proper way to compute what you can tow is to take the motorhome, fully loaded as you will to travel with all people and supplies on board to a scale and weigh the RV. The suspect area is that 2000# for people and everything the bring with them.
  25. World Health Organization Center for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)
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