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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. Not sure what happened to the first link, but it has been repaired and works once more.
  2. The Salk vaccine began to be used in 1954/55. The oral version from Dr. Sabin was not introduced to the public until the year 1960. History of polio vaccination I received the Salk vaccination (with a syringe) in school as soon as it was available and I believe a second one just prior to my graduation in 1960. I believe that I was given the sugar cube, Sabin version again by the Navy. None of this has anything to do with the question brought up by Vern in his first post. The question is, would a visit to an area that is frequented by visitors from Asia pose additional risk to the RV community of contracting the coronavirus? Based upon the current news, I personally doubt that it would, but I think that such things are decisions that each of us must make. The news from USA Today is that there are now 5 confirmed cases in the USA but only in China have there been any deaths from it and all confirmed cases thus far were contracted by visitors to that part of China. While I plan to stay current on any changes in the issue, I do not plan to make any changes in travel plans.
  3. There are also other companies with similar plans. I have not tried any of them................, yet. 🤤
  4. I just got set a link to the new Visible Group Phone Plan. Anyone heard of it and know anything about it?
  5. There was a family in the Kansas community where I grew up that had that experience with the result that their 9 or 10 month old baby did not survive. Each year there are several infants and elderly that succumb to influenza. The same for me. And I also do my best to avoid those who choose not to be vaccinated if I know. I believe that qualifies as trolling, just trying to start something. You may want to read the forum guidelines again.
  6. How do you keep the camera inside while using the toilet? And I hope that you aren't making a video! 🙄
  7. Welcome to the Escapee forums. You didn't give us any information to diagnose with but I'll give you some things to check. First make sure that both the electric supply and the water supply are both good. If then are, is it getting cold inside? Is the freezing tray full of ice but not emptying? Have you tried defrosting the unit? If you would tell us more about it, like the make and model and any other symptoms, we may be able to help.
  8. I know some folks who never wear a seat belt, but have never been injured in an automobile wreck. Perhaps we should all stop wearing them? I also had a relative who smoked all of his life and yet lived just short of 100 years with almost no health problems................. If you are interested in actual facts, rather than fiction, try this article: Key Facts About Seasonal Flu Vaccine What Vern brought up was not the common flu/influenza but Coronaviruses. If you want information about that try reading this from Web MD. ...
  9. It doesn't sound like they accommodate people with an RV.
  10. We are a long way from North Ranch. I think that 1200 miles would be a bit far for that job. 🤤
  11. I would start by discussing it with your current insurance agent.
  12. Welcome o he Escapee fio packorums! If by "bio pack" you mean some sort of waste tank chemical additive, then it should be fine.
  13. We will be there too, but will leave from near Dallas, TX and plan to make stops in Kansas and Colorado on the way. Our staff job requires us to be there early so give me a shout when you get there. I work with security so just ask any of the security team to get in touch. We always look forward to meeting new Escapee friends.
  14. Medicare supplements come in different categories called plans with a designated letter. Plan F covers all expenses that are not covered by Medicare.
  15. Welcome to the Escapee forums, Anthony! While I see no problem in using that product and many have used Rid-X and similar products with no ill effects, it probably doesn't do much for you. If you use one of those products it may speed the natural process that begins in your black tank when you add nothing at all, which is the same natural process as takes place in the first stage of a septic system. It is a natural breakdown that is enhanced when mixed with plenty of water if nothing is added to the tank to prevent the natural bacteria from doing it's work. Most of those products enhance that natural action. But they may not remove any residue that is left behind on the walls of the tank you you dump it. In a properly designed and installed sewer drain system those pipes never sit filled with liquids & solids without any movement of that liquid in the way that things do in your black tank, which is a storage tank. In the black tank everything sits still with only occasional agitation by the action of flushing if you are not traveling. In this situation the natural process does begin to change solids into liquids but because there isn't always enough time for that process to change 100% of the solids to liquids, dumping the tanks will often leave behind remnants of toilet paper and other dissolved solids which then coat the tank walls and bottom. The walls of the tank then sit exposed to air and so that the residue begins to dry and harden. It is that remaining coating that causes the cheap button type of level indicators to read incorrectly in most RVs since it also conducts electricity. The importance of removing that coating of a tank is the subject of much debate. In my experience, it has never caused me any serious problems but I also believe in prevention rather than correction and so I have used a cleaning solution in our black tank from time to time while traveling. I have never paid to have our tanks cleaned by a service. This is about the time for some folks to jump in to point out that the black tank is not a septic system, which is correct but the natural process that makes a septic system work does begin in any black tank, if it isn't prevented from doing so.
  16. In this case then the switch is supplying a ground, rather than power. Not too unusual in 12V-dc circuits. Did you try checking from the switch to ground to see if the ground connection is good? It sounds like what you have is a bulb that has 12V supplied all of the time and the switch is in the return side and when depressed it then closes to supply a ground to the already energized light bulb. You could use a jumper wire from a known good ground source to either side of the 12V side of the switch to see if the light then turns on.
  17. For us, it was probably a least 5 times in12 years and it was only Pam who had that need. In our first year there was 1 emergency room visit for stitches, the others were all to emergency physician service clinics. After our first 7 years we shifted to Medicare but the experience was no different.
  18. That is due to the fact that the 2010 was one of the years that also recommended the removal of use #34 which supplies power to the electronics relays if the ignition key is in any position other than locked. That was part of the instructions in the owner's manuals, starting about 2007. I never removed ours because I also never towed for more than about 5 hours, but for those who did tow for long periods, it was needed. The instruction was in your owner's manual. I'm not sure what the longest towing time was for us with the 2009, but I have known several others who did as we did and I also knew some who ran a 12V supply lead from the motorhome to the RV to keep the battery up. I also knew some who installed a switch in the fuse #34 wire. Again, follow the directions in your owner's manual.
  19. HOnda CR-V was flat towable in all models for model years 1998 through 2014 but has not been towable since that time. We flat towed a 2001 model an all wheel drive, automatic transmission one for about 60k miles then traded for a 2009 automatic that we towed perhaps 30K. The years that it was towable have instructions in the owner's manual but basically you just let it idle for 3 minutes, then run through all gears, going from drive into neutral, turn off the key, leaving the wheel unlocked and tow. You need to do that every 8 hours if you travel longer than that.
  20. A few years ago, we spent the winter at Shark Valley working as naturalist rangers.(2008/9) My job was to give amphitheater talks about alligators and to lead nature walks around the visitor center area. In preparation, I went through seasonal ranger training followed by a week with the park's alligator study team. It was a great experience and I was the nearest ranger when a young girl rode her bike into the canal and struck a 10' long gator. While the girl was frightened as were her family and everyone who saw it happen, the gators all ran for their lives in fear and there were no injuries, other than to the nerves of all of us nearby. The mom was first to the girl, followed seconds later by myself. It could well be that my experience was not the only incident of this sort, but I think that your tour guide has a talent for creative storytelling. .
  21. We are assuming that you have tried a new light bulb? I know that sounds simplistic but also know someone who spent hours troubleshooting a light failure on an appliance and then paid to have a tech discover one burned out.
  22. Welcome to the Escapee forums! The reason your sales people won't usually answer on the ability to tow a vehicle is either that the answer is you can't and they want you to buy anyway, or they do not know. The first place to look is in the vehicle's owner's manual. A good place to research what vehicles to look at is the annual Dinghy Towing Guides from Motor Home magazine. If you wish to have some ideas on what to shop for, REMCO Towing has a list of recommended vehicles as well as a place to look up each vehicle to see if it needs modified and if there is a kit to make it towable. There are a lot of choices out there, but there are even more than can't be towed or that must be modified. Many people tow for many happy miles using a vehicle that has been equipped with a REMCO kit to make it towable.
  23. Welcome to the Escapee forums! Please do fill in a few of the answers asked and perhaps a bit more about the RV and we can be of much more help. Before you try your RV without any utility connections, I suggest that you go somewhere with full connections, then fill your water tank and leave all utilities disconnected and see how long you can go before you need them. Depending on what generator you have, you probably won't be able to use the RV air conditioner when powered from it. This will also let you determine how long your fresh water will last and how long it will take to fill the two waste tanks. Those are important things to know before you go out with your family and have no utilities.
  24. The normal process is for the fan to start and run for a time to purge any remainder of gas from the combustion chamber before the ignition sequence starts. The same motor turns both the blower for distributing heat and the one supplying combustion air. If the pop is happening before the fan starts, that would indicate a failure of the purge cycle to take place. This leads me to suspect the igniter circuit board. It normally has that delay built into it.
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