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Kirk W

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Everything posted by Kirk W

  1. That is exactly what caused us to step back from fulltime RV life and revert to part-time. With Pam having had both her ankle and her hip replaced with metal, major stomach issues and procedures, and last year back surgery, we were not only restricted in travel time but found it very difficult for her in an RV and for me to assist her in it. But life has been good to us and we continue to use our RV for months at a time, which helps us deal with missing life on the road. Access to Medicare does change some aspects of the healthcare issue, but health problems and issues related to have a far greater impact on the ability to continue as a fulltimer. We were fortunate to have had healthcare insurance provided by my past employer for our years prior to age 65 and that was also before the passage of the ACA changed the playing field so totally. But I have not forgotten what fulltime travel was like and we still spend as much as five continuous months on the road too keep us pretty current on most aspects of RV life. It is very important to remember something that we had failed to grasp as we went on the road for life. The part that we failed to fully realize was that twenty years of even the best retired lifestyle would still require us to experience twenty years of physical aging and all of the physical changes that age brings.
  2. I suppose it just depends on the sort of care you want.
  3. Are you telling me that you know of doctors who will accept another doctor's diagnosis of a continuing medical issue such as diabetes or some other problem that requires continuing treatment and just continue to treat a patient in the manor of the previous doctor with no testing of his own? In our 12 years on the road we used the local emergency medical services for issues similar to those of Barb, but for issues requiring maintenance medications such as high blood pressure, prostate enlargement, diabetes, acid reflux and similar ongoing medical issues we went back to our primary care physician because no doctors could be found to just accept our primary care doctor's diagnosis, partly because they often choose to treat differently and then only after their own testing and diagnosis.
  4. I suggest that you start by downloading a copy of the service manual from Bryan RV website. Have you done any trouble shooting at all? What does the pop seem to appear to be, mechanical, electrical arc, gas ignition, or...............? I'm no sure that I can offer much without more information to go on.
  5. Please share with me how you find doctors who will prescribe medications based upon the previous doctor's tests and diagnosis. I have some experience in that area and the only time that was the case was when we had a reason to stay with our son and his doctor gave Pam a 2 month prescription for meds to get us back to TX, after speaking with her doctor by phone. Most will not do so because of malpractice insurance issues.
  6. You will probably get between 6 and 8 miles per gallon of gasoline which means somewhere between 300 and 450 gallons. Gasoline prices average about $2.55 at present but they vary widely with the highest prices in California and Oregon and lowest in Texas and some other southern states. In California it is around $3.55 and in Texas it is about $2.58. Of course, there is no way to predict if prices will increase while you are here but this should give you some information to work with.
  7. I didn't warn anyone??? I did mention the continued use of them but nothing at all to say that it was wrong. You were the one to add that. Since the numbers are never reused, I'd assume that it does remain yours. I do know of several others on the forums who do the same and have done so for years. Until you mentioned it, I had no idea that you were not currently active. Unless someone says they aren't active, how would one know? I have never known what "misuse" means but will ask since it matters to you.
  8. We got ours out of Livingston, TX and all of the Escapees residing there who I know about do the same.
  9. That is true. As far as I know, there is no rule prohibiting the use but it does mean that the use of an SKP number does not mean that the person posting is a member, only that they were at one time. While there is a rule prohibiting misuse of the SKP numbers but I really don't know exactly what it prohibits. Probably the making up of one if you never had one?
  10. Welcome to the Escapee forums! I would assume that the trailer is stored 4 hours from you. I am doing some searching but so far have found nothing of use to you. I'll do some more looking and hopefully others who know more will join in soon.
  11. I took the question to be related to the "extended warranty" subject, but I suspect that you are correct. If so, the manufacturer of the chassis should take care of it without any sort of warranty requirement.
  12. You did noting wrong and in fact most of us would do the same. Please do not be offended by the remarks made by some of our members. Sometimes we are not good with words and so put things poorly, sometimes we may just be in a crabby mood, and some respond to a post without bothering to read all of the previous replies and so repeat the same things which were previously said. Most of the time the person responding does mean well, even when it doesn't sound that way. By all means do not hesitate to bring your problems here as there are usually people about who can help. Also, none of the Escapee management reads these forums on a regular basis and even those who administer the forums do not read every post or visit every day. They generally try to be as hands off as possible and anyone is allowed to join the forums, even when they are not and never have been members of the club and even a few or the regulars were once members but have allowed their membership to drop, but still display the membership number that was assigned to them, even if it has been years since they belonged.
  13. I am in no way implying that you are being deceitful. What I do wonder is why you do not call the Escpaee office so that you can speak directly to someone there? That would be the most effective way to get your questions answered and you could see why you have not received the mentioned welcome letter. Phone 936-327-8873 or 888-580-8444
  14. I am not familiar with the term "TSB" but assume that you are asking about a product usually marketed as an Extended Warranty? If I am correct in what you are asking, the Extended Warranty products are in fact an insurance policy to cover failures within your RV, tow vehicle, or any product that happens to sell one. It operates similar to a health insurance policy in that they always have a deductible, they usually limit what things they will pay for and may have a maximum that they will pay out. In the RV world these policies come in two types, inclusionary and exclusionary. In the first type only the listed items are covered for payment while the second covers everything that is not listed as excluded. The second is the kind that one should buy if they choose to get one. I suggest that before you buy such a product, you take the time to read this article from Escapees Magazine.
  15. Since there have been no responses, I'd suggest that you contact your dealer.
  16. Let me suggest that you start by reading a little bit about just what domicile really is and how you get one. This article was written by 2 attorneys who work with Escapee members. The Ultimate Guide to Establishing Your Domicile as an RVer Next, read the article Florida, A Place to Call Home. These two articles should help to answer your questions but do not hesitate to come back with specific issues since we have members who are using the Escapee Florida address for domicile.
  17. It would help to know what brand and model your furnace is, but it does sound like it is probably a bad igniter probe. It may be just dirty, but replacing it would be a better bet.
  18. Any 2 large loads at one time, along with the smaller things that operate on a routine basis. If you are used to living with 50a service you probably will sometimes have restrictions.
  19. Since your present terminals are not marked for s & I, it would be my guess that you have what John is describing here. If the previous solenoid had S & I terminals then you probably should replace it with one of that type. That is only true for solenoids that use the S & I terminals. If yours will engage by applying 12V across the two small terminals, that means that you don't have the S & I type of setup. If the solenoid uses a case ground then it should engage with +12V applied to the S terminal and the negative connected to the mounting case. If you use an ohm meter you can determine which you have because you will read a very low resistance between the two small terminals and open between either one and the case, if you have the type without any S & I terminals.
  20. My memory is a little sketchy on this too, but I did help a neighbor to put a very similar one into his lawn tractor but the spade connectors on his were stamped with an S & an I. In searching I was able to find this picture that may help. It isn't the same starter, but I suspect that the connections are the same. While that may be true, I have never seen one connected any other way. There is good reason for that on a motorhome as it means that by using the cross connect you can start the generator to help if the chassis battery is discharged or visa versa.
  21. It also changes with any change of carrier, or at least it does for a rural route. For 8 years our mail was delivered to a cluster mail box with several large package boxes at the bottom and a key would be in the package recipient's mailbox. For the first 5 0r 6 years any mistake in the mail delivery was rare and always meant that the carrier was on vacation and a substitute brought our mail. Then our carrier retired and the new ones seem to just spread the mail among the cluster boxes in a random order and the key for the box with a package is rarely in the proper box. The community refers to the mess as the USPS's new, get to know your neighbor plan.
  22. Like John, I think that your starting battery is very suspect and suggest that you take it to a battery store and ask them to load test it. Most places will do this with no charge. What you describe is typical of a very old and sulfated battery. I would also emphasize the point he made about that 30Ω resistance to ground is better, but still poor unless you have a meter that is not accurate. Resistance to ground should measure 5Ω or less. It could be either a bad connection or perhaps a bad cable between the solenoid and the ground post. I would try measuring the cable for resistance.
  23. At one time I did have that information, but have long since lost or deleted it. I suggest that you just put in a change of address to your new address with the TX-DMV and see what happens. For your driver's license, do that same thing with TX-DPS and also online. If you should run into problems, contact the Escapees business office. When we moved from Ft. Worth to Livingston I did it that way with no problem. I have since that moved again to Smith County and more recently to Dallas County and also online for each change.
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